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How does the game fit into the theme?
With only your left and right arrowkeys, you must steer your ship to dodge bullets and align your weapons to blast away your enemies. You can't stop moving forward. Good luck and have fun!
What premade assets did you use if any?
Music by Nekonosuke
Sounds from SONISS GDC archive.
What are the Discord usernames of everyone on your team?
Zenophobia, Nickonhawk
Did you use MiniScript for your entry?
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love the simple graphics and lighting effects
awesommmmmmeee! love the aesthetic!
That was so fun, I really enjoyed it, this is levels of addicting good job!
Very nice game, the mechanics of upgrading the ship and its combinations make it very replayable. The music and art with its scene transitions are very well done.
A very complete game, good job! :D
Absolutely fricking love this game!!! I think I havent even played my own game for this long. Actually crazy how addicting it is to get over powered just to be put in your place by literally a hundred enemy ships. After act 1 my only fear was that that was it. Amazing game man!!!
I have one question: The game allowed me to stack multiple items in one slot but i could never figure out if that actually applied these changes to the ship. Could I just stack 10 weapons in 1 slot?
Thanks for the feedback! The weapon stacking is a bug that I introduced last minute when I deleted some unused code. Turns out that code had use after all!
I already have the fix ready but we can't modify the files until after the jam is over.
Omg music totally rocks! i love the upgrade system being related to the inventory slot system too.
Really fun! I like the basic ideas a lot! Reminds me of a star wars spaceship me and my brother made when we were kids! Good work, the polish is great too.
Really fun! I like the basic ideas a lot! Reminds me of a star wars spaceship me and my brother made when we were kids! Good work, the polish is great too.
Really polished game! I especially like the upgrade feature. I feel like the camera movement could be a bit more smoove though (also because it rotates with the player). Maybe not rotating the camera at all would work.
Fantastic, I love games with customizable vehicles and this game does that great. Reminded me of Istrolid.
Very nice feedbacks. The game is very satisfying! I really enjoyed it!
Congratulations on this game! It's really well-designed and feels super complete. There are so many different gameplay combinations, and the difficulty is really well-balanced, it starts off easy but gradually becomes quite challenging towards the end, giving players time to build up their skills!
The controls are also great, and I really liked the ability to customize the ship. 🚀
Great game for a game jam, had a lot of fun playing it!
Really fun! I found a fun bug, you can put multiple upgrades on the same field and if you then die they are still there the next run lol
Thanks! And yeah that bug was introduced last minute when I deleted some unused code. Turns out the code had a use after all! As they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I really like mechanics of this kind, and the visual style fits them well.
Good game! Very like the ship add on each level !
It was fun to play. Love how weapon works. But here is some problem with balance, drill is OP.
Cool iteration on the vampire survivor idea with the movement. Also that explosion animation is just chef's kiss! Good job! Enjoyed it.
Had a great time playing! If you’re into platformers, my game throws a nerd into gym madness—let me know what you think!
A lot cool things going on from multiple ship select to a load of maps and wepons overall Good game !
am rated your game, rate mine too please :)
this is my game