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It was funny how squid was inking my whole screen realy well done

On the end i was screaming for more levels. Cool a bit addicting puzzles 

simple hard and fun, Art style of maps is well made nice game

Well done. althought i didnt know whats XP is doing until it run out and i lost thought they were expirince points or somthing idk.. good mechanics overall i enjoyed it combat fell fast tho

Purrfect game 

i felt like a snail while waiting for another fish to catch on, relaxing good game overall

Good one althought idk if i want to see upgrades behind car while driving feels a bit off to me but can get used to it well made game

I acctualy menaged to bug it on boss floor i died on same time he reached full health and after restart boss wasnt even there but i couldt cross past the place where he supose to be cus i kept dying there after few restarts game crashed haha  for the moment i thought is that a feature ...

Thank you for playing. Yeah there's no audio in game there are settings for it but I run out of time to add any sound into game. Im sorry about that.

Short story yet with amazing message leaved me speachless on the end for a moment..  Super interesing puzzle maps well done

Creative approch to thame, althought maybe some losing mechanic would make it more satysfaing i liked how PC were blue screened nice game

After playing my instruction reading skills improved. well made game 

about 300 i picked too much carrots on the end and he run faster then i could see hahaha

So cool relaxing game from music to visuals real well made mechanics

Nice visuals and audio.. but truly nothing can go wrong so just a bit "hard" game.

Game keeping pressure on me to move fast very good mechanics fitting theme very well. It was funny with monkeys knocking door

Ugh this bananas i kept picking them, they look edible. it feels like a finished game well done 

So funny i love the time slowing its make it 100% more hilarious. Just perfect game 

interesing game stroyrich i enjoy them but i dont know movment felt a bit out of control making it realy hard to beat game. I the sound effect are neat.

On first try it's rly chaotic i have sometimes no clue what to do, but make sense enjoable

that was fun.. I figured out that i can beat clock and fish without moving just shoting at right place kinda easy. good work

i wanna destroy that tutorail robot damn this litta....  Rly neat mechanics althought i only used left click and heal,  few times shift cus healing is overpowered should cost more energy now its making game easy to complete without doing any dodges.. Awsome art and sfx 

i enjoed how the hook works real neat work sfx feel good well done game

Quite hard to get into controlling ship but art and music are neat nice game

Orginal bosses each is uniqe very good execution keep it going

A very solid and polished game .. Battles feel sometimes a bit too long some phases could be shorter adding momentum to fight.. but for sure they were enjoyable fights with good attack patterns

This is so rigged almost like real gammbling..... love it 

Simple and funny , yet maybe i would add a charge button on keyboard to just use one hand to play without using mouse for charging, Very cool aproach to theme hammster spinning his ball Hahaha

hella drunk game 

Thank you for playing and commenting ! ill look into this bugs looks like collisions do not work like they should.. Yeah 2nd boss was even harder before he was reworked good few times and still may be too hard even with easy patterns hahah 

Neat game from art to fights. Kinda wepon change feels useless when you can max lvls on one wepon or i missed somthing while playing 

Amazing art style i liked it .... i think you can reduce this screen shakes a bit hahah

i cant belive there was one boss only :c , good concept keep it going althought reloading is hard and some times leaves you without fighting abillity when your tail is too short

Well made sfx Boss attacks are neat some were way too hard to dodge and parry..

(1 edit)

Crashed right after first death.. Game is realy neat i like this style fight feelt a bit slow but enjoable 

honestly i couldnt beat first boss even after 15mins of trying. Doing 2 things at the same time feel a bit odd, manage inventory and dodge boss attacks its fun but on the same time i want to have some more controll over fight without needing to look away to drag item on spot.. Art,Sfx are very good controls and fight need some polish overall its cool game but way too hard

Thanks for playing... First boss has some issues on Web version, althought they are rare to happen... I should have put somthing in code to prevent it Hahaha

Boss looks amazing.. Opening door was true challenge.. It is also hard to pull out full spin power durning fight.. Sometiems i lost sight of player... Fighting with boss feels good Art style is cool tho

Realy good things going on... I would say map need a bit more polish and it was sometimes frustrating to get a correct ingredient because of slow spinning.. overall well made game i like it