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One RuleView game page

Unity Game Jam 2022 Submission
Submitted by Oluwapelumi Ayeni (@xadegamer), Macrobyte — 13 minutes, 32 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
User Experience#63.6503.650
Usage of Theme#183.3003.300

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I liked game, also I liked background music.


Really pretty graphics and effects throughout the gameplay. I liked the feedback messages for each hit as well.


Thanks for the feedback, I think I mentioned it previously, but it would have been so cool if we had time to sync up songs to the things, but oh well.


FANTASTIC graphics. It looks so incredibly polished! I really like the intro screen and how the light turns on and off by itself. The color palette is really pleasing as well, and the music goes great with the visuals. With a bit of polish on getting the music to sync up, this game would be perfect!

I was really impressed with the options screen and the fact that you get those little 'Hit!' messages. I'm learning that little bits of UI feedback like that can really make or break a game experience, and so I really appreciate when I see that someone took the time to put them in!


Our artist did an incredible job, and so did our programmer. I am a programmer myself but because this was my first jam I wanted to learn something new, so I was responsible for doing the menu screens, I just wish I had enough time to complete the UI elements for the main game.

Thank you very much for the feedback, this is really making me want to do more of these.


Very nice. Perhaps turn the lights on (felt like security checking if I was doing my job, nice touch) if I missed a button(not sure if it did it when I missed or if it was random). I really enjoyed this game especially the feeling when you click the keys (that vibration), very nicely done in such a short sprint


The security thing you mentioned would be a nice idea. Thanks so much for the support!


Good job. Super fun game I played it 10 times.


I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks!


Loved it! Obviously, with the time constraint, it was not possible to have something like a custom music track that matches the gameplay perfectly, but it did not detract from fun. If anything, it acted as extra challenge because I had to rely on visual cues and not let the audio distract me, which I ended up quite liking. I think it became a feature, honestly, because it made it feel like it was a twist on the genre.


Thank you! Yeah, I wish we got the sync to work, maybe we will do an update to fix it but idk. It was definitely fun to do it in 48 hours .


That was a great tune, and also great work doing a rhythm game in 48 hours! I got really far, when it started doing multiple keys at the same time, my brain couldn’t keep up haha fantastic work!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the kind words really, we are happy people are finding the game fun. Maybe in the future we'll update it :).

Edit: I loved your game btw, it reminded me of Baba is you, idk if you got inspired by it but regardless you did a great job.


This is a fun game, I like the aesthetics and music for this game, though the beats don't seem to quite line up with the waste.


It turns out getting the music to sync isn't that easy, that's why we left that "default song", but we wanted to be able to use any song.
Thanks for the feedback, and yeah our artist did an amazing job, if it wasn't for them, it would probably look much worse xD


a incredibly fun rhytm game, i love the feedback when you hit or miss a note, so satisfying 


Thank you for the feedback!


Well done, this is fun! My highscore is in the 41 thousand, might come back to try and beat it :)

One suggestions from me would be to use four keys that are in a line instead of the arrowkeys to make it a bit more intuative. But I can also see why you'd go for the arrows to reference dance dance revolution and similair games.


Thanks, yeah that's a good idea, it would definitely be more user-friendly.
Your game looks amazing btw!


Nice game:) 


Thank you very much!