Fellow Unity Developers post the links to your games from Day 2!
Here is mine: A game about a rocket crusing thorugh planets: https://itch.io/jam/day-2/rate/2189505
Here is my day 2 version of Would You Rather: https://itch.io/jam/day-2/rate/2189600
a game, that's a game... just add more game - https://bunnyviking.itch.io/flyinvikings-unity-2022
here’s my and Fomni’s laser puzzle game: https://kuzmaskill.itch.io/lazer-not-found
Here is mine. It has a Giant Sentipede! Giant Centipede by IggyWise (itch.io)
Day 2 of City Bus Chase, now called Rouge Bus! Rouge Bus (Unity Project) by devCat (itch.io)
Day 2 of a 3D platformer with powerups: https://itch.io/jam/day-2/rate/2190143
Top down game where you play as a sandstorm: https://the-e21.itch.io/sandstorm-day-2-unity
Here's mine!
I took both Drifty Car and A Slime Appears and combined them into a single project on my day 2. It's a card battler where you have to drive around to pick up cards before you run out of time.
Mine is a 2D top-down Space themed game with fun physics!: https://itch.io/jam/day-2/rate/2190202
2D endless runner with fun "switch dimension" component! https://itch.io/jam/day-2/rate/2190239
Made with Unity (2022.3.0f1) for Day 2, where you play as a character who can control a ghost and can switch places with the touch of a button. Has a pause screen, main menu scene, transition between scenes and written with some good clean code for the next developer. Link: https://swayam2004.itch.io/phantom-traverse-unity
would any nice of you dev consider my game of day2, no one have worked till now at it, plz someone work on it.https://itch.io/jam/day-2/rate/2189575