190 entries were submitted between 2023-04-01 10:00:00 and 2023-04-08 10:00:00. 3,121 ratings were given to 170 entries (89.5%) between 2023-04-08 10:00:00 and 2023-04-22 10:00:00. The average number of ratings per game was 16.4 and the median was 15.
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #82 | 3.151 | 3.385 |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #82 | 3.294 | 3.538 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #107 | 3.366 | 3.615 |
Overall | #141 | 2.721 | 2.923 |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #154 | 2.363 | 2.538 |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #167 | 1.432 | 1.538 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #38 | 3.795 | 4.077 |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #57 | 3.366 | 3.615 |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #82 | 3.294 | 3.538 |
Overall | #93 | 3.180 | 3.415 |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #117 | 2.506 | 2.692 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #147 | 2.936 | 3.154 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #10 | 4.235 | 4.235 |
Overall | #37 | 3.588 | 3.588 |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #43 | 3.765 | 3.765 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #62 | 3.765 | 3.765 |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #84 | 3.294 | 3.294 |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #112 | 2.882 | 2.882 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #42 | 3.876 | 4.333 |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #85 | 3.280 | 3.667 |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #87 | 3.130 | 3.500 |
Overall | #89 | 3.190 | 3.567 |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #102 | 2.683 | 3.000 |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #112 | 2.981 | 3.333 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #86 | 3.270 | 3.818 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #102 | 3.425 | 4.000 |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #110 | 2.569 | 3.000 |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #117 | 2.803 | 3.273 |
Overall | #122 | 2.943 | 3.436 |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #135 | 2.647 | 3.091 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #67 | 3.063 | 3.063 |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #68 | 3.500 | 3.500 |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #80 | 3.188 | 3.188 |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #87 | 3.250 | 3.250 |
Overall | #88 | 3.200 | 3.200 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #141 | 3.000 | 3.000 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #35 | 3.588 | 3.714 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #70 | 3.657 | 3.786 |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #88 | 3.243 | 3.357 |
Overall | #101 | 3.105 | 3.214 |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #124 | 2.415 | 2.500 |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #136 | 2.622 | 2.714 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #13 | 3.895 | 3.895 |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #59 | 3.158 | 3.158 |
Overall | #76 | 3.284 | 3.284 |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #90 | 3.211 | 3.211 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #111 | 3.316 | 3.316 |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #123 | 2.842 | 2.842 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #34 | 3.579 | 3.579 |
Overall | #53 | 3.432 | 3.432 |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #55 | 3.684 | 3.684 |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #56 | 3.368 | 3.368 |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #90 | 3.211 | 3.211 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #111 | 3.316 | 3.316 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #7 | 4.051 | 4.051 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #67 | 3.692 | 3.692 |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #71 | 3.487 | 3.487 |
Overall | #73 | 3.297 | 3.297 |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #92 | 3.205 | 3.205 |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #143 | 2.051 | 2.051 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #35 | 3.578 | 4.000 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #85 | 3.578 | 4.000 |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #93 | 3.205 | 3.583 |
Overall | #97 | 3.160 | 3.533 |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #117 | 2.907 | 3.250 |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #139 | 2.534 | 2.833 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #93 | 3.205 | 3.583 |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #121 | 2.758 | 3.083 |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #133 | 2.683 | 3.000 |
Overall | #138 | 2.743 | 3.067 |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #139 | 2.162 | 2.417 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #148 | 2.907 | 3.250 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #21 | 3.727 | 4.167 |
Overall | #65 | 3.354 | 3.750 |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #68 | 3.056 | 3.417 |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #76 | 3.429 | 3.833 |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #93 | 3.205 | 3.583 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #108 | 3.354 | 3.750 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #13 | 4.040 | 4.040 |
Overall | #31 | 3.616 | 3.616 |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #46 | 3.480 | 3.480 |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #51 | 3.720 | 3.720 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #73 | 3.640 | 3.640 |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #96 | 3.200 | 3.200 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #18 | 3.938 | 3.938 |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #37 | 3.813 | 3.813 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #43 | 3.875 | 3.875 |
Overall | #44 | 3.513 | 3.513 |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #97 | 3.188 | 3.188 |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #122 | 2.750 | 2.750 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #10 | 4.000 | 4.000 |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #15 | 4.167 | 4.167 |
Overall | #26 | 3.683 | 3.683 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #31 | 4.083 | 4.083 |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #73 | 3.000 | 3.000 |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #98 | 3.167 | 3.167 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #32 | 3.918 | 3.918 |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #33 | 3.612 | 3.612 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #41 | 3.878 | 3.878 |
Overall | #45 | 3.510 | 3.510 |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #77 | 2.980 | 2.980 |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #99 | 3.163 | 3.163 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #7 | 4.323 | 4.323 |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #16 | 3.839 | 3.839 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #18 | 4.323 | 4.323 |
Overall | #19 | 3.787 | 3.787 |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #53 | 3.290 | 3.290 |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #100 | 3.161 | 3.161 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #101 | 3.151 | 3.385 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #140 | 3.008 | 3.231 |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #154 | 1.790 | 1.923 |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #159 | 2.220 | 2.385 |
Overall | #160 | 2.363 | 2.538 |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #168 | 1.647 | 1.769 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Gameplay - How fun is it to play? | #57 | 3.366 | 3.615 |
Completeness - Is it an unfinished tech-demo, prototype or a complete game? | #84 | 3.294 | 3.538 |
Overall | #98 | 3.151 | 3.385 |
Audio - Does the game have nice sfx and music? | #101 | 3.151 | 3.385 |
Theme - How well does it incorporate the theme? | #104 | 2.650 | 2.846 |
Graphics - Is the game aesthetically pleasing? | #117 | 3.294 | 3.538 |