Cool Game! It's immediately fun!
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Sweet. Couldn't beat the final boss, but really like the caveman fighting alien setting, after so much dark chtulu tentacles. Gameplay is basic, but it's alright in a game like this. I wasn't sure if the game was turn based or time based ahah, the ennemies felt like hitting me a bit randomly (I was mashing). I'm not sure why I was falling in the floor as the level progress ? Was it tied to your life ?
Ah too bad the game is unfinished, you had a lot going on there. Nice use of AI to illustrate your story, however the text was too fast or too slow, and being able to press a button to get through it would have been nice. Combat would have been okay, but I took a long time to find out how to hit ahah. Steps are way too short, really have to mash the W key here. Nice that you a cutscene with the priestress too, more ambitious than many people!
Love the ambiance and the city. The little shadow on the corner and the bad guy appearing in the distance is really cool. I didn't mind so much the minigames, but dying when you explore was a bit eh, like I was incentivized to not explore and look at your game. I got stuck at the end because I didnt manage to use the orb, but someone helped me :D Nice game!
Cool Entry! At first I felt a bit lost because I didn't know if I was this character or the party, but it became clear after a few deaths. It is nice that you don't have to start over on death. The movement speed could be a tad faster, but it was not painful to move. I am not sure what the ability did, but I clicked them anyway!
Very nice entry with ton of style! It's a bit short for sure, but it manages to setup a cool moment. Only got 3 endings. Technically, moving feel really nice, and the big voice making the camera shake is cool. Usually, I hate when you move the camera around and it makes you rotate, but you added some "snap" animation and it felt really good actually.
Thanks for playing and putting with it, even though it's not a genra that you usually like!
>Random thing I noticed is the UI would show 'Open (Enter key)' on doorways that you could just walk through seamlessly.
Yeah, my favorite game does that (you can do both), so I did it as well, but it seems to bug a lot of people. I might have to ditch it for future games.
Thanks for the nice words!
>It would be nice to add the character icons to the person talking as it's a touch hard to tell between the three
For sure yeah, I was a bit lazy to not include portraits during discussion. It would have been around 30 min of work, but I just cut it for some reason.
>I remember I had that issue years ago with a different dungeon crawler I was making in UE4, so I don't blame you too hard!
What was the cause for you ? Could help me, not make the same mistake.
>As an enjoyer of egyptian mythology, this was a fun little delve.
We call it Futaba Palace themed nowadays... Jokes aside, Thanks for playing!
>For some reason the combat music is very quiet compared to the rest of the game.
Ah! I was not crazy, this does happens. Thanks for telling me, I couldn't always tell with my headphones. I will check that at some point because I do not understand what happened
Wow, really complete game! Really like the intro and how you tell the story. You manage to give a lot of life in such tiny sprites. I too got lost in first level and couldn't find the second lever (I found one, in the lava room with a knight encounter). I gave up after because I think I would need to map it, and I just didn't start. I might come back armed with paper but more importantly, patience. I wish there would be a way to speed encounters, and to get a save in the dungeon (the kind that destroy itself when you load it), to make my experience more pleasurable.
I like the Saya no Uta-esque premise. Having a bit of Cooking Dash/Overcook is nice too. However, I got some issue as well with knowing what did the second bar meant. I thought I had to wait it was well cooked, like a sort of risk and reward, the more you wait, the more fed she is (it didnt work well).
Also be careful to check your texture filters on texture/materials in Godot, this is what gives this sort of square patterns. They bugged me for quite a while on my own games.
Game have a nice ambiance and the monster encounter made me think of the Spirit Hunter Series, which is a good thing. There was bit too many bugs, and I felt a bit lost over what I needed to do in the game. At the end, I think I met the responsible in the basement and talked to him until universe ended. I think that's a win!
I first expected it to be a simple shitpost, but it was a real crawler. I really like the work you did on textures, and the voices and the fact they would stop if you change a line. The music that change in function of your health bar was really cool as well. The controls didn't feel as snappy as I wanted to be, and having the mouse look plus rotating plus strafing on the grid felt a bit weird at time. Allowed me to attack in diagonals tho, so that was interesting.
Really nice work overall!
The day is won! You truly managed to capture the feel of old crawlers for me. I really love the first sound you hear when the level load? The bowwwwwiiiiiiiinnnnn? Well it was a fun entry. Sometimes on rest, the shader would break or something and I would play on a very dark level, but resting a couple time randomly fixed it. The fights are basic, but so does Lands of Lore. Very cool entry!
Thanks for playing! Nice of you to spot some similarities with Etrian Odyssey (I even went as far as to replicate the picnic event), I wanted to have some relentless enemy chasing you in the dungeon, but I cut it due to lack of time, as well as the targeting highlight, as you pointed.
You're the second person telling me about the shake on wall, I really love it personally, but I might disable it/reduce it done in a game I want to make in the future.
Thanks for the comment!
You should definitely check Egyptian mythology out (which I adapted loosely), because there is a lot of cool and unique stuff, but also because a lot of themes are present in other mythologies.
The riddle passage was actually from Gateless Gate, some zen book huhu:
Combat is pretty easy, but I felt like increasing the difficulty for a jam game, where people don't come to be kicked in the private parts, wouldn't be fun. Especially since a lot of people are not used to JRPG code/systems in this community.
Thanks a lot!
Very nice, plenty of stuff to like about it. The ambiance is there, and the torch/unlit area works well, there is varied tiles and it looks great all over. Monsters were so unrelenting they attacked me in the vent a couple time. I did not manage to find the exit. I kept being stuck in the bottom section/unlit area. I did find my way up a couple time, but I was persuaded that the exit was there, until all my crew got eaten up. The movement are a little floaty, and adding something to denote the steps (sound effect, some slow down or a little shake) would give a better feel.
I like this entry. With sounds on, I would probably have been too spooked to play ahah.
Damn this Skeleton doesn't joke around! A real player killer ! I managed to beat the first level but then I got cut short at the second skeleton. Music and atmosphere were on point. I loved the torch effect on the wall sprite also. I feel like there is more to it, but the skeletons won't let me ; n ;