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How was your Day 6 ?

A topic by DRAKOSEA created May 30, 2024 Views: 397 Replies: 23
Viewing posts 1 to 7

Well it's been already past 6 days since the jam start. Now we have less than 4 days left.

I remembered last year I was just chilling and didn't put as much effort as this year. I mean I half given up after I tried for 3 days to make the model and failed, so I rushed things and finished Rabbit Dimensions in Day 8.

Now let's talk about my progress.

Yesterday, I made the model for Debris which will be use as scene obstacles. Then I finished all the generic SFXs which will be use across the game.

Just before I start posting here, I made the UI to show the print message which will be shown how I made the Horizontal build that I'd been recommended people to do. I think many experienced people knew about this method but never really think about the name. Well I never thought of the name until Timothy Cain talked about it on his YT video.

I decided to recorded the video and uploaded on YT to show the current build of my game. But here is the problem that I wanted you guys to know.

I tried to packaged the game several times. However, all those stupidly changing the configurations was wasted. The game build only ran the code for game mode which only shown the UI. Then the player controller also there because I tested it. But somehow the game is all black except for that UI.

Well at first I thought it might be because of the light settings. Because I set both directional light and sky light to 0.2 for intensity. It's actually alright in editor, but why was the screen completely black?

Then I tried to see if the game is running on the level which I put on the blocks. Well it didn't run the code I put in level blueprint.

So I tried to tinkering around the configuration for packaging...I wasted about an hour rebuilding and packaging stuffs.

Finally I found out that it's actually because I set the default game start scene to the main menu, which is still the black screen without anything else. So the game mode and player controller ran because they're set as default.

After I changed it into the level which I'm using, it's working fine. Though the light intensity was too high since I reset the values to default which is 10 for directional light and 1 for sky light. And the code in level blueprint didn't run, though it doesn't really matter here but I should take into consideration that this part didn't work as intended...and it seems this wouldn't provide any clue if I actually loaded into this scene and got other problems instead, so we'll have to find another way to confirm it.

Then I rebuild one last time which set the intensity for both back to 0.2

REMEMBER, try to build your game as early as possible so that you won't panick in the last minutes of the jam because some stupid problems occured similar to how I did.

Here is the video.


"REMEMBER, try to build your game as early as possible so that you won't panick in the last minutes of the jam because some stupid problems occured similar to how I did."

I agree with this 100%! We had problems when finishing up last night when we did some testing and discovered that the UI wasn't scaling correctly when the game was played in fullscreen. My teammate ended up having to completely remake the menus, so we lost some time there but thankfully we were ahead of our schedule so it hasn't destroyed our game jam attempt yet!


Better panick when we still have time :D


Exactly! And really, is a calm game jam even a real game jam? ;)


Triple agree, I built Gauntlet 2D for the first time yesterday, night before I uploaded on to itch! The biggest issue I had was UI scaling, what a pain that was. It was way off in the WebGL build. I had to finagle it to look alright super late at night. It was part of the reason I finished uploading it this morning and not last night.

Even now I had to put a disclaimer on top of my itch page saying "Play full screen for best experience". I bet if I would have done some builds earlier in development i would have caught those issues.


Isn't it always the most unexpected things that cause the biggest problems?

I'm so glad that I have the excuse of being the artist so I don't have to get involved in any coding, apart from the simple stuff. >:D

I'm finally finished for the day, so to add to todays update I will show off the splash screen that I made to celebrate the fact that we finally agreed on a "studio" name.


Like the name, like the splash screen, no notes.. 


Thank you!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Uploaded Gauntlet 2D to itch this morning and submitted to the jam, so this will be the first day of the Jam that I will get a decent night's sleep. It's fun to give a sigh of relief and enjoy seeing others progress without worrying about my own. Everyone is doing some really awesome and creative stuff.

I see you are a fellow fan of Tim Cain; I watch his videos every morning with my coffee. He's one of the developers that inspires me to develop games. Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magic Obscura is in my top 5 games list. My dream game's setting is steampunk because of that game.

I do remember that horizontal slice vid he did, your vid really shows the benefits. 30 seconds and I have a general idea of the loop and game you're going for. Really good stuff!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)


Well I'm not really Tim Cain's fan. I only "just passing by" on YT and happen to watched a lot of his videos.

I'm a big fan of self-improvements and life-long learning. So anything that seems to be interesting will be munching by me :D

Even my game built on the theme of "Sorcery Tech" wasn't influenced by Tim's games, though some people told me about Arcanum and stuffs.

The idea of "Sorcery Tech" actually originated from my personal interest in both sorcery and technological stuffs. Cyberpunk genre is one of my favorite genres. So many ideas within cyberpunk world could be explain easily by changing the law of the universe from physics into sorcery.

I originally worked on generic fantasy world with my own spins, but I wasn't that enthusiastic about it and didn't have a proper vision on the idea. So my project "Arcane Horde" seems to comes to the end because of this. I planned to use stuffs that I created within Arcane Horde and adapt into the current jam project "Abyssonance". Well they're actually easy to adopt, since they're purely gameplay systems which we could called Arcane Horde as another tech demo that I made.

I'm glad that you could easily get the context of the video I made. It's something that I think many experienced game developers should have some ideas working on it or at least have seen someone doing it.

I personally think that the "Horizontal slice" or I called it as horizontal build, is a good way to start working on the game. Maybe we don't have to make the entire game but making horizontal build for the vertical slice would be a good start in any kind of projects.

Then if we're not sure about the game scope just yet, maybe try to merge stuffs together into a bigger group like player + stats + items = player parameters. Maybe we could make bigger groups depending on the contexts and scale we're going to compare.  Afterward we could make the horizontal build in the form of miniature which we could easily scale up on paper and use them to estimate the real scope.

I'm not sure what do we call this technique, but it's when you're far away and use a ruler with a hole to estimate the height of a tree by calculating from the distance between you and the tree...yeah maybe using Pythagoras's formula to solve this in order to get the estimated height.

I just adapted the concept into estimating the scope of the game, which will be useful especially when you're working in a small team or even solo.


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I see a lot of people struggle with scope and making a horizontal slice could really help. Sorcery tech sounds really cool and the stuff you've been showing has been great. Looking forward to trying it out.


well a lot of work need to be done before it's ready, but it's getting there.


Hello, I tried your game yesterday.
It was quite fun but I didn't go far  ^^


Ayy, Thanks for checking it out! It's still wild to me that people are willing to give it a click lol. 


Almost done! 

Just to record and add sound effects and finally decide if I want a to enable or not a feature :D




YES on the feature!!!!!

haha, just kidding. I found that adding in a feature (bonus items) seriously changed the flow of my game. It made it more exciting, a bit easier to win, and really put it over the top.

If it's possible to try it out without too much time, it may be well worth the effort.


You're right it totally change he flow of the game.
I can't decide right no so I added a toogle to enable/disable it for the week-end.
I will have to make a decision monday morning ^^


which game engine are you using


Unreal Engine 4.27


ok i was reading this and then my game would not build it is tacking a realy long time to build right now i am about to publis it if you want to try it


I am done! I created a separate post if anybody wants to get a look.

Man, oh man! Talking about glitches and stupid stuff. MOST of the time, my problems are my own stupid mistakes, but at one point, Blender just stopped rendering lights. I chased it round and round only to realize it wasn't my fault.

But my FUNNIEST bug was audio that just kept playing instead of the one cut. I drove myself up a wall until I realized that one of my audio exports was actually ALL the audio cuts in one long file. Doh!!!!

Good luck and have fun, everyone!


Restart the software is one of my first attempts toward fixing bugs :D


I think I'm done, I just need to do some final testing and get it uploaded. It has all the basics of a game. haha Hope it's fun.