Is there any more to be said?
That would be yes because this is a review
Overall, the gameplay is a pretty fun two-phase cycle where you try to balance luck with skill. I will treat the three aspects separately, as they play entirely different.
PHASE 1: The Stocks
This part is hard to figure out at first, but it is pretty neat once you get the hang of it. Shifting the different briefcases (That work on a high risk/high reward system) is pretty neat, especially once you mix in the ability to change their scale of investment. This system makes the game "Tick" very well, as you must strategically place them in such a way to have maximum profit... if you are permitted to risk it, of course. This mechanic is pretty fun, although I did feel that the odds weren't in my favor most of the time.
PHASE 2: The Misery Pit The Office
Much unlike the previous aspect of the game, this one relies on the player's pure skill alone. No luck involved. Unless of course, your employees decide to go to the movies for the 30th time this week, but I will get to that later. Clicking on the employees increases their hatred of this workplace the amount of cash they generate. You must keep their stress levels low however, or there will be the possible penalty of them going on strike for overworking them unknown reasons. This bit is simple, but it helps the game flow vastly.
PHASE 3: Profits/Penalties
Depending on how/what you do, the results of each day will be good or bad. If you invested to little/too much, you have your stocks stolen from you. If you overwork your employees politely tell your employees to do slightly extra work, you have your cash generator work family stolen from you. This really makes you think about the consequences of your actions as you play, and it makes the game fun. There are also random events that may occur involving your servants employees that may make them unable to come the next day.
I loved this entry, it has good art and music and gameplay. I could see this being expanded upon as a full release, with extra events occurring (e. g. Stock market crash, all investments that day are risky, or being able to expand the suitcase in more directions to make them fit better with the allotments). The tutorial could use some refining, but overall this entry sat well with me. Good game.
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