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A member registered Jul 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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Nice concept.

Graphically nice with lots of particles. There seems to be a motion blur and occasional lag a which makes the slippery movement hard to control

Really liked the wall jumps, but sometimes seems to get stuck on the wall

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Reminds me of those crappy mobile ads, but actually done well

I probably shouldn't have saved all of the armory blades for the end. Got a score of 24 million

Don't expect anyone to really do it, so I'll put it here

The first 3 steps are pretty important

  • forward 2, left 1
  • forward 2, left 1
  • forward 1. right 1

After that, just move forward at least 2 steps at a time

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Thanks! That was the intended way of getting through the stage,

There is actually a specific path (by manipulating the enemy's ai) for the warrior to get there alone

Interesting demo. It's like if portal got a shrink ray instead of a portal gun.

Would like to see more levels using the mechanic

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Fun little casual game. A bit too easy in that there really isn't anything that needs to be done and you'll still eventually win.

A good change of pace from the rest of the jam games I've tried so far

Also, the intro text takes a bit too long in my opinion

Great puzzle design with the scaling mechanic. Took me a while to beat all 18 stages

Shattering the enemy gnomes was nice

Mouse sensitivity was too high and moving it turns the player while moving the crosshairs making it very difficult to aim.  Also, I found that there was no limit to the fire rate so rather than aiming, I just spammed shots like it was a machine gun.

(3 edits)

Nice and short card game with great art.

Interesting gameplay, but it often felt too random regarding the cards I have and the enemy ai

Not too sure what part is built to scale here though. Is it the deck size?

Edit: I didn't look at the description

Really nice. Reminds me of modded minecraft with the machines and blocky output.

Would be nice if the assembler shows the content and out of how many are required for the recipe

Similar experience to Jugan0. Thought it was just an issue on my device alone.

Would've liked to try the game since it sounds interesting

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There’s a golden stick in the back to put the warrior on. There’s no way to damage the boss while small, so the challenge is to get the warrior there without dying

Nice ball rolling game with in interesting mechanic

Using the cursor to control made gameplay much more difficult than it should be, since it doesn't seem to match where it's pointing

Simple game. Reminds me of a youtube video I saw recently

After certain ratios, it doesn't seem to matter where I put the scale (around 1/1000 and beyond) since its going to be off significantly anyways. Maybe percent error would be a better metric

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Really cool tetris variation!

Got a high score of exactly 10000

Fun concept with low poly aesthetic. Nice twist on tower defense

Was playing with the sheeps for a while until I realized they didn't actually do anything

Would be nice to know where an enlarged object would hit

Unfortunately the game crashes pretty quickly

I got no clue what's going on and why I suddenly went from building a weapon in a dungeon crawler and then it suddenly turned into a level of minecraft dropper.

Graphically is nice, but incoherrent

Might be interesting to expand upon, maybe requiring you to build a weapon with a specific path/order of parts that lets you do the drop in one go, with upgrades to assist in the process

Nice style, but playing in first person with constantly changing/moving tiles feels more frustrating than fun as it's quite disorienting.

Also quite a few of the edges of the map are death traps that I cannot seem to get out of due to downward sloping terrain with invisible walls

Interesting idea.

I see the best way to save yourself from crippling depression is to just lock everything out :P

Funny names and overall a great looking platformer.

Really liked the stage where it was almost like geometry dash with protein shakes

Wall jumps are quite a bit more difficult when you can't slide on walls. Maybe input queuing would help there?

Only part I don't like would be the blind drops

This is a neat platformer.

Was it intentional that the weight doesn't stack? For some stages, I just put the biggest one on top of the smallest one and still get crazy jump height

Really like the pixel art for this game. Overall a great tower defense game. Dragging towers didn't always work properly but that's probably a minor issue. Would be nice to see it built upon with more variety of towers and enemies. And probably a bigger map

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Really nice fantasy tabletop aesthetic and music

Unfortunately the game lags pretty badly for my machine when playing on web. Also, I couldn't go full screen. These too together made it quite a bit more difficult trying to play it fast.

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Relaxing spore like game.
Can't tell if oversized asteroids are actually damaging me. Also, not sure what the upgrades do since there's no description to the names.

Main issue would be the use of tank controls making movement more difficult than necessary since the black hole is sliding all over the place

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Very interesting hive building.

I'm assuming the modules being destroyed by the enemy means I lose the bonus, which makes it quite an interesting concept

Only complaint would be that the camera is zoomed in too much, and the enemy is already charging at me before they even become visible

Very interesting with the time scaling. I enjoyed making it 1000x and just seeing what happens

Only was able to do it with about a deltaV of 1400. Quite a funny name for fuel

My main complaint would be how small the rings are around the asteroids. Made it quite difficult with the low margin of error we're working with

Very cool idea.

I didn't know how much to exploit the workers at first, but it seems to be three tiers and three sweat marks. Also the penalties are a bit vague I did like the summary though.

Only complaint is lack of info on the stock being selected and lack of impact/reliability compared to workers. Mostly just picking randomly

Very cool idea.

I didn't know how much to exploit the workers at first, but it seems to be three tiers and three sweat marks. Also the penalties are a bit vague I did like the summary though.

Only complaint is lack of info on the stock being selected and lack of impact/reliability compared to workers. Mostly just picking randomly

Very nice graphics and music

I do like crafting games, and the shop quests seems interesting

My only issue would be that there's a lack of incentive to precraft/stash items. It was probably due to the mythic buff I picked up by day 2, but the gameplay became extremely easy

Very nice graphics

My only issue would be that there's a lack of incentive to precraft/stash items. It was probably due to the mythic buff I picked up by day 2, but the gameplay became extremely easy

Would like to see how this gets more fleshed out.

After getting all of the scales and C penetration, it seems that the damage is capped and doesn't improve further.

Would be interesting if we get musical scores/snippets that gets played instead of the repetitive sequence.

Also, for anyone reading, it seems that there isn't a cap on manual click speed, so using an autoclicker might be the best way to maximize damage

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Very atmospheric, but also kinda boring which I suppose is the point.

At least there's a gaint guy to keep track of time for me

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Very cool mechanic that reminds me of russian dolls and snappy gameplay to go with it.

Also, great music choice that matches the environment. 

Fun take on 2048 mechanic.

It feels similar to roguelikes where you get various buffs, and being able to freely change the size of the board stands out quite a bit

Cute game.

Maybe it's just my machine, but it starts lagging quite a bit after a while

Also, I find it quite funny how I can stick a ball inside the igloo and everyone is happy ignoring the penguin genocide outside

Hi Jai, sorry it wasn't clear on the interactions, I didn't have time to make a tutorial

The characters are able attempt to attack anything (including each other since I didn't code in friendly fire)

If you click the environment, you can see some description text

There is a barrel in the middle of the enemies that will kill them all. Might've been more obvious if I put a floating arrowing pointing at it

This is exactly what happened. Most of my time was spent on the programming, and not enough on the level design or interface

It definitely needs a lot more polish before I can even start comparing it with existing tactics games

Interesting puzzle mechanic.

Very cool to see that for a bunch of the puzzles, the shape is a rescaled version of the original population

The puzzle shown on the bottom of the screenshots seemed harder than the others and felt like it should've been the last one

It's a nice game, but I find it easier to play standing still since there's no firing speed limit and the enemies come from fixed directions from the player. Not sure what the death mechanic does besides extending your time a bit.

The cars crashing and flying around are quite hilarious. Unfortunately, the game seems to have quite a bit of lag and latency in the controls, so I wasn't able to enjoy it to the fullest.

Also, I would recommend adding some indication of the car's health, whether its a health bar or the car changing visually