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A Dicey DemiseView game page

​A Game about dices!
Submitted by Nikyy — 36 minutes, 6 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 23 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
There are several dices rolling and falling from the skies! Their rotatation, position and the score they give when clicked on are randomized. There's also a mode in which you literally Roll a Dice! (:

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing art

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing audio

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The dice clicking mode seems like the fact that it's dice doesn't really affect the gameplay that much?  And even with the score being randomized, that doesn't really affect what you do.  Maybe if the score were based on which side of the die you click (and the dice were in different orientations; they seemed to only be coming up with 6 on top for me) it would be more interesting?  It was still enjoyable though.

The other mode as far as I can tell seems like pure luck… is there anything else to it?  Also clicking on the add strength button a second time seems to roll the die immediately, so it doesn't actually seem to be possible to roll with more strength.


Hi! Thanks a lot for your feedback. Yes. The games are a little bit (or perhaps even a lot) messy.  The idea is rather simplistic and quite frankly a bit boring. I believe it is a start to our game dev journey, though (:. The dice not being randomized is a weird glitch or something. I don't really understand why, it works in the editor. And about the dice side think, I swear yo got we tried man, we tried, but we simoly couldn't  make it work! The 2nd mode is, i guess a needless, last minute addition. Thanks again for your feedback and have good one!


Fun idea, great start! In the dice attack mode, it might be nice to randomize the rotation of the dice just to give some more visual flair. Good work!


Simple idea. Good for to be better at reflex. Maybe you can add some more content like some dices with bad effect when player click on them etc. Good work overall ^^


Neat idea for a game. First minigame is okay and can be fun, but sometimes it doesn't register when you click on a die and that can be frustrating. Second game is just a 1 in 6 roll, not very fun, and I think instead of that you should've kept the first one and expanded more on that.


Hi :)! You asked for some feedback, so here I go. The glowing dice look quite nice and the music is well chosen; I'll focus on what you can improve though, as that should be the most helpful.

Dice Attack: The idea is very simple – that can't always be necessarily bad, but there's nothing that makes it unique. A great way to go about this is to add a catch. Why not add some dice which you shouldn't click? How about making the dice move away if you approach them from below? What if the dice were invisible and you only knew by an indicator whether you're getting closer or further away?… Jonas Tyroller made a great video you may want to watch on how to come up with ideas like that using "the BUT method".
Another thing that could help here in particular is adding variance. You could make the dice spawn with a random rotation to make them look more interesting. Another thing to consider is randomising the pitch of the sound when you click on them.

Dice Tosser: Predicting a dice roll isn't very fun on its own. The decision is meaningless as the chance is always 1 over 6! I would recommend watching this video on where to look for the fun.

Congrats on joining the jam and hope that helps :).


Hi! Thanks a lot for the feedback. Also thanks for all the links. Very helpful stuff. We appreciate it a lot! See you around and have a good day!


Fitting soundtrack for the game. Wish that there is a button to return to main menu instead of needing to reload the page to play the other game mode.


Hi! Thanks for playing our game. Also a very big thanks for leaving a review (: That is indeed quite a problem that we unfortunately did not have time to fix. Thanks again and cheers!

The post processing and effects on this game look really neat.


Hello! We really appreciate you playing our game and leaving some "crispy" feedback. Thanks a lot. We're glad you like it. Good day!


I think with a few more additions (maybe pts being added based on the face showing to the player) and clean up, the dice attack game could be something fun to pass the time with. Kinda wish you spent more time on that rather than adding in the gambling game-it felt tacked on as a last minute addition. Overall, I think dice attack has potential (and them glowing was a nice touch^^)

Developer (2 edits)

Hi! Thanks for playing our game and most importantly, thanks for the feedback. It really helps a lot and we appreciate every bit of it.  And yes, I agree with you. The more we think about it, the more we regret not spending more time polishing/upgrading the Dice Attack.  Oh well, lesson learned for our next game jam. :D Have a good day, mate!

(1 edit)

Interesting game (pack?)

Apart from the ugly colors of the main menu (for next time, I recommend looking at some color pallets online, as they can help build harmonious color schemes really easily) the presentation isn't too bad as the glowy aesthetic works fine with the simple models, but I'd maybe work on the fonts (especially their colors). A few things to spice the game up a little bit would be: spawning the dice in DA a little bit higher so you cannot see the spawn in; giving the dice in DA a random spin strength and direction in order to produce more interesting visuals; replaced the number in DT's strength gauge with a bar that would gradually fill up as you click on the button.
The gameplay of both games is really simple, but I suppose it works well enough: Dice Attack is the one I enjoyed most of the two, it's basically a glorified aim-trainer, but so be it. Dice Tosser was definitely the weaker of the two for me, as the combination of its simplicity (even more so than DA) which reminded me of a project you make when first learning about Random in a programming language, combined with literally no reward as you state yourselves in the game's description and no way to influence the dice apart from the strength, it just felt really pointless and boring - and while that may or may not be a critique of gambling, either way, it makes for not a great game. A small, but fatal flaw I had notice is that I could not for the life of me find any way to exit out of a minigame, so you have to alt+f4 to change minigames, which doesn't seem right.
As a sidenote, I would also like to point out that the game does not in fact run in the itch app, you have to go through a regular browser unfortunately.

Overall, it definitely feels like a jam game, but that's okay, I enjoyed the little bit of time I spent with DA. I wish you guys luck, and thanks for making this!


Hi! We're really thankful and appreciate your constructive criticism. Thank you so much for taking the time to write such info filled and long comment. About the pause menu to exit the mini-game, and I know it's no excuse for your frustration, we simply didn't have enough time to implement such a key feature, so a quite a decently sized mistake on our part. About the game not being run in the app: I would love you to explain to us how we can make it run on the app (if it's not too much trouble). Thanks in advance and have a good one!

Oh I totally understand the exit just being a time issue, I think its worth it to point out such things so you may know for future :)

As for how to make it run in itch, I honestly know only the complete basics to game making, and I know actually nothing about unity gamemaking, so I wont be able to help you there much unfortunately. The "play game" button simply doesnt appear on the app, but appears fine on a browser. I found someone with the same problem, but no solution unfortunately


All right. Thanks anyway 😉


Amazing game. probably should cap the strength amount, because not knowing what it does and setting it to 9000 and clicking sent it up never to come back, but probably user error.


Hi! Thank you so much for your feedback. I believe that isn't an error at all. If the strength gets really high the dice just needs a buttload of time to fall back down. Thanks for playing and have a good one!


When I said user error I meant that it was my fault not the game's. 


I know, I know. I just wanted to let you know that it definitely wasn't your fault (;


GJ guys! It looks quite polished for your first gamejam :D. If I've learned anything it's that I should not go gambling. Ever.


Thanks a lot, mate! Have a good one!


This is a neat concept! Unfortunately I'm using a trackpad so its hard to click the dice D:.


Well, thanks a lot kind sir (: Me and my teammate are still quite newbie at the whole Unity thing but were getting some honest work done.  Your game is also rather amazing (; Very creative. With polishing and extra features it could totally be a great google app store game or maybe even a Steam game.