I escaped with 48 coins! This is an interesting design, lots of potential for puzzles and I enjoyed most of the ones there. I think with some tweaking it could be a really fun game. Here's some analysis and suggestions, please take this as constructive criticism.
Movement accelerates instantly, even when turning around, and it takes a while to stop rolling, so coming to a stop to stay on a platform is hard. It also makes the shape levitate off a slope if you move downhill. I'd look into making movement accelerate the character instead of instantly setting the velocity. At the same time the top movement speed seemed too slow, and the gravity a bit too low.
I'm not sure how much of this was intended, but it seemed like shape sometimes just wouldn't jump when I pressed the button, especially the non-circle shapes. Maybe these leave the ground even when they seem to be rolling because of the edges?
I kept getting confused which blocks would let only one shape through and which would block only one shape. There was one place (the yellow platform just before the 25 coins door) where the platform appeared and disappeared depending on your current shape, consistently doing that might have helped. Another possibility: If a block doesn't allow a shape to pass through, show that shape crossed out (like a "No Smoking" sign).
I'm not sure how the "25 coins" door is supposed to work. When I first saw it I assumed I needed to get 25 coins to pass through it, but once I had 25 coins it blocked me. Not sure if it would have blocked me if I tried it earlier. After I died I went back with < 25 coins and got through, leave the bonus coin area still with < 25 coins; later I came back with > 25 coins to check if it would block me again, but it just let me through. Maybe this got into a weird state after respawning, or maybe it only blocks you with exactly 25 coins, if the latter that makes little sense.
There seems to be exactly one place you can die. Given that there was a blind fall earlier this felt unfair, especially since it completely resets progress. I almost gave up after I fell for that.
It's occasionally irritating to need to switch to another shape family first to "downgrade", such as to switch from the heavy square to the normal square, or from the white circle to the yellow circle (in order to pass through a white block).
After playing all the way through I still couldn't choose shapes without deliberate thought. Does the onscreen layout S,E,W correspond to some keyboard layout? It definitely doesn't match with QWERTY.
You almost lost me on the sequence of jumps near the end where you have to keep switching shape, sometimes in midair. (Not the ramp, that was fun enough, when I was able to make the square jump.) When I would mistakenly make the switch before jumping, I'd begin to fall, and I'd have to flail trying to find the right shape to catch a platform. This was probably just the right amount of difficulty, but it'd be easier if the shape selection was more natural.
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