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A jam submission

DUCK:TIME EXView game page

Submitted by SpookyMan — 12 hours, 43 minutes before the deadline
Rated by 15 people so far
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Theme chosen
TIME. you travel through time to defeat 4 of your past lives, you also can slow down time and REBIRTH. if you die you respawn, and also you fight your own 4 past lives that failed in getting rid of the rift


Construct 3

External assets
Some music from an asset pack on ithc

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Strange art style it reminds me of Pizza Tower 5/5 sensory.


I really liked this game, very trippy and addictive ahaha. The only two things, but just to be a stickler, are the start tutorial with these "slow-appearing" messages in a dark red on a dark background that I in a hurry completely ignored (they slow down the game rhythm and excitement at least for me) and then some places where I was forced to die, like the first (I guess) secret bread, but that's the jam theme and moreover it fits with the concept of the game. As a musician I liked the musical and sfx choice, it was very diegetic with the neon like background,  but by dying continuously and with the frustration rising up the fact that it was the same loop repeating over and over was a lil bit annoying for me. My compliments because I haven't seen any bugs and I loved the art! :)


Great entry! There were some buggy aspects and some small things that made the playtime a bit frustrating. I'll start with those before I get into what I loved about the game.

(Also, for what it matters, I played the web build)

  • The map was really cool from a style perspective, but it was kinda hard to actually use it for navigation. Your attention is drawn to the collision objects rather than the pathways between.
  • It was small but a little annoying that saving also changed my weapon, but this really only affected me to any significant degree once.
  • Something happened during the first big chasm you have to use the grappling hook for where I managed to pull myself inside of the grapple blocks and I was stuck there.
  • This is probably a Me issue, but keyboard and mouse controls for these kinds of games are always a bit unwieldy for me, at least on my laptop, and it made that same grappling hook challenge a bit harder than probably intended. Also was hard to keep track of where my mouse was during boss fights.
  • Mechanics seemed to get really wonky during the bosses.  Hit boxes and collisions got weird, the controls were getting less responsive, the slow time ability was activating and staying activated when I wasn't clicking.  I mostly ran into this issue with the first boss, though the second one was doing it a bit. It seemed like going out of full screen and clicking on the page before clicking back into the game fixed the responsiveness of my attacks, though.
  • Something weird happened with the NPC dialogue in the Future/3rd world, where the dialogue disappears before you can fully read it and seemed like it was reformatting itself.  Getting it to show long enough to read and without the reformatting would be great.
  • Some proper backtracking through the different timelines would have been kind of nice, as well as an optional area or two, but that also comes with my own Metroidvania expectations.  If there were any, I didn't find them(didn't find any of the purple doors that were mentioned?).  I also understand this probably had a lot to do with time considering you were a solo dev.
  • The first boss felt like a massive difficulty spike for me and took me a long time to defeat.  The 2nd and third boss were much easier in comparison and took only like 2 deaths each.

And now on to the GOOD:

  • The art was excellent. The worlds felt distinct, the character was charming, and the enemies were all unique. I really thought the boss designs were sick. They stood out the most to me in an impressive way.
  • Using Heal as a Parry attack was brilliant, and ended up being vital to the boss fights, especially the last one.  I feel like I could have done the first boss easier had I remembered the ability was there(not a fault of your own, my own for forgetting). 
  • The level design was handled really well.  I think you did a good job of utilizing all of the abilities to a fairly even degree.  The final world had some challenges that felt like it was putting the dash, double jump, and run consecutively in an intuitive and satisfying way. Gave a strong feeling of, "Now put it all together before the end of the game!" The grappling hook became a bit less relevant by the time you have the double jump, but it was the most effective offensive attack until the Fireball due to its range, so that makes it not fully forgotten.
  • Also, I didn't know I could kill the NPCs.  Felt legit guilt when I blew up the person who gave me the fireball lol.  Nice touch, though! Would have been even more impactful if they were permanently dead, but intentional or not, it just adds that much more subtle depth to the game.
  • The final boss actually was a decent challenge, and until I realized I could infinitely double jump there(an exploit or intended?), I was having some trouble.  I also love the plot reveal at the end.  Made the game feel more personal and more to enjoy from an emotional perspective. I hope you felt satisfied with the outcome here, because you did good work.
  • The music was awesome. I saw you credited it to an asset  pack - did it all come from there? It definitely fit the vibe and helped me want to keep playing.

Overall, the weaknesses were pretty small in comparison to the full package, and the vibes and gameplay were strong enough to make me perservere through the rough parts. Great work here!


Excellent game! There is a lot of good stuff in this game that is done to a competent level. Inclusion of a map, varied biomes & music, several bosses, and many visual effects, to name a few. I also really appreciated the generous checkpoints & saves. I beat the game in two sittings & I think the jump became glitched some, because was able to infinite jump.  The bosses were fine, but not really much of a challenge.  Also, the player icon on the map could be highlighted better. Overall, this is a great game.


For some reason when I got the last two attack powerups the game bugged out and just straight up didnt have any dialogue explaining what they were. I was able to get the hang out of it regardless, but I did find that pretty weird. That aside though I enjoyed this game a lot, its sense of style and esoteric presentation of a pretty dense and abstract idea was really captivating to me. I found the infinite jump a tad excessive, and I feel like there was never a point in the game where I felt like slowing down time was absolutely necessary, but it was still a fun time from beginning to end. Just a very well designed metroidvania 


Wow, there is a LOT here. I'm not done yet but need to call it for the night and want to get some of my thoughts written down while they're still in my head. Will add more once I play more. The visuals in the first area are really nice, love the spinning wheels in particular. Also got a kick out of the little devil lookin' guys who aren't even enemies. The premise is super intriguing and I'm excited to see where it goes. There's also a lot of dynamic camera work here that keeps things very interesting.

Some feedback from my playthrough so far (I'm in the modern era atm):

- The grapple is still a bit much to get the hang of, I feel like I'm just kind of flailing away with it and just hoping on some of the more precarious sections (I'm looking at a particularly narrow tunnel over a bed of spikes). I think a safe space (or a series of safe puzzles which teach you the different ways of moving with it) to just sort of play around with it and experiment with how its movement works would be a useful addition.

- I think presenting the whole map at once is fine, but it is a bit overwhelming on top of all the other visuals going on in the game. It would be nice to pause / darken or blur out the screen behind the map when it's open, and maybe even put a slight vignetting effect centered on the player to help focus in on the area immediately surrounding you a bit more.

- A bug I encountered was on the first boss when he uses whatever hellish filter he uses, I killed him while he was in that mode and it persisted into the next world. I saved my game and reloaded which resolved the issue, just a small bug to be aware of.

Anyway, I'll continue my playthrough tomorrow. Seems like there's still a lot of content to explore!


You clearly see how much effort to put into game  juicy stuff, loved it! Very nice feedback to the player. Definitely a metroidvania feeling with intricate levels, and power ups rearrange somehow how the levels are traversed. I would have like to explore a bit more time slow mechanic, didn't really find its use tbh. But you can see the potential there for sure. Quite impressive the dimension of the map as well, and how well the mini-map works. As some contructive feedback, I would say that the progression curve is quite steep, new mechanics directly challenge the player from the beginning without much time to breath; and although the UI elements are super well integrated, I had to stop constantly to read the tutorial messages, breaking somehow the intention I believe. Maybe a static level where the tutorial is shown and the player can test the mechanic could work better, just as a suggestion.

Really nice work overall, you really know what you are doing! Very impressive.


You clearly see how much effort to put into game  juicy stuff, loved it! Very nice feedback to the player. Definitely a metroidvania feeling with intricate levels, and power ups rearrange somehow how the levels are traversed. I would have like to explore a bit more time slow mechanic, didn't really find its use tbh. But you can see the potential there for sure. Quite impressive the dimension of the map as well, and how well the mini-map works. As some contructive feedback, I would say that the progression curve is quite steep, new mechanics directly challenge the player from the beginning without much time to breath; and although the UI elements are super well integrated, I had to stop constantly to read the tutorial messages, breaking somehow the intention I believe. Maybe a static level where the tutorial is shown and the player can test the mechanic could work better, just as a suggestion.

Really nice work overall, you really know what you are doing! Very impressive.


Quite a unique style...will be interested to play this further and give you more detailed feedback


I did come back and play this further...defiantly one of the most unique style of a game here in the jam.... that being said there is a lot to read and play around with and get the hang of, ultimately making it a little confusing and difficult even on easy mode..... I may come back to this and explore further though regardless...because it is just so unique.... will try to give it proper play throughs....


You really put a lot of juice into the animations and effects, lot of visual polish, looks very nice. Unfortunately, I wish there'd been some more polish in the core mechanics. The grappling hook just doesn't work 50% of the time (it either lets go too early or it gets me stuck in the wall) and the dash carries momentum for so long that I frequently ended up dying because I dashed off-screen, and immediately fell into a pit on the next screen. A similar problem often occured when respawning, which is so fast that it'd often cause me to immediately die again because I'd dart away just after spawning.

I fooled around with the time slowdown, but I never really found it useful. For the bosses I ended up mostly just spamming the parry/heal and using the regular attack to gain energy back, which didn't feel all that strategic. The third boss felt pretty different though, ended up using the fireball there since it deletes his projectiles.

Overall, I think there's some really cool ideas here, and I think the world design was solid. I was also impressed by how big it was, and how well the map screen worked. But if I could give you one tip for future jams, it'd be to spend more time with just a character controller in a testing room, and really iterating on it until it feels really good to control, especially if you want to make a game that so heavily relies on platforming through instakill spike gauntlets.

Still, I had fun exploring despite the occasional moments of frustration, impressive work!


Also, this particular spike didn't kill me


thanks for the info tho, its now fixed!


The respawn animation/mechanic felt really jarring and uncomfortable to look at. The time theme feels a little loose? It's a metroidvania but I only got to the heal and dash powers before getting bored. Love all the particle effects, cute characters etc Level design is intriguingly creepy.


(also you uh didnt get to the part where you actually time travel, gotta get the grapple hook first


the death effect should be more tame now!, thanks for the feedback!