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A jam submission

MicroMadness-ThermostationView game page

minigame fever
Submitted by CrazyInocentGames (@crazy_inocent) — 42 minutes, 39 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Use of the Limitation#822.5002.500

Ranked from 16 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Team members
only me

Software used
godot 4, piskelapp and famitracker

Use of the limitation
minigame fever the button action change in each minigames, if the player is not paying atention can mistake what is the current one and loss a life point until loss, if he wait to long to press the time run out and he loss a life

Cookies eaten
.... i don't knon TOOO MANY and a lot of COFFEE(besides now i want soup and a icecream for dessert)

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The art gives me very retro vibes, which in some cases can work very well, but I think here it was just a little too confusing about what was going on. Other than that I quite like the idea of using the same button for minigames, but I think a little more variety in the minigames would have helped. Other than that, it's a very solid game for a 3 day jam! Nice work :)


Thanks for the feedback!!!.
More or less reach the same conclusions after record a gameplay 2 day after  i upload it. I have bad luck and the Heat and Freeze game appears in sucession 4  times.


The presentation is ambiguous, I can't find the way to play adding pop ups tips can help players know how to (Ooops It was surprising me with Game over heating the same button). I can't see the way use employed limitation. The sounds were pretty cool, keep it up.   


Thats not a bad idea, i want to put some signal or icon over the guy but lack of time to figure out own.

but really don't thing of a dialog globe i think i can combine both things 

For the limitation, it's a little like Wario Ware the idea is mess with the player atention, the button work diferent in the 3 minigames. in heat game press fast,"smash" the button  to ingrese the heat, in freeze same but it gonna lower  the heat, and finallly warn game(the one with the poker face)  it a "press in time"

Thought i realize after upload that being purely randomized in order , and be 2/3  probaability of be a smash the button game, well there is a high probability  you don't see the 3rd game,  the make hard to see it. I think too add a hold the button latter and 2 games per way to handle the buttton, and add a"tetris bag" for the order of minigames so they can repeat until all the games were played once, at most  1 of the game can happen 2 times follow.
The problem of minigames is small problems stand up like a sore thump


I love the artstyle and sound effects. It was a bit difficult to understand what’s going on at the beginning, but I quickly got the hang of it. The game could have more mechanics, but it’s a jam game, so I can’t complain here. Very nice


Thanks, for the feedback!!
i think of add a hold the button and a total of 6 minigames, 2 per each way to use the button, right odds are you don't see the 3rd game


Really liked the retro vibes in this. I actually thought having a single button for all minigames is an interesting idea. Favorite one was the 'warm'. The other two felt a bit similar to each other. Good submission with great presentation.


Curios i didn't gonna add "warm" for the jam but i have the same impresion, plus i realize that only with the other 2 the player simply can continue smash ig the button, likely gonna add a 2 "destroy" game ,  where you have to press  in the extremes intead of the center.
I lack details and minigames to have the effect i want in the player.


Love the game and watch vibes, high marks for presentation!


I like the minimalist art style and presentation.


I don't really understand, I think it would be a good game but I don't know, so i'll rate a little bit lower/higher because of that


The art and sound are great and the theming is immaculate but it would be nice to have a bit more variety in the minigames. The freezing and heating ones are mechanically the same and I couldn't tell how the other one was supposed to work as I didn't have time to figure out what temperature I was aiming for.


the Warn(poker face) one you have to press the button only once(instead of smash the button) when the heat is in the middle, you lose a life if not press or if press when is not in there .
I know it gonna made problems, i wasn going to add it for the jam, but i realize without this one you can simply  continue smashing the button and win


the game isn't explained very well, and I think the restriction is only vaguely incorporated. You did follow the theme though, and I love the minimalistic art style. great job!


Yep, I expected that the game was intuitive enought i want to add other visual effects(like blinks of certain assets), or some short of help., thought i'm not use if a "How to play" fit the game concept of simulate a retro pocket game, these games were arade to the core they expect you to loss and try again(well there is a thin line of that being great and  be frustrating.


I love the style and the art in general, it took me minutes to understand how to play it, even by reading the description but overall it’s fun, it has a good potential.


Thanks for the feedback!!!


I adore the style, it definitely reminds me of those pocket games, very nostalgic. genuinely would love a mobile version


glad you enjoy

Developer (1 edit)

I based the game meachanics on wario ware series, and the visual and sfx in pocket game devices like v-pets, tamagochi, game and watch,  and a lot of generic ones i have when i was a kid.  


I already thought so from Wario Ware or Mario Party or some like that :)