Great job on your first release. Some warning / telegraphy would be great, even with the dash some pieces of trash are near impossible to get since they fall incredibly quickly. Also, losing life by missing an item as well as the dynamite felt like a bit much for such a simple game mechanic, so it becaame more important to stay alive rather than collect points. Very good style though, and a creative use of the theme, well done!
Play game
Re:Cycle's pageHow does your game fit the theme?
You are a bicycle in the game and the theme of the game is recycling, which is a play on the "Cycling" theme.
Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 4 days?
Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 4 days?
Nice job for your first ever game. I had a good time, and enjoyed the theme and how you tied it in through multiple ways. I think some things could possibly make things better are having some warning on where things are going to fall could help make things a bit easier. Would also love something to identify the type of item they are (points, life down, powerup) through a color or shader outline to show that, since I sometimes would accidentally go for the wrong thing. Very nice again, and I really hope yall keep making games!
Very difficult game, but that dash was a nice touch! It is really cool that you managed to add a leaderboard in time!
Items sometimes fall too quickly or even very separated between them, all at the same time. When I fail to catch one it also "lags" the rest for a second. Still, I managed to survive for some time, good game!
Man this game is impossible some items fall so quickly that if they are too far away it's impossible to catch them haha. None-the-less fun little game.
Cool leaderboard however I found it hard to collect all of the falling objects and felt I was losing more than winning. Maybe a more gradual uptick on the difficulty so that youget the hang of moving around and catching things before getting nailed by those fast moving objects. :)
Thank you for the submission!
Summary: Actually really difficult for how straightforward of a premise it was. Didn't take too long to get a hang of how to approach each section, and would have been way more difficult without the levels, but even then, by Level 5, there's a very unlikely chance to get to level 6. Sometimes, collisions with the trash did not register even when touching the box directly, but didn't feel frustrating as you were able to keep up with the healing wrenches. Also surprised to see a functioning leaderboard!
Nice small game, actually would have preffered it without the interruption after each 15s but otherwise good 😊 And very cool that you got a working leaderboard!
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