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A member registered Sep 15, 2019 Β· View creator page β†’

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Yes! That was probably it, need to work on my coordination then πŸ˜‚ great idea!

Ah I just watched the end sequence, really nice, love that its actually a finished game πŸ‘Œ But to be honest seeing that boss fight I am not sure if I would be able to beat it even with 10 bananas πŸ˜‚ And I do think making them a little bit squishier is a good idea, yes 😊

Ohhh okay then it was my fault, ty for telling me πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Actually after some more thinking about it, you could leave the portal "bug" in the game as a feature πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Like when I played it again to die, I enjoyed it again and its not like its breaking the game or anything, so good job Bubi πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Nice game, awesome that you actually included a small tutorial and loved the "Wanted posters" πŸ˜‚ Overall pretty fun game 😊

Quite fun game, sadly the hit boxes were sometimes a bit off, started with the level where you had to find all Cinnamorolls and sadly could not enter the ship to get that one 😒 But the other levels worked fine and the artstyle while being somewhat simple had a really great charm. So overall nice game 😊

This was actually really fun! 😊 Loved the inclusion of osu and that the cloud in the beginning kind of looks like some old wizard! The artstyle was also nice and somehow unique. I do have to admit that I had no idea how far I need to go or how much health I had, I took a lot of damage I think, but somehow made it to the end (loved the end screen by the way, really great work!!!) I encountered a small bug in the beginning, when you enter hell, I kind of moved arount and then the whole entering hell animation moved, but that was actually just really funny πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Great game overall! 

So I did had some diffictulty understanding the controls, but once I somehow got them (even though they skill confused me) it was actually pretty fun, although when I nearly reached the finish line I somehow got stuck in the forest, but fortunately a car hit me while trying to get out and then I could actually finish the game! I liked the art style and that you actually had a goal which motivated me a lot to keep going to eventually reach that goal! So overall pretty fun game, escpecially when you are riding fast it got a really good feeling 😊 (until you get hit by another car πŸ˜‚)

Loved the innovation and the art style 😊 ! Although in the beginning it felt way to easy and then it got hard really really fast, a bit more time in the middle would have been awesome, but maybe I am just bad πŸ˜‚. And just realised thanks to the screenshots, that I could actually draw with the temperature pen, I only clicked on the corresponding numbers the whole time without actually drawing anything πŸ˜‚

Loved the design of the different monkey teams 😊 ! And the idea of helping out the others was also pretty nice. I sometimes randomly stopped while cycling, was that because I got out of rythm? πŸ€” But overall really nice game, even though in the beginning I had no idea how to cycle, but fortunately you got the controls on you page πŸ‘Œ

Really love the intro sequence, it actually got me motivated a lot, even though I am sadly not good at bullet hell games πŸ˜‚ I liked the different "weapons", but I do feel the standard banana was a bit weak, or I just did not use it correctly (like the boomerang idea though!) Also it felt a bit like the portraits in the bottom left corner were cut off a bit? because there was something but most of the time I could not make out what exactly. Great job for also making all the audio during the jam by the way! Overall still very enjoyable even though I died a lot πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ (I btw hope that there was no ending sequence like the starting sequence which I missed because I could not complete the game 😒)

Thank you 😊 You mean that you as a player have a bit more to do than switching lanes and using skills? πŸ€” I first also thought about letting the player press "D" the whole time for the direction they are going, but I think that would have also not really involved them more πŸ€” Maybe if I update it someday I'll think of a way, ty for the feedback!

Thank you! 😊😊

Thank youu <3 😊 Yeah, some friends told me it sounded like a dying cat or something πŸ˜’πŸ˜‚ But I did think the audio would make it seem more like an otherworldly realm a bit more, so I kept it :D

Hahaha I'll gladly pay my share πŸ˜‚ thanks for playing!

Really nice artstyle and fun gameplay, although it somehow felt pretty short, I thought I had just ended the tutorial and 1min later I was already seeing the credits πŸ˜‚ But as said fun nonetheless and I also enjoyed the story 😊 Oh and the key you had to press for the ritual was kinda confusing, I somehow could not figure out which letter it was, so I just pressed every key πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚ I think it was Q in the end.

Nice game, escpecially liked the art!

Really amazing game!

After reading a few comments prior to playing, I had the controls open while playing and though I still needed some time to adjust to them, the game was quite fun! I like the idea, that you buy packs in a tower defense game, havn't seen it before, but adds some good amount of randomness and fun 😊! 

What? That looks soo good already, would have never guessed that you are new to voxel art :o

Thank you so much 😊

Really fun game, never expected my bike to actually work somehow πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Had a very fun time playing it! Loved that you could spectate after completely demolishing them with domain expansion πŸ˜‚ and the upgrade were also really nice πŸ˜Š

Really great artstyle !😊 

thaank you 😊

Hi, thank you very much for your feedback! ☺️

Yeah, true it is pretty luck based right now what you end up with, if I release an update I will definitely try a few things to make it feel more rewarding!

Really nice art style and the sound worked for me just fine 😊 although it seems I am sadly not good enough for this game, I failed a lot πŸ˜‚

Thank you for the review! 😊
The Crimson Bones should have been nearly the same difficulty as the Deep Tendrils, with the main difference being that everything spawns a bit faster. But maybe I messed up the hitbox somewhere which resulted in this issue 😒😒.  I'll definitely check what happened there!
And totally agree, would also stay with the new found family in their realm πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜‚

I did make it at least a little bit farther, but jumping and smashing buttons like your live depends on that is actually difficult πŸ˜‚πŸ‘

Pretty nice game 😊 and awesome that you also made the music in that time, matches the game very well!

Actually I MADE IT! I somehow did not realise before, that I ride in the direction of my mouse, so when I got stuck in the wall it was because I had not figured out yet how to turn πŸ˜… But now I made it (even though the slopes took a few tries) and you were right, the scenery was beautiful in the end 😊. But I did not get what the "enemies" where doing to me? Did I loose coins or points? πŸ€” I was very afraid that they would just kill me and it's game over, but gladly that did not happen. Their animations were also nice btw 😊.

You made the art btw right? πŸ‘€ really awesome job! Looks great! 😊

Ouh thats very sad to hear, I'll give it another try then, maybe I can also pass the slopes and reach the last part 😊

ty ty 😊 hope that maybe there are even more eldritch games among this jam, but havn't come across one yet, although going in that direction with the theme is a bit of a stretch πŸ˜‚

Hi, thanks for the feedback ☺️

Yeah the lantern only hells against sanity loss (from the flying ones and the brains / projectiles) all the others kill you πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Nice small game (it was actually a bit small on my 4k monitor πŸ˜‚) and great artworks especially on the game page 😊 

Really nice visuals! 😊 The first "SEGGS" somehow made the game freeze shortly, but apart from that the gameplay worked really well.

Really well made game, even though I was in the menu the first few minutes and wondered where the monkeys come from, until I realised, that I havn't actually started the game yet πŸ˜‚. 

Really good game, had a lot of fun with it! Nice artstyle and mechanics and everytime I thought, well this is cool, but thats probably it, I got another cool building 😊.

Maybe its just a skill issue for me πŸ˜‚ I'll give another try later on!