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Content. Connor. This game is fun and fast-paced, though stretches a bit long due to the 14 day time-frame, (which I assume would've been broken up by other characters). I really enjoyed it and played the entire thing getting almost 2 million (I was so close). The art was nice and the gameplay was fun. Great Job!

The speed at which my hands have gone will set records, and while I got stuck a bunch, it was quite amusing. The art is cute and is well done, good work!

I dont think my bike is street legal. It does however get the job done, and so does your game, spectacularly. This would absolutely be on my phone as the perfect game to sit down and craft the bike of your dreams. Its fun and lets you be creative and is a certified classic™! Great Job!

Quite a long haul, but is a simple and straight-forward gameplay loop. The art is amazing, and ironmouse has robbed me of my last dime. Great work!

This game feels like a classic flash game, and includes a connor that pogs at you the entire time. Solid fun, Great job.

Whose populating these dungeons anyways? Answer solved, its me. I love the concept and I honestly think you should make a full game of this outside of the jam, with all sorts of powers and so-on. This has insane potential, and is already quite fun here. Great work! 

Thanks! I think I've done like 3 very small pixel art images prior (im not much of an artist), so its definitely not my strong suite. Next jam I do I hope to group up with an artist, because I spent a lot of time trying to fix up my art. I'm glad it turned out good though, and your work here is great! 

Haha yeah health was literally my next item on the to-do list but I ran outta time >:| The credits button I realized like 3 days after that it was broken, but yes it just says my name. I do want to go back and make a "envisioned" version and add all the things I had planned, including health, a couple of save points, and (a couple of new bike moves). Thanks for the love and thanks for playing!

I think I may need new hands. The death noise is superb. Good Job.

This is weirdly a cozy little game. I like the retro desktop, and the fun trying to get rid of the hot monkey milfs in my area ads and dodging tesla drivers. It's funny, its a little weird, and its fun. What more do you need? Great stuff!

(1 edit)

Roguelike? I'm in. Monkey with guns?!?! Im super in. This game makes you feel like the 360 no scoping monkey god. The art is great and the music is groovy.  Great time and great game. 

adadadadadad  *clack* *clack* *clack* *clack* *clack* *clack* (clown music) (omnious approaching green cube)

Yeah that sums it up. Had fun, and great job!

Haha yeah I'm sorry about that end part, there's a blind jump in a section past that too and I really wanted to put a save there, but alas no time. 

Thanks for the love, and thanks for playing!

Thanks for the support, and Thanks for playing!

I played using a controller and it was a blast. It is worth getting to the victory dance at the end. Any game that has connor lines are funny, and though it was short the execution is great and I enjoyed it. Great work!

Networked game in a game jam, in under 10 hours. Nuts.

(2 edits)

ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. A straight forward game where you want collect speed but not so too much or you'll slam straight into the chris wall of death. The art is pretty and well-drawn. A simple but sweet little game. 

Made in scratch, made with love.

If you think you know generally what kind of "cycling" games you'll see in this jam, you will be proven wrong and wrong again. The game starts by pulling you out of a 2D top down into this funky 2D-3D look and blows you away with its funky movement and sort of QTE pedaling. I need to come back and master this because I absolutely suck at it, but man is it cool and unique. The art is great and the music is groovy and intense. Great Game!  

This game has me going boom ba boom ba out loud and tapping my foot and space bar like a mad man. Once you get it down its a fun challenge for the brain to try and keep beat with the space bar and focus on the trash with the other hand. I did normal->nightmare fairly well, but somehow struggled with the slow time of easy. The art is pretty and I like that nightmare is doomingly red. Fun game, and great job on it!

An interesting take on the "cycle" theme, and all you have to do is say "rogue-like" and i'm in. A fun little game that makes you think about the type of combinations you want to do well, and one of my strategies "equip everything" didn't do as hot as just using bananas with mangos. Though I hope my enemies live in fear of the slow but unstoppable force of the power boosted melons. Great Work!

(1 edit)

I could see myself at an arcade machine playing this, or watching someone else play. It has a great feel, the music is bopping, the movement is fast and feels responsive.  The coins make your dopamine go up.  The art style has a great retro feel and iron mouse being all snug is an amazing addition. I played it multiple times and I loved it. When do you ship the arcade cabinet?

My strategy is to tell everyone that its super hot, super cold and has a hurricane and a side sunshine all at once. It kind of worked, and I think I'm fit for the weatherman job now! This game is fun and exciting and panicking, all great for the experience. Its also one of the few games that takes cycling into a more broad unique way, which is awesome to see. The art style is well done and this feels like a warioware minigame that I'd be absolutely cracked at. Amazing experience and great job!

Thanks for the tip, came back and got the ending! 

I like the concept and the execution, its a pretty satisfying platformer and you utilized the enemies well. For instance the turtles let you bounce a bunch to let you get up easier, there are some snakes underground that if you step on will eject you into the spikes above if you're not careful. The hit noise is a sort of 8bit style noise that is very satisftying bwam bwam (dies) booom! And the go fast section is going to always be fun. Great game and great job!

A simple little game where you collect garbage. It can be a little confusing on hitboxes, but I enjoyed dashing about and having pleasant collect sounds. And glad to not be the only isekai bike!

I love games where you build a deck or a character, and this game delivers. Working out the best build either to be stamina based, top speed, or basing it on how much you lose or fall behind. Great stuff, and it was satisfying for my second go around to absolutely smoke my enemies. The voxel art style is cool and you don't see it as often as others. I enjoyed this and its definitely a type of game I'd spend hours building the perfect bike. Great job!

Thanks for the feedback and for playing. I hope to improve upon some of the jank after the jam, if the code isn't too much of a mess 😭

My friend said the same thing, I too am surprised. I love button that makes funny sound in games, even though it was technically a last minute addition. Thanks for the support, and for playing!

The Great Bicycle tournament is a lively experience with great button mashing, which always makes for a fun time. The items are cool, and I'll forever be in love with powerups and abilities in any game. The ending is great and worth reaching. I thoroughly enjoyed this game, great job!

Yeah sorry about the scope of which it can be used! My first jam and I didn't have time to setup other downloads (or know the proper way), or test other platforms. Glad it worked out in the end, and Thanks for playing!

The panic screaming, providing monkeys absolutely insane single triangle wheel green bikes, it reminds me of this gamejam. The gamejam In which you have absolutely crushed it! This is mad fun, the visuals are pleasing the audio is groovy, and the mechanics are fun and funny. I could and would play an extended version of this if you make it! Well done. 

A cozy game with a cute art style, I enjoyed trying to figure out the best routes for the prizes. Sometimes input would give out on me, but I'm not sure what specifically might've caused it. Wasn't too much of an issue though, and I a good relaxed time playing this. 

The technique on this game is really cool, once you get it down. It has a nice aesthetic and I would love to see a longer full game post game-jam. 

Really fun. I assume its taking inspiration from a game/genre pizza tower (I've not played it), but it reminds of me it. You have a bunch of little bike moves which is nice, and can really get some momentum and platforming. The overall movement is fun, and the graphics are nice. I think being able to lessen or disable the filter might help my eyes, but it was mostly minor for me. Great Job!

(1 edit)

I see funny guy peter, I click. Ambience is great, and who doesn't want a fart meter? Browser mode is a bit rough on the framerate unfortunately, would love to see a fleshed out version post-game jam!

An interesting little underlying story. A few technical glitches (my refresh rate needed to be adjusted to 60 to move), and cocksworth st 3 would sometimes crash, I got pretty far along, but not sure who the postman is. The cycling movement feels nice and the ambience is a little creepy. 

Ace Attorney story won't be as funny and cool as this one, but it has some wacky moments, twists and turns. The gameplay loop is gather evidence at crime scenes (as an attorney? law is weird there) and then find objections in statements by providing evidence. So pretty much! If you liked this definitely give them a go! 

This game is a love letter to ace attorney, and as ace attorney fan this is glorious. There are so many great lines in this, but I personally like "get folded bozo". I would play a full fledged ace attorney monkey game any day of the week. You will get laughs out of this game, its great.