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Donveloper Studios

A member registered Mar 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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Nice job. I liked the aesethics and pace of the game. I think the parrallax effect is a bit too fast and sort of distracted me from what was happening on screen and I think it would have been cool to have another ability or enemy to avoid. Still this very cool to see a cyberpunk twist on the genre!

WOW, exhilirating experience you've created here! I really loved the pace of everything and how tense it would get when things got close as well as the strategy of risk and reward of hitting your enemy as well as utilizing your items. I think this really nailed the cycling theme too not only thorugh the you being on a bike but also the cycling gameplay loop of fighting, waiting, fighting, etc. I think the only things that were a bit confusing was the purpose of speed (i might have just missed that) and I think it would be nice to have the HP bars above the players head and or increase feedback of how much damage was done and if you hit the body part, as well as maybe freeze them. I just found myself having to look up to the top corners everytime and lost focus of what I was actually hitting and sometimes was also unsure if I landed a hit. Still these are pretty minor issues and this product is crazy polished, fun and an original take on biking in a game. Plus a killer ending. Amazing job!

Wow that was awesome. Amazing visual consistency and style, especially wih the post processing. A few bugs such as HP stoppnig working and I think the ray gun not working did hurt a little bit of the immersion but this was a very cool game with an EXCELLENT use of the theme in the story and especially the gameplay. I really like how it forces you to change the way you fight each enemy> If the enemies had a little bit more movement, it could really make things more exciting. Overall, amazing job on creating a game that explores the theme really well mechanicaly and narratively with great audio and art!

I think you built out some reallly cool levels but the player controller made it quite hard to navigate. I think its a bit too slippery and althoguh the dynamic camera has its moments i think I would have preferred to have it and the direction of my movement locked to my mouse. Still very cool that you had an overworld and levels built out in a really short period of time!

Wow, I loved the PS1 style graphics! I think the gameplay is a little simple, having some kind of power ups or speed going up would have made it a lot more tense. However, I think you put together and very charming game with a great artstyle, nice job!

Nice job here, I loved the atari like style, I think the turns are a little stiff, but this I loved the arcade retro feeling you are able to put together!

Very cool concept, I liked how you used the idea of a morning cycle to tie into the theme in a multifacitaed way(1 with the bike ride and two through going through cycling through  a routine) and thoguht it made things more uncanny each time. It felt a tad linear and I think I would have liked a few more choices but whats done in a short period of time was done very well. It was cool to see the player have the choice to break out of the cycle in a truman like way. Overall really nice job putting together something so unique!

Wow, really enjoyed this and I loved the gacha mechanic! I think things maybe could have been a bit better explained but I can tell you put a lot of effort into the mechanics in such a short period of time and sometimes there just isnt enough time to build a tutorial haha. I would have liked the phases to be a bit more seperate, one for building and one attacking. I think if the gacha mechanic was fleshed out alongside it so that you cycled through each star or had all of them avaialble and could cycle through the players it would encourage more strategy (slightly ruining the gacha) but some form to give you more strategy. I found myself placing a few aethels and then just spamming for bubi so I would never lose and ended up making it to a late wave. I think having to cycle around and refill each out the ammo on the gacha toys was really good as it kept the chaos up and me moving around. I think one last thing, is that I wish there was a win screen or some kind of ending, even if it ended up being a little arbirtray and then the ability to go to endless mode. Overall, this has to be one of my favorite games, I had a great time with it, nice job!

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I loved seeing another RPG in this jam! Very solid foundations here, especially to work on it more whether it be the art or gameplay. I loved being able to see how far I made it and the 3D environments put together. However, I think gameplay wise, I would really like to see some of the other abilities strenghted. I found that parrying and healing didint have much use because they were a bit weak compared to enemy attacks (also slight bug on healing where you can spam it). I also really liked the targeting system but found it a bit frustrating that you had to land an attack to see the stats of it, I think allowing the player to see them after one hit could take advantage of the targeting system more and really make the player think more if he wants to risk taking the same shot with the given stats, or go soemwhere else, or maybe giving the player an ability like insight to see the stats for a body part could be another route. I loved how cycling was incorporated into the story but would have liked to see it in the gameplay a bit more as well, perhaps the attacks being more bike related or even taking advantage of the targeting system again, have vulnerable spots cycle throughout each of the players turn that they can then attack for more damage. Something of that nature. 

Sorry for the yapathon,  just saw a lot of potential in that game haha. Hopefully some the feedback is helpful. Overall, really nice job here, putting a JRPG/RPG game together in a short period of time!

Wow very cool to see a 2D game made in unreal! I think you did a lovely job and special applause for the art. Very charming and cute, esepcially the win screen haha. I think the pacing is a tad slow, especially with how fast the bike is. Locking the bike and making the parralax faster or speeding up the movement of the camera could really make the pace of this game amazing. Especially with mouse chasing you! It would also be nice to get a few more UI elements to see how far you are and how much HP you have. I realy liked the multiphased elemnt this had of collecting bananas then utilizing them in hell. With a few adjustments to pace and clarity this would be even better, but I love what was already done, especially with the art, nice job!

Nice job for your first ever game. I had a good time, and enjoyed the theme and how you tied it in through multiple ways. I think some things could possibly make things better are having some warning on where things are going to fall could help make things a bit easier. Would also love something to identify the type of item they are (points, life down, powerup) through a color or shader outline to show that, since I sometimes would accidentally go for the wrong thing. Very nice again, and I really hope yall keep making games!

Very cool game. I think you did a nice job putting a unique take on the genre and incorporating the story into the theme. While I liked the shooting at first, I think I got tired of it after a while as it made it a lot harder to aim, so maybe adding upgrades and abilities to change your shooting pattern could be a way to add more variety and intrigue into the game. Overall, very cool art and gameplay!

Very nice job here! I really liked seeing an alternate take on the theme that wasn't just cycling like sport. Its crazy how many enemies you have and an epic boss!  I was a bit confused as to how the fruit fit into the theme of your world and they felt a little indepent of each other, would have love them to interact more, sort of like risk of rain, maybe one for defense used as a secondary ability that requires a different input when you go through the cycle so you have to think a bit more. Overall, this is a fantastic piece for a game jam and a very enjoyable play!

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Nice game and the player feels pretty good to move. Loved the opening story. This game is a little too difficult for me.  I think giving the player more space to move around, some extra lives or checkpoints a little feedback on when maybe the arrows shoot out, and/or a duck could really experience whats a very nice groundwork for a platformer. Nice job!

I think this idea is very cool and the visual style especially is stellar. The voxel art with the pixel shader was a vibbbbbbe as the boys say. I like the gameplay although I think it disengages with the player a little too much. I was a bit confused on how well i did and what to pick, and felt it was a little too idle during gameplay. I think having a progress bar to show whos winning and how much further you have left could really help. I also think giving just a little hint about what the next course could really enhance the strategy of customizing your bike. Very cool concept and genre chocie, with amazing art execution in such a short period time, nice!

I thought this idea was very cool and I liked switching between the different monkess, but having infinite amounts felt a little too easy. The theme felt slightly tacked on and I think could be improved if you had to go through each round in a cycle with limited amount of monkeys to place. I think not only could help with the challenge and strategy but it may also help lean into the theme a bit more. Sorry if im yappin, just thought the main mechanic was sick! Love the name as well!

This was a very fun game, however, i do think it could have been built up a little more and was slightly too unforgiving.  Feels like you were just pushed into it and was a little overwhelming. However, I really liked what I played was able to get through. Also loved the sfx haha. Good job!

Very nice job here. I loved the sort of rough line art of the game. Perfect job of incorporating the theme and doing it in a multifacitated way! I think the gameplay was really good, especially for the jam, although I felt like it could have been nice to be able to do a little more during that. I think you mentioned fixing the snack system and possible stretch goals might even be to force the player to do additional movements, which could be as simple as jumping over things or even some physics to aim your bike with the ground similar to trials games. Overall, I loved this game and had a great time with it!

I liked the gameplay loop of the game and it sort of felt like a take on untitled goose game but with a highscore rating. I think the theme feels a little thrown in but the gameplay has a really high potential ability to fit into it whether that be having the monke disturb an actual bike race or maybe making the path a little more linear in some kind of circle so you have to have to go through it in cycles or something of that nature. Cool idea and nice little game

Nice game. I liked the feeling of the bike once you gained momentum as it felt very smooth, however, I think sometimes it can feel a bit hard which I think could be played around with by changing up the controls or just allowing for wider turns.  The goal was also a bit vague, so I think adding an objective at the beginning,  whether its a counter of laps you have to do or a timer counting down could improve everything. Nice job overall. 

Very charming game, with a unique painted style! I loved exploring the area and talking to everyone to complete the different conversations and mini games. My only minor piece of feedback is on the last section, I think it felt a little confusing to me, I think because I had to switch to keyboard, when the majority of the game was point and click with the mouse. However that is a minor gripe in the scope of things and I really enjoyed the experience. After this, there is no way Connor can beat the allegations. Hoping he drops the french apology vid asap 😔🙏💯

WOW. This game is OOZING style. The music and audio work together in PERFECTION and I found myself coming back just for those elements. I thought the game was done well, although it felt a little clunky to play. I think a lot of frusturation could be relieved with less input lag and/or a dodge roll especially against those banana throwing fiends. Overall, really nice job, I absolutely loved everything about this and special props to the musician, that sound track was stellar!

That was some good cycling! Would have loved a bit more instructions or a tutorial on how to play but I thought the art was cute and loved the chaotic nature of it.

Loved the road rash type aesethics. Might be nice to make a few of the obstacles enemies that can hit you and have the game get faster as you gradually go along. Nice job

really loved the model for the character and detail put it in. Agree with some of the other people about hitting barrels. Could be interesting to try allowing them to hit barrels with front or back. I found myself just jumping on top of all the barrels. Also could be a cool challenge to add a timer to add more tension. Nice job on the game, art was all very good!

Apologies about that, I meant to have more visuals within the tutortial, specifically with a part to look through all your abilites, but ran out of time to collect all the screen shots and make the visuals, hopefully,  will have that and more after the submission period is up, thanks for playing!

The controls of the game are a little jiterry and hard to manuever around, but I thought the aesethic of the game with the 3D pixel art was really cool! 

Nice job! I sadly kept encountering weird clipping issues that froze me in place, but for what is an otherwise very polished game done in such a short period of time, its totally forgivable. I love the cute and chill aesthetic you created almost like a short hike.

Thanks for playing! Do you know which version and battle you got stuck on? Also for the theme, I interpreted it a bit more broadly with cycling as a series of events that are regular repeated in the same order instead of the sport hence the battle system haha

The whole aesethic of the game is amazing! I think collisions are a bit wonky sometimes making the game quite a bit more difficult. Could also be cool to try this with keyboard controls for a little more precision. Overall though, really well put together game

Cool idea, although some of the platforms should probably be a bit adjusted early game so the player can get used to all the controls. Nice job!

Wow! This game is amazing for it to be made in such short period of time. Sometimes the gameplay could feel a little stagnant or tight to manuever around, but the style, visuals, and everything else works together so well, not to mention all the polish. Really nice job!

lovely art, loved the cheery and comedic feeling of the game. Would love to see more mini games, perhaps one that deals with more of the cooking part, something like blowing out a gas flame of a burner or ingredients jumping out of the pot, idk lol, just spitballin. Cool experience overall

Appreciate you playing! Not great at programming so spent most of the time on the mechanics hehe, but working on updating it now, fixing bugs, and adding in new levels, hopefully coming over the next few weeks!

Really Enjoyed it, might be nice to include an ability to zoom out a bit either as a setting or as an upgrade as it can get difficult to spawn things in during the later stages when theres a bunch of enemies and your only option is to go really far away. 

Argh, sorry about that, wish I could upload a bug fixed version, definetly was a bit in over my head with this one haha. Thanks for giving it a try!

Yeah looking back I would have added some kind of indication for when the wizard was going to shoot in the second phase, but glad you liked it!

fun seeing a Pico-8 game, thought the art was cool, maybe if you continue add new abilities to different hostages

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AMAZING GAME. Fantastic level design as well, reminded a lot of celeste, so well polished, the art was fasntastic, and so was animation, could be made into a full thing with a few more twists. Music would have made this perfect, but overwell down, loved the twist of dead bodies, implemented really well! Overall, Polished to perfection!!

I thought this was a neat puzzle game, art was cool and liked the background too. Felt there was a bit of a level spike but I enjoyed the overall concept. Nice!