Upon seeing this I fell in love with the solemn art style of the game!
Adore the way text is displayed. Look so cool lol. One cons I’d say is the font. I suggest using a serif font, it’d fit the game’s style better.
This is a short, but rather touching game. The choice of art and music is to me perfect. I’m intrigued by the one ending where you decided to surrender to your feeling. I know that she did surrender, but still, I wonder if the knife and the thing that appeared at the end are some sorts of symbolism to Silvia trying to fight back and stay strong? The scene where she sits with Simone then becomes motionless hit me the hardest. And the poem at the end ties the plot together really well.
Overall, this is an amzing game! Congratulations!
And heck yeah, Moonlight Sonata.
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