Just drop your game link and I will rate it after my online class. Maybe you want to try mine? https://itch.io/jam/ndab-jam/rate/631459
Just drop your game link and I will rate it after my online class. Maybe you want to try mine? https://itch.io/jam/ndab-jam/rate/631459
I have tried out your game and rated it. Here is mine: https://itch.io/jam/ndab-jam/rate/632193
Hi, there! https://maze-girl.itch.io/wheres-my-stuff
(P.S. Will definitely check out your game too!)
Hey, this is my game: https://itch.io/jam/ndab-jam/rate/632134
I'll test yours!
Here's my teams game if you wanna look https://itch.io/jam/ndab-jam/rate/632727
Ill look at yours too
I'll test yours just to give back. Game seems neat. here's mine if you're interested
Edit: just tested it. Pretty good I'd say.
Rated! Good stuff!
Here's mine, would love your feedback: https://itch.io/jam/ndab-jam/rate/632447
Want to check out mine?
I'll give you feedback and rate your game!
Here it is https://itch.io/jam/ndab-jam/rate/632798
Rated yours, here is mine :) https://itch.io/jam/ndab-jam/rate/632365
Here's our game :)
If you would like to see me playing your game, drop a comment here :)
Done! I wrote something in the comments of the game :) My game is https://itch.io/jam/ndab-jam/rate/632562 ! I hope you have fun, it's a crazy game :D
Rated yours :) Really nice game.
Here's mine, hope you enjoy it: https://itch.io/jam/ndab-jam/rate/632987