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Drop your Jam Questions Here! Sticky

A topic by Bitter Sails Games created Nov 29, 2023 Views: 970 Replies: 20
Viewing posts 1 to 14

If you have any questions about the jam, feel free to drop them below!


Hey Bitter Sails Games, I'm a VFX artist and I was wondering if you'd find it useful for your participates to have access to some free VFX assets? And I know you mentioned that there won't be any official rewards, but I can also offer a few of my premium VFX packs as prizes for the top contestants if you'd like. If you're interested I'd love to chat more, just email me at


That's so kind! We'll definitely shoot you an email but the end of the week!

Just as person who hosted several jams want to advise you to make this topic "sticky" and it will appear in the start of the community page. Thought I didn't saw any "question" topics in the community page of the jam but I hope this information will be useful for you in next jams...

I think I have a question.

Throughout the design process, you'll have the chance to pose questions, seek advice, and receive constructive feedback directly from these industry veterans. Your journey to game design excellence just got a whole lot more interactive and empowering!

Available only in discord?


Mentor help will be facilitated through the Discord. There are simply too many people to expect our volunteer professionals to be present on multiple platforms. Feedback during the "voting" period will be available through


idk if im blind but i cant see whats the theme


Building Connections! It's listed on the directly under the "Theme Announcement" section.

What is the topic?


Building Connections! It's listed on the directly under the "Theme Announcement" section

The discord link is expired and I cant get into the discord :(


The link should be permanent, but we'll update it just to be sure!


When will the games going to be evaluated? is there also a YouTube video show casing the top picks or all the games?


Given the amount of submissions, we probably will not have time to make a youtube video, but if we do we will make sure to post it on the jam page. The feedback period goes from Today to the 21st, so we will make sure all feedback is up before then. Thanks for participating!


Bitter Sails Games, how can people who summited get free assets tutorial and stuff? (my gmail is


We will be sending links through submission feedback.


Hi! Thank you for hosting this! What happens now?


This week we will be providing feedback on everyone's games! On the 21st we will release some resources for those looking to get into the games industry, but for now, feel free to check out other people's games!


Fantastic, thanks for the reply!


Hi! I was wondering is it OK for us to update or re-upload our submitted game after the deadline? Will it be counted as late submission?


Go ahead and update!