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Internal Clock (OST)View project page

Soundtrack for OST Composing Jam #6
Submitted by T.C.G — 12 hours, 47 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#843.4213.421

Ranked from 19 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

These are NES chiptune tracks composed with Dn-FamiTracker. The game would probably be a visual novel where the protagonist is experiencing their final moments of life. The tracks represent the overall plot of the game. The major influences were:
- Erik Satie's works - they invoke a nostalgic yet sad feeling.
- Recent life events - a family member had a potentially life-altering stroke recently, and I was reminded that time is limited.

Message from the artist:
Please remember to take care of your loved ones, especially the elderly.


Tick Tock...
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
I rationalised the theme as an internal clock ticking down to the final moments of our lives.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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Sense of time is really strong in your composition. Interesting approach to chiptune. Usually people ten to make it really fast, while you nailed it in slow tempo. Well done! :)


Even with a limited set of sounds, you still somehow conveyed the ticking/movement of time very distinctly! Each track were coherent but still eccentric, I understood immediately that they represented different events but still within the same story.


This is a very powerful set of tracks. First off, props for sticking to the NES limitations. I like how you kept the same rhythm in every track, it gives the songs some nice cohesion. On first impression, the dissonance in Resting Place was a bit too jarring, but it quickly grew on me as the piece progressed. The emotion you put into this music comes through well, very nice job!


It's a wholesome OST. Somehow Final Moments feels like home, the carefree times I would spend there in the past. But it gets bitter in the end with Resting Place. I can really see all the emotions there, with such a limited amount of sounds. Very nice work.

P.S. How did you do the waveform thing in the video? :D


I use Corrscope to visualise most of my songs. Usually I'd separate the channels(stems) but I figured the 3-part harmony would be simple enough to discern when mixed.


Thanks a lot! I will try that


I can tell you really channelled something into this, and it's deep, beautiful and poignant. Production wise, I really admire the dedication to the genre - I could only hear (and see I guess ^^) 3 voices at a time. Beauty from simplicity. Wonderful :)


Sometimes the best art comes out of places that closely hit home. The somber, almost oppressive tone of this soundtrack really conveys that pervading sense of inevitability. Heartwarming message, as well.


Love the tension in the third track. Could easily hear these fitting in a NES or GB game. All three of the tracks mesh together really well! Sorry to hear about the recent events you've had.


I heard the satie influence in the second track, but the third track with its dissonances, and knowing the inspiration for the album, is really where it hit the emotional heart for me.