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A jam submission

Terran ConflictView project page

Submitted by Perdidos — 1 day, 18 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#5972.5602.706

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

"Terran Conflict" is an exhilarating war video game that immerses players in a conflict between humanity and a rival species. Players assume the role of an elite lieutenant in the Terran Recovery Forces, a military coalition dedicated to reclaiming lost territories and protecting humanity. The game's narrative focuses on the human struggle to recover their lands, exploring the motivations and strategies behind the war, and uncovering the dark secrets that have led to the conflict.

"Honor to my nation" is a vibrant and exciting musical piece that captures the pride, patriotism, and spirit of adventure of the protagonist's nation in the game. This composition serves as an epic introduction and in the menu section, accompanying the initial narrative that tells the story from the perspective of the protagonist, a fervent defender of their homeland.

This piece is essential for immersing players in the game's world, establishing an emotional connection with the protagonist by showcasing their devotion to their nation and their yearning for glory and adventure. "Honor to my nation" sets the stage for the epic journey that is about to unfold.

"Lieutenant’s Jingoism" is a musical piece composed to capture the intense and conflicting experience of the main character in a war-centered video game. The composition aims for a majestic and patriotic tone, reflecting the protagonist's nationalist fervor and pride in their nation. It symbolizes the character’s unwavering belief in the justice of their cause and the nobility of their mission.

The music mirrors the internal struggle as the protagonist confronts the harsh reality: the possibility that their idealism has been manipulated and that the true purpose of the war is a lie fabricated by their nation with the aim of expanding its territory. In a crucial scene of the game set amid the war, as the piece plays in the background, the story and brutal reality of the conflict are revealed. The music becomes an echo of the protagonist's revelation and pain, encapsulating their journey from patriotic fervor to the painful acceptance of a bitter truth.

"Lieutenant’s Jingoism" not only accompanies the game’s narrative but also deepens the character's development, showcasing their transformation and the devastating impact of the war on their worldview. The piece seeks to reveal the "inside my world" perspective of the protagonist, providing an intimate look into their inner thoughts and emotions as they grapple with their changing beliefs.

Message from the artist
I want to express my sincere excitement and gratitude for being here. This is my first time participating in the Jam. I have poured my heart and soul into my project, and I sincerely hope you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed creating it. Thank you for this opportunity and for everyone's support. I am eager to share my work with you and see all the amazing creations from the other participants!


Inside my world

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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"Lieutenant's Jingoism" was my favorite ^_^ 

Love the entries, very unique :) 

Good Job!!


Very interesting write-up; well thought out and and sincere. Congratulations on wrapping your first jam entry and best of luck in the competition!

Honor to my Nation is a super solid track to kick it off. Well orchestrated throughout with some nice progressions and memorable melodies. The crescendo at the half-way point made for a nice change of pace, heralding in a pensive and rather tender latter section. Definitely has the expected military kind of drive, but is also reminiscent of a country's anthem.

Lieutenant's Jingoism, off the bat, seems to root itself in a more evocative kind of arrangement. The brass work here is really well done, complemented by the percussion holding the rhythm and providing the heartbeat of the track. I think, for me, the mood of this track is a little on the ambiguous side. It has some sombre tones to it, but it is progressive and not outright in that sorrow. There's a weight to it, but not a crushing one. Kudos on the orchestration here, once again, and great use of various articulations in the string accompaniment in particular.

Great work with these, honestly. Super solid entry for your first jam and, as noted, you can tell how much thought and care was put into these arrangements. Made for an enjoyable and interesting listen!


Nailed it! This is very interesting, and your orchestration and storytelling within is incredible. Really well done.

I don't know exactly why, but this submission wants me to work for the ShinRa Electric Power Company.


Honor to my nation is a wonderful orchestration! I really felt the atmosphere of something military

Lieutenant?s Jingoism is majestic! Proudly and gracefully! I love it!

You have a very deep topic... And a suitable soundtrack. Thanks!


I agree with the others that you really nailed the patriotic theme you were going for. I especially like how you handled "Lieutenant's Jingoism" and the internal struggle of the protagonist juxtaposed with the patriotic theme. Great work.


thank you, I'm really glad you liked it 😊 


Excellent work! The use of intervals of fourths, fifths and octaves in the brass made that military music sound very authentic. I think it would fit very well with the game you describe. Very different approach that I enjoyed listening.


thank you so much! It is nice to know you liked it


Very unique and interesting!


thank you so much


Very cool sounding, reminded me of Starship Troopers!


thank you so much!


"Honor to my Nation" was a really nice classical piece that captures a sense of stoicism and I really liked the transition to the second half of "Lieutenant's Jingoism".

You didn't mention what game genre "Terran Conflict" would be, so I'd just say IMO your soundtrack would go really well with a strategy game, particularly a RTS.


Thank you, really appreciated you took the time to listen