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A jam submission

OST Composing Jam #7 SubmissionView project page

Submitted by KlabautermannDev — 5 hours, 39 minutes before the deadline
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OST Composing Jam #7 Submission's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#5572.7533.000

Ranked from 16 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Overall: A soundtrack for a puzzle/platforming metroidvania (like environmental station alpha) where all the characters are plants. Is mostly calm, very strongly influenced
by "The legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild".


1- Theme for the tittle screen.

2- Theme for some tense sequences (The game starts that way).

3- Theme for the starting town, home of the main character.

4- Theme for a specific character named Igice, a very clumsy but helpful character from another biome.

5- Theme for another town (home of Igice) that is under reconstruction.

6- Biome A theme.

7- Biome A boss.

8- Biome B theme.

9- Biome B boss.

10- Theme for the Igice's town when is fully reconstructed.

11- Theme for the final boss of the game.

DAW: FL Studio

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Soundtrack use permission


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Such a complete work!! 

I am fascinated by your harmonies♥ They make me think that you are a jazz pianist 😄 

There is no doubt that it is an incredible job. I really enjoyed listening to the entire soundtrack.



Thanks. You submission Is amazing by the way. It really captures the essence of old horror RPG maker games like Ib. It really takes me back. Great job.


A lot of interesting ideas in here. Definitely reminds me of some of the piano work in BotW and TotK, particularly the trade-offs between sustained and staccato playing. Really dug Igice Theme - it has a kind of whimsy to it that is infectious.

I really dig the idea and execution of both of the Town themes - I think these kinds of opportunities in games should be jumped on to really add some charm and flair to events and progressions like these. Super solid piano playing in both, honestly.

Really liked the Great Canopy (Boss) theme - the emphasis on accompaniment is really well done here, and has a lot of Zelda-esque kind of melodies and choices of instrument voicings. Had this on loop for a few minutes just getting lost in the vibes. Sacred Marsh (Boss) is similar and is well produced and thoughtfully arranged, but the Canopy wins out for me, personally.

Final Boss is fantastic and absolutely nails the tone, very befitting of the title. A little bit of everything in this honestly, the choice of the early wind lead reminds me of some of the early 32-bit stuff out there, but as the track progresses the shift in rhythms starts to remind me of some more modern takes on underscore.

Great job with these - they're super solid, and kudos for producing so much in such a short period of time.


I absolutely heard the BOTW influence!

The best tracks were the ones that had mallets like the Great Canopy Boss and the final boss

Submitted (1 edit)

VERY interesting textures you created here! Nice chords progressions, and the piano voicings were great as well. Really reminded me of BOTW before reading it was your inspiration :) A very good OST, excellent job!


О... time for some interesting compositions!

Title - Cute. Sad. Simple...

Menace - ...and immediately aggressive!

Starting Point - Something mysterious. Nice echo of the instruments!

Igice Theme - Tun tun tu tu... love it!

Town (Under Construction) - This is something unequivocally fun and set to the large scale of a city.... interesting!

Great Canopy - Sad sounding)

Great Canopy (Boss) - Oh, it's BOSS TIME! First of all: I LOVE this percussion. Secondly: I really like the little “madness” of the piano in this track!

Sacred Marsh is another sad ambient composition.....

Sacred Marsh (Boss) - ...and crazy BOSS again! The thing that stood out to me the most in this track was the brass instruments (Is it brass? Or is my hearing failing me).

Town (Complete) - Hey... is the adventure over already?...

Final Boss - Oh, FINAL TIME!!!1! Epic and magical sounding boss theme.... I love it!

Your soundtrack is interesting and, even if simple, but fun! Thank you!


I like this soundtrack! The short designs of the track remind me of undertale. Instrumentation is great and lovely to listen to. I did have a question as to what your thought process was in terms of how it relates to the theme. Your motifs are really strong and these are absolutely beautiful to listen to. Good job!


Thanks. I don't think it relates to the theme very much. The first thing that came to my mind when i saw the theme was a closed terrarium, a closed self-sustainable ecosystem and then i thought "oh, a video game with plant-based characters would be so cool".  But that's it. There's no strong connection.


Still a great soundtrack regardless!!


This the one of the most fleshed out and complete OSTs ive heard so far, it really covers the full range of levels and sense of challenges faced, really impressive overall. loved the final boss track, definitely got some of that Zelda vibe in there, and just the right amount of chaos in the music to feel the frantic energy at the final push. Really great work!


The chords at the start are great! You can really hear the zelda influence throughout for sure, but is there also some pokemon in there too?

I like that you can still hear your own style in it as well, alongside the influences.


Really enjoyed these! The boss fights stood out the most for me and I'd like to hear more of your work. Great stuff and good luck with the competition!


The soundtrack really brought up a lot of emotions. Love the harmony, well done!!


I really love this soundtrack. Compositionally and harmonically, all the tracks are very complex. The boss themes are definitely high points with their more complex arrangements. Oustanding overall!


Thanks, dude. Your soundtrack is amazing btw. The instrumentation is on point. It gave me fez vibes.