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A jam submission

In DreamsView project page

Two songs written for the OST Composition Jam #7, themed around an image and the prompt "inside my world"
Submitted by Asimile — 1 hour, 23 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#4843.0403.313

Ranked from 16 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

A game about exploration in someone else's dreams. My Dream obviously refers to the fun dreams the player can explore, where they can do anything and find a million different fun, interesting things. My Nightmare is much slower, more sad, and would accompany areas the host of dreams didn't want to be shown. Nightmares of insecurity or loss, rather than scary mosters. I composed from a starting point of three notes repeated, and expanded from there. I've been playing Majora's Mask, so the songs the player can play that start so simply is what game me the idea. I used Musescore 4.

Message from the artist
Don't have much experience but this jam was a great motivator to practice! I'm personally more partial to My Dream, considering I was also much more stressed writing My Nightmare all in the few hours before this jam ends


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
I felt like the mind is a good connection to the idea of someone's world, and the dreaminess of the picture theme supported that even more.

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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Very nice!


Lovely pieces, especially as a pair. They compliment each other very well! I agree that there were bits of a minor feel in the Dream track which stopped it being quite so fun and happy, but the Nightmare track captured the disconcerting nature of nightmares really well. Good work!


Nice work! I think you've got a great skillset to work with here, and these tracks prove that! 

My only note as an overall piece of advice would be to let the melody breathe occasionally! My Dream is a great piano piece and I liked the idea you were going for with expanding the three notes, but I would have liked to hear more breaks in the melody line to give me time to process how you're developing those three notes. Oftentimes playing the melodic line constantly begins to make things feel "meandering" when maybe that's not the intention of the piece.

But as it stands, I really do think with some more motivated practice like these jams you will make some incredible pieces!

Well done!


My Dream - 

The beginning feels a bit sudden. I like the simplistic idea you mentioned with the 3 notes branching out. The more dissonant/minor sections clash with the intended "fun" feeling I think. I would have started with a "happier" sounding trio of notes, as I think this track sounds a little more creepy than intended. Lovely soft section at 2:07. Very cute little piano run at the end, I love that.

My Nightmare - 

I like the use of pauses/silence. Cool downward scales at 0:28. The low string line at 0:43 has a good feel to it. I do think it gets too major/happy-sounding for a moment there considering this is a track about nightmares. The section at about 1:20 is really interesting, I like the back and forth, and the dissonance. 

Both of the tracks were fairly interesting and kept my attention. Plenty of potential here. Congrats on your submission and getting in some good practice! Keep at it. :)


I find the overall feel of your music really intriguing, really nice work. I personally love your piano bits.


That's a nice piano part. I like it! (Especially the abrupt transition at 1:42 in My Dream).

The overall structure of My Nightmares is perfect for being the soundtrack to a little game.

It's great that the jam has become a motivator to practice! I've started experimenting with a lot of things thanks to this jam too)


I agree - the compositional aspects of your pieces are very good. There is a wonderful range of harmony, dynamics, and register, especially in My Dream. And the way you use dissonance is very pleasing actually. Great work!


Nice little two tracks bundle. I personally prefer My Dream, I think it was composed and handled well. Nice work!