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It FollowsView game page

It Follows
Submitted by SorrontisGames (@SorrontisGames) — 3 days, 7 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Artistic Style#9703.0003.000

Ranked from 1 rating. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous.

  • Simple mechanics make the game easy to get into. Clever implementation of themes to leave shadow world by reaching the color squares and transforming the world around you. The chase mechanic of your shadow is solid, if not a bit frustrating. Make more games!

Did you include your Game Design Document as a Google Drive link?

Seriously... did you include your Game Design Document?

Is your game set to Public so we can see it?

Tell us about your game!
Here's a story about a little square that lives in a grey world. And all day and all night, and everything he sees is just grey, like him inside and outside.
But, not all is grey, if he looks around. He'll find colour, and a friend. Probably not a friend. It's his shadow after all.
The little grey square is you. You must find colour to return colour to your world. All you have is base movement. Left, right, jump(up).

Extra Notes
Thank you Thor and Co. for all you do.
I'm a solo dev (very early hobbyist) with little abilities in the creative world. I've always wanted to do something like this but lacked the knowledge and courage.
I've finally made a project from start to finish, including publishing on an official platform. I'm very proud of myself.

There's still things missing in the game, like sound, music, a background. But that's okay. I have absolutely no clue where to go for that stuff. I'm so excited to show off what I've made.

Thank you my friends, and I hope you enjoy this very small game.

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Submitted (1 edit)

A tough platformer and an excellent entry for the jam! That shadow is a crafty one, couldn't quite outsmart it but I ended up with four of the five(?) gems. I love that each gem feels like you hid them behind an intentional platforming puzzle instead of at random. Gives each one their own unique challenge to obtain.

You have a lot of potential to go many ways with this idea, my suggestions are to maybe include some sort of progress indicator (maybe silhouettes of uncollected gems in a UI somewhere that fill up or color as you collect them) and to maybe reduce some of the difficulty on some of the jumps. However, take the latter with a grain of salt, my platforming abilities may just not be up to par!

Keep it up, this is a solid and fun submission!


I loved this! It's such an interesting mechanic and a really good way! With more levels, I could play this for a long time. It's a great game to play for 5 mins if you don't have much time, or longer if you can. I really liked my time with this.

I did get softlocked in the bottom left of the map, but I appreciate the reset button for such an occasion. The only other real bug I found is the AI spawning outside the map occasionally, however in the moment I appreciated it.

I hope you continue with this idea! It was too good to drop. Amazing job with this game! 

For now, "It Follows" ... no longer!  :D


Thanks for playing. I have fixed the soft locked. Another person showed it to me yesterday (maybe today) and I got it out right away. Makes a different little maze in that area. 

I might make 2 more levels for it, with different tilesets, and expanded rules (not sure what). But I need to fix a few things in the code before I can do that. I'm pretty happy with the general air of the game, so I won't change the general feel of it.

Thanks for takign the time to comment, I appreciate it


Interesting premise! I think the AI is too hard to start out with, it's ok to have it teleport and have triple jump, but when the user is just starting out that's very intimidating.  I would give it a slow telegraphed teleport to start out with (have like a portal appear before the enemy teleports) and make it run slower and occasionally stop/slow down for a bit to start.  Then as the player collects more diamonds the AI get's faster and it's abilities become more dangerous.  This gives the user a few easy wins to keep them engaged while not reducing the overall challenge you've devised.

I would also suggest putting one diamond in plane view of the starting position, allowing the user to have an initial target, and understand that collecting the diamonds is the goal.

Overall interesting platformer, and I'm impressed that you were able to make an AI for the users to play against!


Thanks for playing SudoDave.

There's no real AI, it's just grabbing your inputs in a funky way. But yeah, it can be brutal. Maybe I can do something about that later.
I do agree, a little portal would be cool, giving you a very short heads up. That's now on my to-do list!

Thanks for the advice! I really appreciate it.


Cool game. I would suggest adding the instructions in the game page itself.


Aye, I can do that. Thanks for playing and the advise!

So playing the game I feel a bit lost of what to do and could do with a bit of an instructions at the beginning 


Thanks for playing. That's fair enough. My thoughts was people were going to explore around, and like a moth, be attracted to the beautiful colours. Maybe I will think of something.


The chaser felt like a smart and mean AI, that tries to navigate me into corners. Cool to achive that feeling with the rules of it stated in the GDD.

Also Zooming out more than intented ~bug felt more like a feature. Planning the way through the maze was fun.


Thanks for playing. I'm glad the shadow felt alive and menacing. That was my intent all along!