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Spectrum of ShadowView game page

Manipulate Light & Shadow to Perform Alchemy
Submitted by Zeflyn, AverageAtlas — 11 hours, 6 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Artistic Style#15.0005.000

Ranked from 2 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • Incredibly clever puzzles that weren't too easy to solve and just enough challenge to keep me engaged and not too frustrated. I did have to read the "how to play" to finally get a grasp on the game, so I would maybe add some form of tutorial in the game to at least help players get started. Other than that, this is a solid puzzle game.
  • This is a really cool game, and really interesting interpretations of the theme components! Very clever idea to use "beams" of shadows, and giving them their own properties, and mixing the beams to match ritual-circle-like patterns. Nice choice of aesthetic too, well done!

Did you include your Game Design Document as a Google Drive link?

Seriously... did you include your Game Design Document?

Is your game set to Public so we can see it?

Tell us about your game!
Manipulate light and shadow to conduct alchemy. Spectrum of Shadow is a 2D puzzle game where you assume the role of an alchemist and experiment with the tools at your disposal!

We included 3 modes:
Standard Mode contains 18 hand-crafted puzzles. How far can you make it? What wild solutions to the puzzles will you uncover?

Infinite Mode is an experimental (*cough*) mode where random puzzles are generated. Some may not be solvable, but they do end up looking cool!

Sandbox Mode is exactly what it sounds like. Play around with limitless items and see what cool combinations of glyphs you can design!

Extra Notes
We didn't have time for an in-game tutorial, though we did design the first few levels with introduction to mechanics in mind. On the game page there is a "manual." We implore you to look through it if you feel lost!

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After a quick glance at the manual to understand the objective, I immediately became engrossed. Solving the puzzles gives a similar sensation to solving Zachtronics games, which I adore, but done in a way that is more accessible to more general puzzle gamers. The gradual introduction of mechanics is superbly executed, the UI is clean without sacrificing aesthetic, and the flavor is immaculate.

The only criticism I can make is that I find the font a bit difficult to read. But since that only amounts to a few UI/button labels, I cannot say that it hindered my experience in any way. Very well done!


Thank you so much for checking out the game!
Your words mean a lot, and the feedback about the font is valuable.

We're looking into including a font selection setting in the 1.0 release to up the readability of things--especially because the 1.0 has a decent amount of text in it for story and statistical related information.

Once again, thanks a ton for checking it out and leaving feedback!


This is very nice! It was so rare to find unique yet well executed puzzle games in jams and this is surely one of them. The puzzle mechanic is easy to learn but can really stretch into infinite depth if we wanted to. The whole theme fits nicely both into the jam and also the mechanic in the game, which is very good! The puzzles are not that easy too, they really require thinking and are not some straight forward exercise that some puzzle games tends to offer. I especially like the little polish of that light source image, which really give us some context of what the light represents.

So down to the nitpicks. It would be nice to have a reset button, it would be better to show some hint of what the pattern will become rather then just colour blobs, the game would benefit with a bit more tutorialisation, it will be good to have an isolated preview of each light beam, etc. But these are just minor nitpicks at the end of the day, the game is already extremely polished as it is.

I like the game so much and sincerely hoped that it can be made into a full game. I would probably buy it too if release on steam. I mean, heck, it's already better than a bunch of paid puzzle games on the market! Well done!


Thank you so much for checking it out!
The feedback is very valuable!

We've got a good bit of quality of life improvements already in place that we're holding on to for version 1.0!
Things like:
-Board Reset Button
-Puzzle Swap (infinite mode only)
-A guided/interactive tutorial

And many more new features to implement for the full release!

Your idea about a way to isolate a beam of light so you can get a better view into what's happening to it is something we hadn't considered, but is a very good idea! I'll be looking into ways we can implement that.

Thanks again for your feedback and for just checking out the game!


I'm not typically a puzzle type gamer but I gotta say this opened up something in my brain that was long dormant. It took me a minute to figure out the mechanics (mostly due to me not reading the how to), but once I did I was off to the races. 

Some feedback would be to make the items show their menus when you drop them onto the grid so its evident from the interaction they have more mechanics behind them outside of clicking on them again.  And possibly some sort of text indicator that lets the player know they need to make the shape on the right as opposed to it being a boundary. But those are some small nitpicks. Just something I thought I'd share. But those are minor issues because everything else about the game is fantastic.

I love the thought that was put into the individual items and how they actual behave in real life. The prism making the light visible, the mirrors changing direction, the glass of water refracting to change the orientation of the shapes, how lenses can used to direct and strengthen the beams. I had a blast learning the mechanics and how to solve the puzzles!

The visuals are amazing. I love pixel art and the atmosphere it creates for the game. I feel like there's a lore to this world that can be discovered as you progress through the levels. Who lives in the light house? What are the effects the strange eclipse is having on the world? What's hidden in the dark of the candle room? I wanna know more! Think it also has a ton of room to add even more interesting and unique light sources in the future too!

I could definitely see myself playing this on tablet or my phone at some point if it gets to that point in the future. Had an absolute blast and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where this goes! Loved it! Great work yall!! 


Thank you so much Murph!

Your feedback is VERY valuable, especially so considering your expertise. 

Your words mean a lot, and thank you for the support 💖

Submitted (1 edit) (+3)

I dig the aesthetic of the game! It’s visually beautiful and the puzzles are pretty neat! I did think the drone of the music was a little loud and grating at its default volume until I lowered it, and it would have been nice to see the individual items give a bit more of a description of how they could be used, at least at first. Our game shared similar woes regarding teaching the player how to play, though, so I definitely know how that goes.

Though the manual felt a bit overwhelming when starting the game at first, it helped a lot as a reference once I actually dived in. Though the thing I was most lost on at first was the fact that you even needed to click on the items after they were placed in order to actually use them properly. Once I figured that out, the rest was smooth sailing!

Overall, fantastic game, and congrats on a job well done!


Thank you so much for the feedback! Your note about items needing to be click in order to have their menus opened is definitely something we noticed post-upload.

We've already updated it (just can't patch it until the judging period is over) so that the menu for the item just placed opens upon placement, which I think makes for a much better experience. Spot on observation!

And we are DEFINITELY in need of a tutorial at the start of the game; it's being worked on right now, along with a slew of quality of life updates and tweaks.

Once again thanks so much for checking it out, means a lot.


How to play manual was much appreciated. I loved the puzzles. The music, atmosphere, art and the mood of the game is superb. Very clever interpretation of the theme, too. Awesome game!


I think a lot has been already Said. Awesome work. I especially like the atmosphere you created. 

Very addicting !


Thank you so much for the kind words! <


This game is dangerous! I could see myself getting lost in this one. Awesome game! And I love the transitions and animations, the slight movement of the colors under the lens is just *chef's kiss*.


Thank you so much!! I’m glad you enjoyed it. We’re very happy with how it came together. We’re excited to keep working on it!


Extremely cool! I love the puzzles and how all the different items interact to fill out the shape, its a super cool concept and really fun to try to solve!


Thank you so much for checking it out! <3


This game is honestly incredible, such depth with such a short time.

It  was hard for me to completely understand the goal, as some of the others have stated. A tutorial would go a long way. Outside of that though, great game. Very Tetris Effect vibes for me with the ambient music. 


Thanks so much for trying it out! A tutorial is absolutely on our to-do list. I'm glad you enjoyed the vibe! <3


Admittedly it took me a bit to figure out you could click on the items to change what they do. Great game, love the puzzles and vibes.


How many good levels!!! This game is incredible. The sounds and music fits perfectly with the theme! The art is awesome and the puzzles are well made and challenging. I  couldn't stop playing, congratulations!!


Wow you two. Just wow. The ambience, the sound when you move the prisms, the art, specifically the smooth dithering is excellent. I love it. I'll admit it took me a minute to figure it out, but it all works so well. bravo.


Thank you so much! Means a lot coming from such a great artist!


Honestly this was just... incredibly well made. Such well thought out puzzle mechanics, it was a blast trying to figure out interactions and arrangements. This one needs a full version, for real!


Thanks so much for checking it out! Your words mean a lot.


Has nice puzzles and mechanics that were fun to tease apart! The visual style and music provide a solidly mysterious and appealing foundation for the game's aesthetic, along with the fact that you are thrust into a task you don't fully understand. Really cool!


Very neat puzzles paired with some very slick aesthetics. Love the soundscapes!


Super fun and challenging puzzles, with a very cool art style! Recommend everyone check this out!


thoughtful puzzle game, with a great pixel art aesthetic and fitting sound design.


Very interesting game, cool mechanics and even cooler Audio / Visual design. One of the most engaging puzzle game i've played in a long time.


I really like the look AND sound of the game. It has some seriously nice ASMR to it which I love. Excellent work in such a short period of time!


I enjoyed the game a lot. I think the art style is really awesome and cohesive, with the simple shaders and animation breathing a lot of life into the environment and unifying the light theme and feel. The light scenes are extremely picturesque as well. The music is ambient and fits the game tonally. The eye for environment makes the game feel complete and is so impressive for a jam game.

It did take a minute to even understand the logic of the game, even with the instruction booklet... but other than that blip, it was well telegraphed, and played flawlessly. I was skeptical about the logic of the game and how far you could take the light mechanics, but I found myself puzzling along seeing the increasing challenge (and realizing that yeah you can probably take this pretty far if you wanted, especially by restricting items). I thought shadows were a really inventive take on these light puzzles.

Unfortunately, I did not see a win condition due to a black screen bug in normal mode after about 12?15? levels.

Any criticisms I have about the game are minor and mostly out of scope for the jam. A few quick things in-scope would be: Level indicators in normal mode would be nice and a level reset/step-back button would also be nice.

Otherwise, outside of the jam, my number one add would be an in-game tutorial.

Other opinions I have: I didn't necessarily feel like scrolling between light sources added too much to the challenge. I feel like it would have been fine for each level to have one light-theme. I am a little conflicted on the items menu UI collapsing; it tends to add more clicks than necessary, especially flipping between items and item settings but I wasn't annoyed by it so it was noticeable to me but also probably fine.

Finally, I think that levels can get really, really busy with the million light rays which become more of a challenge to deal with than the actual puzzles, but I have no clue how you'd rectify this and it's probably totally fine and a skill issue for me.

Very prolific dev work, congrats to you both for the release!


Thank you so much for the thoughtful and detailed response! Your thoughts are certainly being considered for future updates. Once again, appreciate so much that you took time to play our game and type out such detailed feedback <3


Thanks for taking the time to play through the game and leave us your feedback! We taking a lot of notes from the people who have played and we agree an in-game tutorial and a handful of QoL updates are in order. 

Looking into that black screen bug this morning, I am happy to inform you that you indeed did beat the base game! After beating the pre-determined levels provided, there is a silent hand-off to Infinite mode. And we've found the bug lies in that handoff.
So in addition to the note to make the win condition more apparent in a future update,  congrats on beating the demo and proving your craftiness as an alchemist of light and shadow!

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