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A jam submission

Tomb of the Shadow KingView game page

Submitted by Troodon Games — 4 hours, 45 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Artistic Style#15.0005.000

Ranked from 2 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous.

  • This is a cool game that I would love to see fully fleshed out. I did notice the text didn't wrap well and still got cut off by the edge of the screen even in full screen. It is a minor detail that is easily fixed. Not much that I feel I could suggest that you don't already have planned for the game. The mechanics are fun, you use the theme in an interesting way, and the gameplay is engaging. Great job.

Did you include your Game Design Document as a Google Drive link?

Seriously... did you include your Game Design Document?

Is your game set to Public so we can see it?

Tell us about your game!
I tried my best to explain everything within the game, but just in case:

-the game revolves two mechanics: making polymorphic potions that change you movement, and using your ghost form to light torches and explore the map

-The potions you can craft are: SPIDER - lets you climb walls, RABBIT - gives you a double jump, and HEALTH - restores health to your living form

-IN GHOST FORM you cannot attack enemies, but are still vulnerable to them. If you die in ghost form the level resets. Repossessing your body will refill your spirit health, so don't go too far from it

- IN HUMAN FORM you are able to fight enemies, collect ingredients, craft and use potions , and use the door to move on, but if you wander into the darkness your soul is forced out of your body

- After a brief tutorial area, you enter the main room where the goal is to explore collect three keys to open a doorway to the Kings inner chamber using the above described mechanics

-While this a gameplay first experience, i did try to work some intrigue into it. You are an alchemist seeking eternal life, but what is eternity really?

Extra Notes
This is the first time I've programmed everything myself, and I now know I can do it. I am immensely proud of the people I worked with, and we are all honored to be participating in this game jam.


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The game looks nice and plays fairly well. I had fun completing the levels. I didn't have any major complaints here... the right click attack feels underwhelming and lacks impact though. One thing I noticed at the main menu: hovering over the two choices didn't feel right - removing the border of the hovered object makes it feel inverted, so I thought I found a bug! But maybe that's just me. 


This is a very creative mechanic, very fun. When I was the shadow, I started to feel overwhelmed by the size of the levels. It may be interesting if there is a maximum range on how far I can get from my body. The spider mechanic is very fun, and well executed. I wish the rabbit jump was a bit higher.

I also think I would have liked a different input for casting spells other than right click, as it felt a bit strange for me.

Otherwise, I really enjoyed it! Great work


Thank you for trying it out and giving feedback:)  

a maximum distance you can travel from the body sounds interesting, if we continue with the project we will explore that, and rework the combat! I agree about the rabbit jump, it's a simple fix, wish i had thought of it before submitting.

Thanks again for giving it a try!



Oooh I love the character pixel art soo much!

As a pixel artist myself I was immediately impressed by the character art, especially the transformations. There's a lot of love and attention there that I appreciate.

Although the game was pretty short I enjoyed it, grabbing ingredients and making double jump and spiderclimb potions was super cool. I enjoyed the mechanic of having to explore as a ghost to light the way then return with your body. Having the little skulls attack you during that form was a great choice.

I wasn't a fan of the attacking back though. Having to actually move with the keyboard to align my shots I would have preferred if it just went where my mouse was. It wasn't a huge issue as the enemies were so easy to beat but it was a little jarring at first.

The crafting system was pretty basic but it worked well, the art for all of this (and the UI in general) was also awesome.

The audio was pretty basic but it did the job. No major comments about that.

The ending was interesting and sets the stage for more. I hope we get to see more in the future.


Fun! I love the torches and darkness mechanic!


Thanks for the feedback!  glad you enjoyed it :)



Wow this is very impressive for a game jam submission! Its a fantastic game loop of collecting ingredients and making potions that actually impact your abilities in the game. Also I love the art! Congrats! ;)


I'm going to frame this comment and put it on my mantle, it'll be a conversation starter

Thank you so much for your kind words, it really means a lot to us



Haha sounds like a fun idea! Great job, keep it up!