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A jam submission

Felisopher's RelicView game page

A puzzle game where you need to queue the correct movements to access a variety of skills
Submitted by foliagic, Tekaion — 4 hours, 40 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Artistic Style#15.0005.000

Ranked from 1 rating. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous.

  • Really cool! I agree with other comments about the formulae being readily available. Love the puzzle aspects, the little cat stone thing is cute.

Did you include your Game Design Document as a Google Drive link?

Seriously... did you include your Game Design Document?
Yes. Here's the link AGAIN just in case:

Is your game set to Public so we can see it?

Tell us about your game!
Felisopher's Relic is a puzzle game about a magical stone getting possessed by a feline alchemist, and trying to make its way out of cavernous ruins and into the hands of the would-be thief.

The gameplay revolves around "crafting" techniques via moving left and right, to help navigate and solve the levels. This mechanic forces the player to contextualize their environment in unique ways, and to explore their options within each portion of a stage.

Controls are arrow keys/WASD.
You can go back to the last checkpoint by holding R.
ESC during gameplay opens a menu where you can adjust volume settings or select a level if you have already cleared any.

The alchemy skills, which are the core mechanic of the game, are unlocked partway through the tutorial stage.

Extra Notes
The tutorial + 3 levels included in this version are all beatable. Even if you find bugs that we didn't, you should be able to clear the game.

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very cool and interesting idea to cast spells, but also very complicated and difficult to use, could use some refining but feels extremely interesting concept

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Really nice game, good framerate, interesting puzzle mechanics.

I can't remember all the formulas. It's a little frustrating to know I have the tools in my toolbox but not an easy way to figure out what they are or how to use them. This is the main reason I didn't finish the game.

I know this is a tutorial but the mechanics are introduced too fast. If this was a full game, a longer tutorial introducing one mechanic per level would be nice. But I know you have time constraints here. Also, I found the movement sound a little grating after  a while.

Giving you a bit of harsh feedback here but that's because this game probably has some of the best ideas I've seen this game. Really good job! keep making games!


Thank you! Yes a couple of people pointed out that remembering the skill combinations was difficult. We really should have put them in there somewhere. After the feedback, I appended them to the bottom of the description, but understandably not a lot of people will see it since I also recommend going full screen at the top :P. Thank you for playing and giving feedback!


I really love the idea of a turn-based platform, so good job being creative!

I had a hard time being able to use some moves when I felt like I should be able to. For example, I needed to phase through some walls, but it was up against the RH wall. Since I needed to have 4L and 1R, I had a hard time making it through.

I imagine that is probably part of the puzzle solving, but it was too much for me. Maybe I will make another attempt soon!


Thank you for your feedback.

I think I know the part you were talking about, and yeah, that is the puzzle to be solved at that point.


Really fun puzzle game! Can see myself playing this for a really long time (took me a long time anyway haha!). Everything worked super well for me, it was fun and the puzzles were very well designed. Really hope y'all continue to work on it!

Minor critical feedback notes: 

-SFX seems relatively loud to the music, definitely fine since you can adjust it, just might want to tune the defaults a bit.

-Sometimes I found myself forgetting my last moves if the shadows were overlapping or I was covering them, so there were a lot of scenarios where I would just reset myself or move back, stuff like that to try again. Maybe my attention span is just short lol. Not sure if there would be a good way to handle the overlaps with the shadows... and not sure if having another piece of UI to show the last 5 moves (in the current order) would be too redundant... maybe a problem to explore more? Not really a big deal, just sharing what it felt like for me.

-Maybe some quality of life thing to add would be an in-game list of the techniques (and their types) would be good to add. Once you memorize them you're good, of course, and there is a bit of fun to doing that, so maybe something to test out, not sure what's better. 

Awesome job!


I tried my best to adjust the SFX so that every sound effect would be at a similar level. I was surprised to hear a lot of people thought the movement sfx in particular is very loud. Maybe my headphones aren’t great for certain frequencies?

I agree that I should have added a list of moves in the pause menu or something. In an open area, you can kind of cycle through them to remember what you have bit in a small area you can’t really input all of them.

For the UI, part of me regrets having the side UI at all, because it makes players rely on the UI instead of trying to keep a mental stack of their moves. I did not want the HUD to spell out the whole answer for every puzzle so I thought the side bar was a good compromise.

Thank you so much for the feedback. I really appreciate it!


Unusual movement-based abilities mechanics, I like it. I guess I exploited some parts of game using dash and float instead of intended solution, but game is still quite interesting :)


Unless you are talking about one specific section involving moving platforms in stage 3, it is most likely that using dash and float was the intended solution! Thank you for playing!


I really like how the different abilities are tied to movement. Really makes you have to think carefully about your moves. Animation of the main character looks really good too.


I am glad you enjoyed it!