85 entries were submitted between 2024-06-28 23:00:00 and 2024-07-07 22:59:59. 1,433 ratings were given to 85 entries (100.0%) between 2024-07-07 22:59:59 and 2024-07-17 22:59:59. The average number of ratings per game was 16.9 and the median was 16.
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Overall Bad | #11 | 3.810 | 3.810 |
Gameplay | #13 | 3.571 | 3.571 |
Overall Good | #21 | 3.048 | 3.048 |
Overall | #21 | 3.341 | 3.341 |
Modifier | #24 | 3.429 | 3.429 |
Sound | #40 | 3.095 | 3.095 |
Graphics | #41 | 3.095 | 3.095 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Graphics | #42 | 3.083 | 3.900 |
Overall Good | #45 | 2.688 | 3.400 |
Modifier | #53 | 2.451 | 3.100 |
Sound | #55 | 2.609 | 3.300 |
Gameplay | #57 | 2.372 | 3.000 |
Overall | #62 | 2.530 | 3.200 |
Overall Bad | #85 | 1.976 | 2.500 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Overall Bad | #42 | 3.074 | 3.286 |
Graphics | #43 | 3.074 | 3.286 |
Gameplay | #71 | 2.004 | 2.143 |
Overall Good | #79 | 1.670 | 1.786 |
Overall | #79 | 1.971 | 2.107 |
Modifier | #82 | 1.002 | 1.071 |
Sound | #83 | 1.002 | 1.071 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Graphics | #44 | 3.063 | 3.063 |
Overall Bad | #46 | 3.000 | 3.000 |
Modifier | #55 | 2.313 | 2.313 |
Overall | #58 | 2.573 | 2.573 |
Sound | #58 | 2.563 | 2.563 |
Gameplay | #60 | 2.313 | 2.313 |
Overall Good | #65 | 2.188 | 2.188 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Gameplay | #12 | 3.609 | 3.609 |
Overall Bad | #17 | 3.652 | 3.652 |
Overall Good | #25 | 3.000 | 3.000 |
Overall | #43 | 2.928 | 2.928 |
Graphics | #45 | 3.000 | 3.000 |
Sound | #62 | 2.522 | 2.522 |
Modifier | #74 | 1.783 | 1.783 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Modifier | #31 | 3.162 | 4.000 |
Graphics | #46 | 2.925 | 3.700 |
Overall | #55 | 2.609 | 3.300 |
Overall Good | #62 | 2.293 | 2.900 |
Sound | #65 | 2.451 | 3.100 |
Overall Bad | #65 | 2.609 | 3.300 |
Gameplay | #66 | 2.214 | 2.800 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Overall Bad | #34 | 3.350 | 3.350 |
Modifier | #35 | 3.000 | 3.000 |
Gameplay | #36 | 2.950 | 2.950 |
Overall | #40 | 2.967 | 2.967 |
Overall Good | #46 | 2.650 | 2.650 |
Graphics | #47 | 2.900 | 2.900 |
Sound | #48 | 2.950 | 2.950 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Overall Bad | #44 | 3.063 | 3.063 |
Graphics | #48 | 2.875 | 2.875 |
Sound | #50 | 2.875 | 2.875 |
Overall | #54 | 2.615 | 2.615 |
Overall Good | #56 | 2.375 | 2.375 |
Modifier | #58 | 2.188 | 2.188 |
Gameplay | #60 | 2.313 | 2.313 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Gameplay | #31 | 3.051 | 3.385 |
Overall Good | #43 | 2.704 | 3.000 |
Graphics | #49 | 2.843 | 3.154 |
Overall Bad | #56 | 2.774 | 3.077 |
Overall | #66 | 2.473 | 2.744 |
Sound | #77 | 2.011 | 2.231 |
Modifier | #78 | 1.456 | 1.615 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Overall Bad | #30 | 3.486 | 3.600 |
Sound | #32 | 3.227 | 3.333 |
Modifier | #37 | 2.905 | 3.000 |
Overall | #37 | 2.991 | 3.089 |
Gameplay | #38 | 2.840 | 2.933 |
Overall Good | #47 | 2.647 | 2.733 |
Graphics | #50 | 2.840 | 2.933 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Sound | #39 | 3.118 | 3.118 |
Modifier | #43 | 2.824 | 2.824 |
Overall Good | #48 | 2.588 | 2.588 |
Graphics | #51 | 2.824 | 2.824 |
Overall | #51 | 2.706 | 2.706 |
Gameplay | #53 | 2.471 | 2.471 |
Overall Bad | #76 | 2.412 | 2.412 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Modifier | #33 | 3.103 | 3.583 |
Gameplay | #35 | 2.959 | 3.417 |
Overall | #38 | 2.983 | 3.444 |
Overall Bad | #38 | 3.175 | 3.667 |
Overall Good | #39 | 2.815 | 3.250 |
Sound | #44 | 3.031 | 3.500 |
Graphics | #52 | 2.815 | 3.250 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Modifier | #47 | 2.776 | 2.867 |
Sound | #47 | 2.969 | 3.067 |
Overall Bad | #48 | 2.905 | 3.000 |
Overall | #50 | 2.711 | 2.800 |
Graphics | #53 | 2.776 | 2.867 |
Gameplay | #55 | 2.453 | 2.533 |
Overall Good | #55 | 2.388 | 2.467 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Overall Bad | #42 | 3.074 | 3.286 |
Gameplay | #43 | 2.739 | 2.929 |
Overall Good | #49 | 2.539 | 2.714 |
Graphics | #55 | 2.739 | 2.929 |
Overall | #56 | 2.606 | 2.786 |
Modifier | #57 | 2.272 | 2.429 |
Sound | #71 | 2.272 | 2.429 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Overall Bad | #24 | 3.588 | 3.588 |
Graphics | #56 | 2.706 | 2.706 |
Modifier | #60 | 2.118 | 2.118 |
Overall | #61 | 2.539 | 2.539 |
Gameplay | #62 | 2.294 | 2.294 |
Sound | #67 | 2.412 | 2.412 |
Overall Good | #67 | 2.118 | 2.118 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Overall Bad | #18 | 3.650 | 3.650 |
Modifier | #26 | 3.400 | 3.400 |
Sound | #28 | 3.400 | 3.400 |
Overall | #36 | 3.025 | 3.025 |
Gameplay | #45 | 2.700 | 2.700 |
Graphics | #57 | 2.650 | 2.650 |
Overall Good | #59 | 2.350 | 2.350 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Overall Bad | #1 | 4.529 | 4.529 |
Modifier | #21 | 3.471 | 3.471 |
Sound | #34 | 3.176 | 3.176 |
Overall | #35 | 3.049 | 3.049 |
Overall Good | #58 | 2.353 | 2.353 |
Graphics | #58 | 2.647 | 2.647 |
Gameplay | #70 | 2.118 | 2.118 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Sound | #54 | 2.647 | 2.733 |
Graphics | #59 | 2.647 | 2.733 |
Modifier | #59 | 2.130 | 2.200 |
Overall Bad | #59 | 2.711 | 2.800 |
Overall | #71 | 2.248 | 2.322 |
Overall Good | #73 | 1.872 | 1.933 |
Gameplay | #82 | 1.485 | 1.533 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Graphics | #60 | 2.609 | 3.300 |
Sound | #61 | 2.530 | 3.200 |
Modifier | #65 | 1.976 | 2.500 |
Overall Good | #69 | 2.055 | 2.600 |
Overall | #70 | 2.279 | 2.883 |
Overall Bad | #71 | 2.530 | 3.200 |
Gameplay | #72 | 1.976 | 2.500 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Overall Bad | #4 | 3.938 | 4.067 |
Sound | #27 | 3.421 | 3.533 |
Modifier | #37 | 2.905 | 3.000 |
Overall | #44 | 2.905 | 3.000 |
Gameplay | #55 | 2.453 | 2.533 |
Graphics | #61 | 2.517 | 2.600 |
Overall Good | #64 | 2.195 | 2.267 |