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City of NightView game page

Based on the Vampire the Masquerade V5 rules, how many nights can you survive?
Submitted by davedow (@tartanmonkey23) — 15 days, 23 hours before the deadline
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Which of the jam's theme(s) have you followed in your submission?

The Hunt & The Hunted

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That was a tough one! I managed it on my fourth try not to be killed by the SI.

I was wondering, can you also be something different than a Brujah or Torry? The embrace candidates imply that there is also the opportunity to play as a Malk or Ventrue, how can I get these ones?


It can take a lot of effort to reach a non SI ending, so well done!
Yes, you suspicions are spot on - if you pick the 'right' sire at the beginning you'll end up being Malk or Ventrue :) Thanks for playing!


i loved it!

the letter, my final bad ending (day94 i think), the hardships of growing and getting some things...
I would definitely use it to present the Vtm.

There are 4  things i missed if you think about making the game grow:

_being able to save or have some old fasion checkpoint codes: i took it seriously and it lasted long, and i intend on trying to reach other endings. That would really be a plus.

_i was not offered to grow more malkavian powers like obsuscate wich i love. And maybe we could be offered a hint about these powers or all the things the patrons can offer us, because it can take a long time.  But i really liked the inteaction and time of deals they broke with me.

_it is a bit too easy to kill . I would like a way to not let go if i take "just a little more" , even if i pay it by some malus on my die, or more hunger. botching is one thing, but killng even with precautions is not ok. i  still havent figured if i kill because i'm at 4 hunger, or if the victim is weaker.

_and i would love some lines about our beast; or moments where we antagonise; all the more if it is specific to our character or blood, like the scenes in the LA  by night show.


I'm glad you loved it and big thanks for letting me know! And extra thanks for the feedback! I did have a save game working at one point but I couldn't get it to work on itch for some reason. Checkpoints would be tricky due to how different each person's playthrough can be
I'm not planning on doing more work on it as I've moved on to my next thing, (also ttrpg inspired but this one is more a grimdark mage thing) and hope to roll learnings from City of Night into that. I get that more powers would be nice, I would like to have done more with the patrons too. The kill stuff, I hear what you're saying, killing should probably be a bigger deal - the actual logic takes into account how hungry you are and how weak the vessel is. Re 'beast reflections' aye, there is only really one in the game,  I guess I could have made more of a system of it to have them build with more kills or something. Anyway thanks again for playing & the feedback, much appreciated!


Liked this a lot, feels a bit like a rogue-like. Making different choices feels rewarding and the world feels open-ended, even knowing that it was made in a month for a game jam.

The basic concept is similar to an idea I’ve been working on, but the execution is much different and has its own unique atmosphere. Would love to see this expanded upon.

If I have one bit of constructive criticism, hunting seems a bit too punishing/restrictive, with the PC gaining a hunger every single night and it being very difficult to slake more than one hunger at a time without killing.


Glad you liked it and thanks for the feedback - I found it tricky to get the balance right re hunting - I wanted to make the game fairly deadly and hunger seemed like the most appropriate way to drive that (at one point I did try having it like the game and it being a 50% chance it rises/night)
I may well try expand at some point, I would love to have the characters at Elysium be random, and have a more procedural driven thing like Paradox's games

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

This was an excellent game! Somehow, I made it to 57 nights, which is 56 more nights than I thought I would last!



I really liked the setting and the gameplay. Good job. I must replay it until I get a good ending haha


thank you! good luck getting a 'good' ending :)


Oh, didn't notice the comment section here, only on the game's page.
The game is amazing. Got a good ending in my second run, yay!

(1 edit)

I'm stuck in the day 52, it just froze the screen and the options doesn't appear ;-;
Edit: I tried to reload the page and my progress was wiped out T_T


ugh - sorry to hear Mimetoist - it is not without bugs :(
Do you remember the last thing you did just before it froze?

I was asking for a patron in Elysium (Toreador), to teach me Presence 2 


thank you! that's really useful information - I'll take a look at the logic when I get the chance - another question though (sorry!), do you remember how many of the 6 powers you had by that point?

(1 edit) (+1)

I had 4 of the 6 powers by the time and I had been warned that the Inquisition was active in town by the Tremere lady

I hope this helps, let me know if I can help with anything else!


thank you again! and for the offer of help!


Great job! I really enjoyed it, gonna replay it again later to see if I can make it for longer than my first run :3


thank you! Let me know what ending you get to if you manage! good luck! :)


Did another play and got further this time! I got the Camarilla Traitor ending :D


Nice! Thanks for playing to an ending! :)