Hello everyone,
This was my first game jam and I have learned a lot about game development in this process. It has been a lot of fun playing and rating everyone's projects and seeing how many creative people that are here participating.
I personally do not have a mountain of ratings like others but out of the 369 cool dev's here (not sure why the submissions have increased from 367 but that's another topic) I've had 24 Super Epic Cool Best Devs Ever rate my game so far. Cough cough , if you want to be one of them rate my game https://melodicfish.itch.io/rugburn Shameless plug out of the way on to the topic.
I have noticed a significant gap in the rating's when comparing browser game's vs Downloads. I did a browser game as to me I thought the likely hood of people taking the time to rate my game after having to first download, extract unknown material, play then comeback and rate to be unrealistic. The ratings numbers seem to reflect my thoughts. So I wonder what you guys think about this topic, if you did post a download only game, why ? As this is my first game jam I am not familiar with the preferences of people in this regard only my own so I'd love to hear your thoughts !
Please note: I am sure there are many DL only games that have a lot of ratings but I do see a significant number of good games with low ratings that are DL only. Just thought I'd bring up the topic and see what others perspectives are on it....also plug my game ha!