A place to put your game to be rated
Here is mine https://itch.io/jam/wowie-jam-3/rate/935990
Constructive feedback is appetacted
A place to put your game to be rated
Here is mine https://itch.io/jam/wowie-jam-3/rate/935990
Constructive feedback is appetacted
Check out mine here: https://itch.io/jam/wowie-jam-3/rate/938027 :)
If you like mysterious, creepy theme and twin stick shooter with interesting mechanics, check out my game. Thx!
Hi everyone! https://itch.io/jam/wowie-jam-3/rate/940002 Feedback is greatly appretiated :)
https://tyrannosaurus-games.itch.io/operation-reincarnation It has some procedurally generated levels, reincarnation and some more
https://itch.io/jam/wowie-jam-3/rate/938945 my submission ;)