It looks like you copied all files from the 'en' locale directory. That's not what you should do.
Steps to make your translation work:
- add "pt_br": "PORTUGUÊS BRASILEIRO", to 'locales.json'
- create 'pt_br' directory in the 'locales' directory
- place 'text.json' file there
The game will use TTF font from the 'fonts' directory. It will look different and (as far as I remember) won't work in Android and Web versions, but it's a good enough starting point - you can test your translation. Once you finish the translation, we can either use converted to 'charset.png' and 'charset_small.png' TTF font (easy) or draw additional letters based on the original font (not so easy). Anyway, we can decide that later.
If, for some reason, you still have issues with the font, here is converted to images TTF font. Place the 'charset' directory from this archive to the 'pt_br' directory.