Yes def date ( & train) them----but only 1/day allowed, so that's ~ 2 each in 20 days. (if 10 char) [a *LOT* depends on their Fs too!]
Interesting. Maybe some (?) of my failed attempt R from low wit (LOL) thieves? If you get a "Dun CLEAR" early on, most have low stats---except maybe Master, & that's usually only from Training & usually only Physics. (need at least 1 thief for those)
I'm guessing 21D (?) Before I have more than 1 40+ Wit; Except for Fish/cook (fishing limited by slots!) wit chars just aren't as useful outside combat----most tasks take Physics.
-->> Do you use *COOKS*?!? I didn't use to, but since "cooking" more been trying it more----however, takes up 1 Critical *EARLY* class for my Wit chars. SO... Debatable. (might be "cheap" but even cooking for 5 can take 12h (low wit char) or more!
App/scholar, Hunter, (cook?) THIEF. early on need GOLD resources more, so get thief 2/3rd etc.
What's average? "good"? [hate that nonspecific stuff!] 2? 3? 4?
Actually I've found Factors R more imp that Growth: Take Physics: F1 vs F4: F4 trains faster -> higher Phy = higher combat dam, more production, etc. F1's R pitiful (FYI Daisy's an F1) Wits R similar.
You can always "speed up" growth XP-----but low F mean less classes so limits options. [Master MC often "grows" way too fast]
I think cook is (off top head) 25 Wit? (min)
HOOKERS-----What VERSION? That's 1 more thing he's changed recently. (worse, IMHO)
Even b4 his "nerf" fishing was more profitable than "harlot" class----even moreso now.
So ALL 10 (?!) were hookers? (including Master?) no healers or anything else?
Would be interested in what *QUESTS* you did [not all Quests R impossible, but *SOME* are, so depends on luck...) & UPGRADEs [would need at least to have 10 char----but you'll need a LOT more for med Quests or to craft things.
Try a Hooker run w v *5.3* [most recent I've used] has his "nerf" built-in-----let me know Quests & Upgrades & days. (D)
OH, FYI, Beer/Whiskey easily crafted (cooking) provided u have grain.
"aphrodisiacs"----1 of those *LUCK* things! *W/O UPGRADES* (see how imp they are?)
you get 6 days [even on "easy"] sometimes only get 1 or 0/3. [or worse, 2/3 LOL]
Actually, (depending on LUCK! LOL) D24 is cutting it pretty close. [D28 is Greedy Bank steals gold day! ]
Best I've done so far: (assume bad luck--includes QUESTS & SHOPS) PUSH UPGRADES; Med Quest for Workers/Servants/Mages;
(1 more reason Quests important) "Dungeon Clear" (have another post on "Impossible Quests) R all "FIGHTER" Quests (I think?)
You're post is a little confusing---did you use hookers? Or mages? (or are those 2 diff runs?)
I do like Mages---but 1 problem (early on) is they need STAFFs. Need Upgrades (to craft) *OR* most R EXPENSIVE to buy! Can easily spend 1k gold or more for just ONE staff! (did your mages have staffs? ---I assume u bought?)
Daggers R nice----but not useful for mages----& w/o upgrades R mostly a "luck" item (R u telling me you bought 6 daggers in 6 days?) + (again, depends on luck!) say a *BONE* or stone? (been a while since craft a dagger) VS STEEL or better... & Daggers R low dam anyway. [who R your Dun Runs against? Goblins? Bandits? or?)
Depends on who you're up against, But assume no armor---& only daggers can get you "killed" (severe dam = you can't fight & low prod)
(even an easy "Dun Clear" vs Bandits can B too much)
If you reply let me know what *VERSION* (v) you're using, as so much has changed in last several.