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A member registered Jul 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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Krátká, ale zábavná hra. Vizuální styl se mi hrozně líbí.

Really fun game, the Superhot like weapon grabbing fits a lot the otherwise Doom Eternal like gameplay, especially for VR. Overall a solid boomer shooter for the platform. Would definitely like to see this with more content. All weapons feel pretty balanced (maybe except the rocket launcher's splash damage - played v0.1) and they got their purpose. The weapon grabbing button being used also for climbing felt a bit unintuitive at first as I always got stuck to the walls, but quickly realized I don't have to hold it all the time. Also runs very well on Quest 2.

Is there any way to actually store the melons instead of going constantly back to the shop? They seriously feel little bit underwhelming because of this, had really no reason to use anything but the seeds. Other than that, it's really fun and well polished and could definitely by expanded into a larger game.

Also spent way too much time punching people.

The concept is amazing and the old school turn based dungeon crawler style somehow really fits VR. Also liked how the inventory sort of stacks like a hand of (MTG) cards. At the first try I didn't actually realize the spells can stack, but pulling off the final nuke on the second run was really fun :D

Did you put it on a tray? It might sometimes bug out so picking the tray and putting it on the counter again should be enough to fix it.

I'm really glad you liked Big Boss, we've been recently kind of working on it again and we seriously want to make it into a "full" game

Hra vypadá skvěle, hodně animací, hodně originálních props, solidní polish, sound design taky super. Hrozně se mi líbí mechanika, jak se medvědi staví na záda aby dosáhli na vyšší platformy. :D Jen by to asi chtělo chvilkovou imunitu po zásahu, ať skupinka medvědů nevezme všechny 3 životy naráz, případně i overhaul toho meče, ať se nemusí tak zběsile mačkat. 

Super, jen je hrozná škoda, že jste nestihli udělat to prostředí, ten Mortal Kombat styl jinak vypadá fakt pěkně :D

Díky, jen nás strašně štve, že je v téhle verzi tolik bugů, protože jsme to prakticky ani nemohli otestovat :D Všechny jsme už opravili a polishnuli dost mechanik, jen to nemůžeme nahrát než skončí voting period. Na nějak výrazně komplexnejší hru to spíš rozšiřovat nebudeme, ale chceme přidat aspoň extra levely a koupitelné cosmetics na hráče :D

You need to press E on the right buttons. There is currently a bug and it might not work on the first try, but should on the second.

Pretty cool, but the game seriously needs a way to prevent taking damage from blue and red skeletons other than shooting them fast enough, which is kinda hard if you currently don't have a special weapon :D Other than that I would also "nitpick" few typing errors, revolver ejecting shells and a Tec-9 being called Uzi :D

Thank you for playing and even recording it! :D It can be a bit counter-intuitive, but those pillar jumps are actually made to demonstrate the recoil jumping mechanic, you can watch the trailer to see it in action

Teď jsem chtěl napsát podobný feedback. :D Možná by to chtělo prostě vypnout hitbox na stejnou dobu u obou a místo crouch by ten command měl být duck. Jinak to vypadá pěkně.

Vizuální zpracování je sice jednoduché, ale pěkné. Samotný gameplay je celkem originální a myslím, že celkem funguje. Každopádně bych určitě implementoval checkpointy, nebo životy, ať se hráč nevrací úplně na začátek po každém zásahu, dále mi tam chybí ozvučení, minimálně by to chtělo nějaký odlišný tón pro každou barvu.

Super koncept, jen škoda těch zabugovaných upíru. Možná bych doporučil solar powered dobíjení baterky, aby měl hráč iniciativu ta světla vůbec nahazovat, zároveň by to asi chtělo nerf kratšího mačkání LMB, protože se to dá takto celkem snadno projít i bez dobíjení (když jsem to dohrál, tak jsem o mechanice dobíjení ani nevěděl).

Love the controls and the movement in general! Simple, but super fun sandbox.

Yeah, the first level is probably way too hard, it's in fact harder than the second one, but we didn't have much time to balance it out :D

The mechanics can be also sort of unintuitive at the start, the gameplay trailer that I put after the deadline on the game page demonstrates all the mechanics in the game so if anyone reading this is struggling, be sure to check that out!

Not the monitor, I hit my case, since I have it on my desk. Thankfully, it rebooted just fine lol.

A little bit short, but fun indeed. Cool visuals, good gameplay and mechanics. Love it.

Not gonna lie, I absolutely love the AR platforming mechanic, however, I'd say it's way too underused right now. It would be much cooler if the multi-jump (which is kind of broken right now if you tap the jump button really fast) was removed and the main character would have to move props for the small guy to jump on. But that's just a nitpick, considering there wasn't exactly much time for designing such level. Overall, I really like the game. Voice acting and story is good as well.

Love the '90s SW renderer style! The concept itself is simple, but it's definitely fun and original. My only nitpick would be that I'm not exactly a fan of the fact that it requires a lot of space (and force) when losing or when a distant enemy chains you early. This made me accidentally smack my PC so hard that the screen went black lol. Everything else is great though.