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A member registered Apr 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Ah, I didn't think of the case of not drawing anything! I totally would've added some extra dialog for it if I did, but too late now haha. Thank you for the kind words!

Hi, thank you! I'm aware of the sound bug; it only occurs in the WebGL version, probably because of lag. If you want, you should download the desktop version, it's much more stable.

not wholesome D: thank you though haha

This game is amazing! One of my favorites I've played in the jam so far. So juicy, so fun. The one issue I have is that the enemy AI isn't very sophisticated, but obviously it's hard to make good AI in a jam, so that's understandable. And even so, it's still insanely fun. Great job :)

Nice little game! The visuals are easily the best part - everything in the game looks great. In terms of gameplay, I think that it's good but it could be improved a lot. When it comes to action games, it's almost always more fun if you increase the speed. I think just making the whole game twice as fast would make it so much more fun. The other thing you could do would be to add more enemy variations. But yeah, overall I think the idea has potential and the presentation is great. Well done!

Fun game! The mechanic was fun and interesting, and the puzzles were smartly designed. I only wish there were more levels, but what is here is already great :)

NOooo  I can't believe I didn't catch that bug D:

Great game! I absolutely love the idea - it's simple, but leads to very fun gameplay. I just wish that it wasn't so easy to push Cubey by spamming the gun - a simple reload time would've done wonders, I think. The game's presentation is also top notch. Incredibly juicy, nice shaders, and good sound design. If it wasn't for the one issue I mentioned, I probably would've given the game 5/5. Excellent work!

Oh no! I actually found that bug during testing and totally forgot to fix it, haha. My bad!

This game is excellent for the time limit! The main gameplay loop is very fun, and I'm impressed with the number of unique boxes there are in the game! The one issue I have with the gameplay is that the human and robot sides both have the same set of tools, except for the green ones. So eventually I found the strategy of simply leaving the green tool in the robot hand and only switching the human's tools. If both sides had different tools, the scrambling to find the right tool would be a lot of fun, I think.

The only other critique I have of this game is that there is no tutorial. You should never overlook the tutorial in games, they are crucial to the player's enjoyment. I almost gave up because I couldn't figure out the controls. Aside from that, I really enjoyed it. Fantastic job!

Pretty fun! A very solid tower defense game for the limited time. I will say, I feel like the AI didn't have much bearing on the gameplay. It kind of just felt like I was playing with half a field. But what's there is well done! Quite polished, save for some little details like a health bar, visible bullets and things. But good job overall!

Pretty fun! Luna is very cute :) there could be more depth to the movement - a way to manually start a pounce, for example, would be nice. I also liked the presentation, the art and music were both quite well done. Overall I think it's a cute little highscore game :D

Haha, thank you! Glad you enjoyed!

Fun idea! I like the idea of an office manager where you control an AI. However, I wish there were more varied tasks for the AI to perform; the main gameplay loop as it stands is too repetitive, I think. The game's presentation as a whole is good, but taking a look at the credits, it seems like everything is taken from asset packs. It's fine to not do the art yourself, but consider working with an artist - original art will always beat asset packs ;)

This game has a lot of ideas that I think would be great if you expanded on them more. I liked the theme of working with the AI to fix glitches, but I wish you would've went in a more puzzler direction with the mechanic. Outside of that, some of the shaders were very nicely done. My advice for next time would be to find the core of what makes your game fun and expand on it as much as you can. Well done :)

thanks, godot!

hey! didn't expect to see you here, haha. i see you are a man of culture as well

I don't see a reason why you need to die once to open the exit. Some levels can be done without dying, so why force me to die? I also see no reason for there to be a limit on how many times you can die before the level resets. It changes almost nothing. It could be seen as a way to stop the player from dropping corpses everywhere, but they decay, so it's not necessary. All it does is waste time, and that goes for both of my points. Aside from that, the visuals and sound design are very nice.

is clipping the boxes through the floor or walls intentional?

It's not. For some reason when I brought my box holding code into the game, it broke. I was aware of it but didn't have time to fix it

Thanks! I'm a huge fan of fourth wall breaking games, so a game like this has been on my mind for a long time.

It kinda taxed my GPU a bit

Yeah, the performance is pretty garbage. I've already explained it here:

The performance is bad because I used Godot's CSG combining system, which is only supposed to be used for prototyping levels because the performance isn't good. I would have converted it into one mesh, but I've never done it before and I didn't wanna mess up my level lol

the game exited every time I tried opening it after the final part

I'll let you in on a little secret: You can reset the game to the beginning by going to %APPDATA%\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\my game and deleting stage.txt ;)

Designing difficulty is pretty challenging. You have to know who you want to play your games, and how to make levels they wouldn't find too easy, but also wouldn't get too frustrated on. Personally, I tend to make games that are way too hard, which as I understand it is a lot more common. But a game that's too easy is better than a game that's too hard, so you're on the right track I suppose. Just take this from someone who doesn't play very many puzzle games: These levels are stupid simple.

some players struggled with the time limit

Time limits are kind of artificial difficulty imo. It's like putting an invisible spike at the end of the level. Does it make the level harder? Sure. Does it make the level better? No. Time limits aren't all bad, I just don't think you should rely on them as the only challenge.

Cool game!

Okay, actual feedback time.

Pretty fun game! It was pretty solid mechanically, but the presentation is another story. I think some good sound design alone could elevate this game so much.

I don't think this game fits the theme too well. I get what you were going for, but I honestly wouldn't call this a stealth game. It would be really hard to make a "real" stealth game in 3 days, and for the time limit I think you did quite well. I just think the theme feels more like an afterthought. Which is fine, the theme is optional of course.

The visuals are not good. They could be worse, but they are definitely not great. But I don't think it detracts from the experience too much. Games like this don't always need stunning visuals, in fact I quite like the doom/wolfenstein look (I assume that's what you were going for).

As I said earlier, this game could benefit immensely from some good sound design. It's incredible important for games like this that are more action-oriented. Your game has sound, which is something. But sound effects can do so much more than just play when something happens. Actually no, that's exactly what they do, lol. I think you get my point. Also sound design is pretty fun once you get into it, imo. I used to neglect it a lot, but now I really enjoy it.

Overall, I think this game is very well done! Congrats on being one of the most popular games in the jam, I think it's well deserved.

P.S. I heard what you said about me:

I think he's part of a by-gone era.
Back when game jams used to be only about giving and getting feedback

Sad but true. I've said this a couple times before, but the only jams I've participated in before this one have been pretty small, and for the most part everyone was really nice, so real feedback was a lot more common. I guess I assumed it would be the same for this one, but clearly not. Anyways I'm glad I can bring some of that atmosphere over to bigger jams, as it seems like it's a lot more aggressive. Everyone's spamming their game in the discord all the time, which I find really annoying. Well I've already written way too much, so I'll cut it off there.

Pretty cool.

I liked the mechanic, but I think the puzzles didn't really use it to it's full advantage. Just in general this game is kind of same-y. Every level looks the same, and you do pretty much the same thing: Run around, shoot robots, shoot buttons, die, repeat. Not a very interesting gameplay loop imo. And the puzzles were really easy too. None of them ever made me have to stop and think. Making good puzzles is really hard, though. I know that from experience. Also unclear what the story/lore is, but that could be intentional.

The visuals are alright. Could be better, sure, but they're alright. Sounds are the bare minimum imo.

I don't understand what this game wants from me.

The game is called Crazy Car. I'm told to hit as much stuff as possible. So how come when I try to go crazy and run into everything at top speed, I immediately fail?

When designing a game, you need to be conscious of what you think the ideal most fun strategy would be. Then, you have to design everything to guide players toward this strategy. If the most fun strategy is too hard, or there's an obvious easier strategy, everyone will just take the easy way out and miss the intended playing experience.

For this game, the intended strategy is to run everything over and get out of control. But the obstacles are preventing people from doing that. So it's simple! Remove the obstacles. Games don't need to have fail states. I think this game would be much better without them.

Anyways, the visuals are pretty good. The low poly art style is kind of overdone nowadays, but it's a game jam, so it makes sense. I don't know a whole lot about sound design, but I can tell you here it definitely could be better. Especially impacts could be way more... well, impactful, if you had better sound effects.

I also think the theme feels tacked on. It seems like you just made a regular car game and then thought of a way of connecting it to the theme afterwards. That might not be true, but that's how it feels to me.

Wow, thank you so much! DDLC is one of my all time favorite games, so being compared to it is pretty cool. I'm not really sure what you mean about scrolling in the console. It worked fine for me while testing. You can select commands and copy them like any normal text, though.

Hey! Jonas said it was ok to fix it during the rating period, so the fix is up!

Honestly, this game is not great. But for your first game. It's pretty good! You pretty much covered all the important stuff. It's probably better than my first game, and I made that in a week. I think this is a really good starting point to jump from and become a great gamedev :) good luck!

OHHHHHHHH I do know it haha. I just wasn't really thinking about it. I think that game really influenced this a lot, actually. I remember watching a let's-play of it just before this jam. I didn't really realize it until now, I guess it was subconscious. Weird

Overall, this game is ok.

The gameplay is ok. The visuals are ok. The sound design, the gimmick, it's just ok. You really didn't do anything that stands out to me. That's a huge problem, because no one will want to play a game that's just ok. You need to be great. You need to make a game that stands out. There is nothing in here that's really outstanding in my opinion.

It's not fun to die to invisible blocks over and over until you win. There's not a whole lot of skill involved here once you figure out where to go. And the reset to the beginning if you die too much is also annoying. You shouldn't punish people who are bad at your game, you should try to help them.

I don't really have much else to say. The movement speed is a bit fast. Sorry I didn't have a whole lot of positive stuff to say.

Dunno what that's supposed to mean but I am concerned.

Very charming game!

The visuals are outstanding, definitely the best aspect of this game to me. The way the characters react and emote is just really... well, charming. The sound design is also very good, and compliments the art style really well.

While it is fun to talk to the characters the first couple of times, it does get repetitive. It really doesn't help that all the characters have the same questions. I just think in general there's not enough questions. I would even occasionally get the same question twice for the same character. I get that writing a lot of questions and reactions would be hard, but considering they make up the entire gameplay loop, it's kind of important.

But that's basically my entire critique. There's nothing else I really think needs to be improved. That being said, I don't think this would work well as a full game. I think expanding this would be really tricky without changing the core gameplay too much. It's fantastic at what it wants to be, even if that's something you'll only play for 10 minutes or so.

Thank you for the nice comment! It's really cool to hear such positive feedback for something I worked so hard on :)

The game's performance wasn't that good for me?

Yeah, sorry about that. The performance is bad because I used Godot's CSG combining system, which is only supposed to be used for prototyping levels because the performance isn't good. I would have converted it into one mesh, but I've never done it before and I didn't wanna mess up my level lol

The console parts were very yes for me, I am a huge fan of those stuff.

Same! I love games that break the fourth wall, like ddlc for example

I don't actually know, if this was supposed to be like this or not, but the ESC key didn't do anything for me

Yes, that's intended. At first I was gonna have it so that esc does work, but then I realized it would make a bunch of people miss the second half of the game, so I made it do nothing.

Really! I thought you were a native speaker! Your English is really good, don't worry about it

Oh no! I'm so sorry, I should've thought about that. I just assumed every keyboard has that key (yes, you are supposed to open the console at that point). Right now, you could use a program like autohotkey to re-bind a key to ~. I'll be sure to post a version after the jam with a different key to open the console. Or does this count as a game-breaking bug? Anyways, other points:

  • Yeah, I noticed the tile thing, I just forgot to fix it
  • I just copied an fps controller I had made previously and turned the movement speed way down. I didn't really think about changing the head bobbing, but yeah that definitely makes sense
  • I thought it would be funny to have the player in a permanent A pose with no animations, and it was. It's just out of place in a more serious game I suppose
  • I had no idea about the win room wall thing
  • Yeah air control and movement is not the focus in this game. Idk why I even kept the jump in, it serves no purpose here
  • I probably could've added a settings screen in time if I was quick, but a settings menu just for sensitivity is kind of a lot. I considered making the scroll wheel change the sensitivity, but forgot to add it
it was kinda similar to a game I played in the last Wowie game jam

That would be Gray-box Testing. Yeah, I took a lot of inspiration from that one.

The crashing effect also tilted the camera nicely as an added bonus effect

Thank you, I worked really hard on the whole crashing sequence, and I'm super happy with how it came out.

I also wasn't totally sold on it being on topic

Well if you don't push the boundaries of the topic, your game will blend in.

Great, you've got me writing novels for my own game too, lol

Nice aesthetic, although you could've gone further with it. The movement mechanics were pretty good, but I was disappointed that the environment gave me absolutely no reason whatsoever to use them. The most I did was double jump to reach the high platforms. But even that was pointless, because you could have just made the platforms short enough to reach with one jump and it would have been exactly the same.

This game is supposed to be about speed and momentum, so why is the best strategy to hide behind cover and only come out to shoot briefly? You should have made the enemies always aim a little behind you when you're running, because I found when I ran around I would always just get hit anyways. Speaking of enemies, they were extremely boring, but I know it's hard to make good enemies in game jams.

I believe the guns shoot a little to the right from where you're actually aiming, which is a huge nono. That makes it basically impossible to aim correctly. Also, imo the bullet drop was way too strong. Sure, it's unique, but unique does not mean good. Just because a mechanic is unique doesn't mean you should keep it. That's one thing playtesting helps a lot with. I found myself adding stuff that, when playtesting, everyone told me was annoying. I just couldn't see it because I was stuck thinking "oh, this mechanic is kind of interesting" instead of "oh, this mechanic isn't fun".

So yeah. That's all I have to say.

The visuals and sound design are definitely the best aspects of this game. The gameplay falls a bit short, however. I think the movement mechanics feel tacked on just so it would have something to do with the theme. You shouldn't have pointless movement mechanics. For example, if you have a double jump and only use it to have taller platforms, or longer distances between platforms, there's no reason for the double jump to exist. You should just remove the double jump and make the platforms shorter and closer together. You need to have setups that would be impossible without the mechanic for it to not be useless. The combat was also kind of boring, but it's hard to do good combat, especially in a game jam.

Hey, looks like you forgot to include the pck file, lol. Don't worry, I've done the same thing before. Make sure when you're exporting to windows, you hit "Export project", and when zipping your game make sure the .pck file and the exe are in the same directory, otherwise your game won't start, and you'll get the error message SteveyMcGuy and Formica_dev got.