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A member registered Nov 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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this game is so much fun. the idea is just awesome. the graphics and the art style are really great as well.

I had a lot of fun with this game. The gameplay is enjoyable and the graphics and sounds are really nice. The only problem I had was with the balancing. I thought the base stats, especially the speed, were a little too low and the powerups can make it way too easy. Still very awesome for 48 hours. 

Thanks man. Glad you liked it. I actually had plans for towers you could buy and upgrade to assist you. Unfortunately I just didn't have enough time. I have to go now but I'll play and rate your game too when I get back home.

Hey thank you so much for your feedback. I am working on more content as well as polishing the game at the moment. I have already started working on the issues you mentioned. Little things like that can really drag a game down when they stack up so thanks for pointing them out.

btw  sorry for the late reply

cool game. it's a lot of fun to play. the controls are really weird and bizarre but you somehow managed to still make them fun. well done

just played and rated it. it was really cool.

I would be really happy if you could check out my game. this was my first game jam and I would really appreciate some more feedback and ratings


cool game. the concept is interesting but can be a little hard to grasp. the slingshot movement and the overall gameplay is fun it felt a bit too hard when a bunch of enemies all spawned at once.

if you want to teach the player the game's rules inside the game maybe it would be good to introduce the mechanics one after the other. Maybe at first you start with one computer and only the CA. then after that you add the blue barriers and the AA and at last you introduce enemies and the DB. after that the game continues like it does in the current version

just played and rated it. your game has a very cool concept. it is definitely the most unique game I've played so far

cool game with a nice soundtrack and I like the art style. I think the game would be a lot better if it was more challenging.  

great puzzle game. really liked how every level taught you something new and how the last level just brought everything together. the game also looks and sounds very nice. I just wish there was a little more of it because I really enjoyed it

simple but cool game. great concept. a sound effect and maybe some camera shake for the explosions would make the game feel a little better. some music would have been nice too.

fun and well made  game. really nice visual and ui design. very cool take on the topic

Here‘s the Link to my submission:https://itch.io/jam/wowie-jam-2/rate/552522 

Will play your game when I get home

Here‘s the Link to my submission:https://itch.io/jam/wowie-jam-2/rate/552522 

Will play your game when I get home

thanks a lot for playing my game and I really appreciate the feedback and the kind words. I had a lot of fun during the jam and I think I will make a few small adjustments to the game before I move on to a new project. I definitely want to play your game but I don't have the time right now, I will play it as soon as possible tomorrow

Hello there! here's my game: https://itch.io/jam/wowie-jam-2/rate/552522  Will play your game tomorrow  

thanks a lot for playing my game. having something for the player to work towards is unfortunately something I did not think about when I made this game. I would absolutely agree, the game would definitely benefit from a scoring system or some other type of goal

just played and rated your game. it was really great

Awesome game. Visuals and sound are amazing. the glitch effects are really nice and the game overall felt very polished

Very cool. Will play yours as soon as I get home

I played yours a couple of days ago. Left a rating and a comment. Was a fun game

Hello there.

I'd be really happy if you would play and rate my game. Some feedback would also be very much appreciated. 

Want me to play your game? Just post a link to it in this thread or leave a comment on my game's page.

Here's my submission: https://itch.io/jam/wowie-jam-2/rate/552522

would really appreciate it if you could play and rate my game : https://itch.io/jam/wowie-jam-2/rate/552522

very cool game. it looks and sounds great and just feels very polished. the movement feels very fluid and although I'm not very good at platformers I had a lot of fun with this one

unique puzzle game. glitching in and through objects is a great mechanic and makes for some very interesting and cool levels. visual and sound aren't that great but they do get the job done and they didn't keep me from having fun.

only real complaint is the last level. it's good but it feels too long and very tedious. while the other levels where all very short that last one kind of overstayed it's welcome a bit.

Here's mine: https://itch.io/jam/wowie-jam-2/rate/552522

great puzzle game. the game does a very good job at teaching you the mechanics one at a time so I was never that confused and the puzzles were fair but still challenging. The checkpoint system is a cool idea and creates some interesting gameplay especially the load jumps were a lot of fun. the later levels felt a bit repetitive because they had very similar layouts but the game was still very enjoyable. the game also just feels great to play: the movement is responsive and smooth, the particles look nice and the music is very good 

Very enjoyable game. the visuals and the graphics look amazing and the music is very nice too. it was a little too difficult imo. it's been said already but I think the colliders should be a bit smaller and to me the jetpack felt a little clunky. but all in all the game looks and sounds awesome and is a blast to play

I am 16 and this was my first game jam. I've been using Unity for a while and I have started quite lot of projects but unfortunately I didn't finish most of them. Making and publishing a game in such a short time was very satisfying and rewarding. 

My biggest problem during the jam was that I initially overscoped. Fortunately I realised that pretty quickly and came up with a smaller, more manageable project. 

The main thing I learned from the jam is how much polish can do for a game. Most of my games never left the prototype stage. They always had close to zero polish, most of them didn't even have sound. For this game I spend much more time on things like particles, screen shake etc. and it is amazing how much impact little things like that can have. Although this game was made in under 72 hours I think it is more enjoyable than any of my earlier game because I did way more to improve the feel of the game.

Another big thing is to know your strengths and weaknesses : I'm no artist. When I try to make good 2d (or 3d) art it either takes way too long and just looks kinda okay or it's turns out terrible which is why for this game I only used simple shapes for the graphics did my best to make them look nice and the moved on to making the core mechanics and polishing the game.

 I have been really happy with the comments people left under my game. Everyone has been very kind and supportive, I basically only got constructive criticism and people left me a lot of great ideas to improve my games and things to keep in mind for my next project.

Here is my submission: https://itch.io/jam/wowie-jam-2/rate/552522

Thank you for the kind words. It really means a lot to me and I'm very happy to hear that you enjoyed my game

Thank you for your feedback. In general all of the comments under the game have been very motivating and helpful. 

It's really great to see that people enjoy the game and the ideas people left me to improve are even better. 

Having something the player can work towards is something that completely flew over my head when making the game and I will definitely give it much more thought in future projects

Link to my game: https://nikonator.itch.io/howilearnedtolovethebugs

Hello. My name is Niko and I'm 16. This is my first game jam ever. I've been wanting to participate in a jam for a while but I never did because I thought I was not good enough and would not be able to finish my game in time. But when Jonas announced that he was going to host a jam I immediately joined it and I'm glad I did. Making the game was not only a ton of fun I also feel like I learned a lot from this experience and it just felt great to finish and publish a project for once. 

My game is a top-down shooter with weird, bugged controls. For example, the only way to move the player is through the recoil of his guns.

Thank you for this thread and this opportunity. My game does have it's flaws which I didn't notice  when play testing the game but it can still be a fun to play and I really hope you enjoy it


Here is mine. Will play yours when I get back home

Didn‘t see my game. 

Here‘s the link: https://itch.io/jam/wowie-jam-2/rate/552522

You can download it if you want but you can also play it in the browser 

will play your game immediately when I get home 

Here is mine: https://itch.io/jam/wowie-jam-2/rate/552522

Here‘s mine: https://itch.io/jam/wowie-jam-2/rate/552522 

I will play and rate your game as soon as I get home today

Here's my game: https://itch.io/jam/wowie-jam-2/rate/552522

I will play and rate yours as soon as I can. 

Thank you very much for the great feedback. I do want to make some improvements and changes to the game if I have the time.

If I do so I will definitely do something to make camping less effective. Either by spawning enemies in your corner of the arena or by rewarding an aggressive play style in some way. 

Difficulty is also something  I want to work on. I might increase the enemy spawn rate, make the enemies more dangerous, add some new Enemies, and or decrease the spawn rate of the health pickups over time to make the game more challenging.

A scoring system would definitely be a good addition and should be very easy to implement.

Moving enemies into obstacles sounds really interesting. definitely something I want to try.  could be it's own game mode

nice music and fun gameplay. it's a little bit chaotic but that's not really a problem. the positive and negative effects were really cool and interesting and gave the game a lot more variety. 

I think it'd be good if the difference between red and green bugs would have been explained to the player at the start of the game or if the "How to play" button was a little bigger and more noticeable.

still very well done game

simple but very fun game. the art style and the animations look great. the particle effects also make the game a lot more enjoyable. some sounds would have been nice but I think this is amazing for a four hour game