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A member registered Apr 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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I reached the end, what a trip!

I did it!

I uploaded a Windows executable, this one should run

I uploaded a Windows executable, this one should run

Nice game!

The night mode took me by surprise :D


Thanks, yeah at the start of the level everyone piles up in a single spot and it's a bit messy, I'll try to fix this in the post jam version

I like both the idea and the execution, well done!

Good foundation for a game, though the enemies should be more varied and the difficulty should increase faster: I got just shy of 40k points and while there were more enemies on screen at once avoiding them wasn't a problem.

Going with the jam theme and the game name it feels strange that there's no penalty for letting enemies pass through.

I also think that the song is not on loop, as at a certain point it just stopped playing



Nice little game.

As other have said, bombs are a bit unforgiving, with a blast radius that feels bigger then the visual would suggest

Interesting atmosphere and implied story. 

The fishing mechanism is quite rough, and being the only activity in the game it could use some improvements : the progress while the fish is in the circle should be faster and the loss while outside slower; for several times the circle ended up outside of the field of view, especially when fishing too close to the boat. 

As it is now it drags the game, stretching what could be a ten minutes tight experience into a potentially endless frustrating chore 

I tried it with chrome on both desktop and mobile and with edge on desktop and it works fine, maybe there is a security setting that's blocking it? 

Anyway I will upload a downloadable version as soon as I can 


Nice idea, and interesting story, though the control are a bit clunky.

My main complaint is that the visuals not matching the text (like in the ducks, stand, the image has eggs, and way too many for the given options) makes it a bit diffcult to know which is the correct option to pick

Thanks for the feedback and yeah, the start is super messy, at the moment the dudes all pile up in a single point, I wanted to work on that but ran out of time :D

Good idea, but I find the hotdog composition a bit awkward: given that you can only add the ingredients in order I would simplify and only use Q, W and E for all the parts.

A solid entry, anyway, well done!


The original plan for the tutorial had pictures and animations, but I couldn't make it in time :D

Recording the voices was the funniest part, for sure

Amazing achievement in ten days, congratulations!

Adding sounds would make it perfect


Regarding the AI, the dudes' basic behaviour is following the checkpoints on the track choosing randomly where there are alternate routes, if another dude is in front and within range there's a chance that they will be pushed out of the way and finally if an obstacle activates in front of the dude they have a chance of avoiding it by jumping or halting depending on the type of obstacle.

I built a sort of state machine to manage what the dudes can do at any given time

Nice little story, maybe a bit too short, and clever use of the theme. Well done!


Simple and irritatingly addictive.

I'm couldn't go past 27, so I don't know if there's a point in the submit button.

I think this would also need some music and sounds


I think that the walk speed should be the current running speed or maybe a bit less, and the actual running should be nearly double that

Interesting idea, the controls are a bit clunky but you're a ball, so that's understandable.

I would change two things: music is a bit loud and there's no way to mute it or change the volume, and in the tutorial the green arrow to go forward keeps moving and it's a bit too small, I would use a fixed button on the lower center or right

Thanks, I had fun recording the voices :D



It's a good start for a game, I think that the player should be faster and the meelee attack should be stronger, otherwise there's no point in close combat

Very cute and relaxing, I'm not sure the music fits with the general vibe of the game. though

That's a good starting point.
A way to highlight the selected hero would make it easier to send them where they're needed.

I also noticed that the building block the terrain behind them, so the heroes can't be directed close enough to the back of the building if an enemy is attacking there.

A simple idea executed perfectly, well done!

The voice acting is the best part, in my opinion

The game is interesting, but it needs at least a brief instructions page.

If you can try to find some time during development to make or shop for music and sounds, they're essential to build the atmosphere of the game

Nice game, it could use a more varied set of enemies (maybe a bigger duck that takes more than one hit spawning every 30 seconds).

There's a bug when teleporting from one side to the other, after the jump the character is off screen and if you start going the opposite way (for example, you exit to the left, teleport to the right and then start moving right) the camera doesn't follow you

I'm sorry that you can't run the game, what browser are you using?

I tested it on Chrome (both desktop and mobile) and Edge and it works fine

I got super lucky, great challenging game

73 is my best


Given the one hour time constraint I had to keep things super simple, even on the coding part, so the game is a bit monotonous as it is.

I'm currently working on a three hours version that has basic graphics (making art is a time sink) and sounds, I hope to upload it later this week.