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A member registered Dec 04, 2016 · View creator page →

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Will look into speeding stuff up! Definitely want to have more chaos.

Thanks for playing!

99 was just to indicate that the output wouldn't change (should've used the infinity sign instead). The hard mode is the most common feedback, we'll definitely look into adding that

Thanks for playing!

I almost wish there wasn't autoclick in the name because I was about to miss out on this game (not the biggest fan of autoclickers). Cool idea of mixing both auto clickers and a tower defense - feels like it's a tower defense ++. Good job!

Super cute game. Really enjoyed the art and gameplay. Wish the blue bot would stick around and celebrate on the last level. Good job!

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Super cool game! Played until I got to 3 characters then I gave up because my brain hurt. For some reason, when playing in 4x, the character behavior didn't work the same all the time; might be a weird Godot timing bug? It would be nice to have a save game to be able to come back and play where I left off; I wouldn't play again just because it would require too much to restart. It would also be nice to play the sequence backwards or till the end to spot what went wrong. Otherwise, super polished game, definitely one of the better ones in this jam!

Nice little rhyme game. It is definitely WAY easier with a controller. Could be nice having more songs to choose from. Good job!

Really polished and fun game! I wish we could read the scribbles, but it make it feel more like the real budget shop experience. I also wish the computer would crash less. Other than that, would definitely play a full version of this!

Solid game! As said in other comment, reminds me of monkey ball. Wish the levels were a little less slippery, felt like I was playing an ice level. The voice acting was a really nice touch (I'm too lazy to read). Good job!

Super jeu les gars! I really like the story/puzzle element. The ragdoll death is super funny. I wish there was a checkpoint though, it kind of gets repetitive to restart over and over.

I like the game overall. I wish the calls were more evenly spaced (but I guess it's more realistic getting big batches of call at once?). I also think the game could be more visually appealing if you went for a simpler art style (like Mini Metro or something). I think it has alot of potential, good game!

Fun clicker game! Was unsure what to do until the anti-pop power up appeared, then it was a breeze. Good job!

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Interesting and simple game. I feel I was really struggling a lot with the minigames due to the paw's hitbox being unclear (I do like the design though). I also feel night one is really short compared to the following one.

Good entry overall!

If you ever get a chance to co-op it, worth a try!

Thanks for playing!

100% agree with you! The frenzy name came very last minute, wish we would've incorporated it more...

Thanks for playing!!

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Overcooked was definitely our inspiration :)

Thanks for playing!

Glad you enjoyed! It was definitely my favorite system to implement.

Thanks for playing!

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Thanks for saving Xmas for all those kids! Santa always gets all the credits but it's really the elves that do all the hard work (wish we had more time to introduce that story plot)

Thanks for playing!

For the speed: We had considered it being too slow for some players (we felt it was slow for us), but we wanted to keep it accessible for everyone. We definitely want to make faster levels!

For good/bad: Great idea! I can picture some candy crush voice saying that. The game name was chosen like 2 hours before deadline so didn't even think of incorporating it.

Really appreciate the feedback and thanks for playing!!

Wish there would be more! I'll see if I can release some tooling I made for this one to encourage more people to do them.

Thanks for playing!!

Sounds good, I'll come back later in the jam to give the fully fixed version a try!!

Really cool using modern frontend tech to make a full game (good choice on Tailwind).

In typical web dev fashion, Firefox has issues; the lines don't show up for some reason. It could also be nice having a background music and SFXs (maybe through the <audio> tag?)

Other than that, great execution. Really like it!

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That's to be eggpected. Making a full game is egghausting. Make sure to eggercise and eat some eggs!

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Funny enough, it was my girlfriend causing the chaos when testing on my end. Everyone playing different I guess LOL

Glad you both enjoyed, we like making coop games for those moments.

Thanks for playing :)!

Glad you gave it a try with a friend! The last levels weren't tested a lot, might explain the difficulty spike :P

Thanks for playing!!

It's creepy in a really good way, I like it! Hands are fun to play around with. Fits the theme really well. Good job!

Eggcelent game! The art and gameplay was eggquisit! I'm egging for more levels!

In the best way possible, WTF did I just play? Why was it so much fun? Absolutely amazing game! I have nothing bad to say, just fart noises all around.

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Wow game is so juicy, love it! Wish there was a web build just so more people try it! Really good job!

There seems to be a bug where if I press too quickly on the dialog it bring me back to the main menu?

Could be cool to have some broom upgrade (like steel broom) to hit zombies quicker/harder!

We hope you read that, you will need it.

I feel called out for reading that first LOL. It does indeed help reading the instructions.

Maybe I just didn't play enough, but I felt the game was really easy. I didn't see much use to even try going for the power-ups (except for the shield). Maybe it could be nice if the enemies bounce around?

Other than that, cool game and art!

I really like the lil blue person. The game got quite repetitive at points. I also managed to get a block stuck on the side wall (I was still able to progress so maybe it was intentional?).

Good game overall!

I really like the game board, but wished the UI was abit more polished. I really liked seeing the village grow as you play. Good job!

Played a while, really fun game! Sounds are really satisfying. I did feel abit overwhelmed at first - almost wish there was a in-game tutorial instead of just a screen. Once I got the hang of things, wish the game would get harder (the hack part was fun though).

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Adding to this comment, maybe just activate fullscreen on the itch game?

Super cool twist on the original game! We also had considered a "Papers, Please!" inspired game, but I don't think we would've executed it this well. Good job!!

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We have a really snowy winter up here this year 🍁. Just made sense to make an x-mas game!

Thanks for playing :)!

Reflecting what other people mentioned, it was quite confusing without a tutorial. Also didn't see much purpose of the additional information nodes.

Other than this, simple and fun puzzle game!

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We love coop games so it's hard for us to avoid making them!

Thanks for playing!

🎶 I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole. Diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hole 🎶

I sometimes got confused at the later depth if I was inside or outside a wall (maybe my screen is just not bright enough). Other than that, enjoy the game loop! Good job for a solo project!

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That was the goal! Thanks for playing :)!

Solid! We also considered making a WarioWare-y game - almost wish we did. Good job, this is super fun!