Will look into speeding stuff up! Definitely want to have more chaos.
Thanks for playing!
Super cool game! Played until I got to 3 characters then I gave up because my brain hurt. For some reason, when playing in 4x, the character behavior didn't work the same all the time; might be a weird Godot timing bug? It would be nice to have a save game to be able to come back and play where I left off; I wouldn't play again just because it would require too much to restart. It would also be nice to play the sequence backwards or till the end to spot what went wrong. Otherwise, super polished game, definitely one of the better ones in this jam!
I like the game overall. I wish the calls were more evenly spaced (but I guess it's more realistic getting big batches of call at once?). I also think the game could be more visually appealing if you went for a simpler art style (like Mini Metro or something). I think it has alot of potential, good game!
For the speed: We had considered it being too slow for some players (we felt it was slow for us), but we wanted to keep it accessible for everyone. We definitely want to make faster levels!
For good/bad: Great idea! I can picture some candy crush voice saying that. The game name was chosen like 2 hours before deadline so didn't even think of incorporating it.
Really appreciate the feedback and thanks for playing!!
Really cool using modern frontend tech to make a full game (good choice on Tailwind).
In typical web dev fashion, Firefox has issues; the lines don't show up for some reason. It could also be nice having a background music and SFXs (maybe through the <audio> tag?)
Other than that, great execution. Really like it!
We hope you read that, you will need it.
I feel called out for reading that first LOL. It does indeed help reading the instructions.
Maybe I just didn't play enough, but I felt the game was really easy. I didn't see much use to even try going for the power-ups (except for the shield). Maybe it could be nice if the enemies bounce around?
Other than that, cool game and art!