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Alterton Games

A member registered Nov 19, 2016 · View creator page →

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oh no about twitter xD can't wait to see how you redo the game :D

Very fun! controls weren't confusing and i had fun smacking things >:D

i love the characters and the scaling via portals!

loved it xD found my characters! tried to get them both on a team but i failed ><!

this was fun :D was a little confused on the combo moves, and i had a hard time tryin to climb up the bonsai tree because the character moves really fast.

super fun once i got hang of the controls! didn't realize i had to change modes to actually play but i got it xD love how the music is super chill too!

very fun xD

this is fun! i left a room in the middle where stuff drops... let's say things got big fast before i realized xD

it's cute! had fun :

so funny xD 

omg this is fun xD it took me a sec to get used to things, and know that the others were below. little hard to hit the farmers (i guess gotta fire at them before going over? also like that the geese change direction when at the end of the map :D

this is fun! love it all xD

this was fun! i didn't realize i had to drag the cards out of the deck (call it i skipped a word in reading lol) and i kept dropping it onto the deck and it going away, so all i could do is end my turn. it took me a few turns of doin that to realize i had to drag it out.

This was super fun! i loved the jumping and scrolling, i find if i scrolled a little it'd grow bigger then i thought, so not sure if its just sensitive or maybe just me xD also does it end at this spot?

cuz i couldn't do anything else and there's no end screen :D

i see a cat i must play ><! i had fun trying to solve all the puzzles!

what a cute game! 

loved it xD was a little confused with combining elements but i got it eventually xD i don't think there is a back out of battle option because you're meant to capture it, but what if i wasn't ready for a fight? i went to the fish before i could learn to mix elements and i couldn't do much.

such a cute short game >< i love the style too!

what a fun typing game! i liked how it was the same word for certain spells! i found if you were at the top or bottom lane, if you hit tab/shift you go to the other lane, not sure if its intended. made it to 114 only because i missed a space xD well done!

this was very fun but i cant remember the spells sadly ><! :( i feel like i'd have to write them down on paper, i wonder if a quick flash of the letters to press on the screen under the elements? good job i love the music and everything ><

i had fun! i didnt find one of the cards needed though ;( i kinda felt i was running around not knowing where i've been (though having flipped cards helped ><)

this is such a fun game! love the music! the wind took me a second to get used to but i love it! very good job :DD

(1 edit)

fun game! i wish the enemies had hp bars to know how much i need to hit them >< was a little confused on what i was to do, the text is a bit small and compact to read sometimes and it seemed to move a bit fast at times. good luck if you work on this more!

it was pretty neat! i think the patrons left a little quickly xD i'd be runnin back and they'd be gone! took me a second with the cauldron, i didnt know i had to wait for a  timed event >< fun game!

was not sure how to get victory points? it seems like a neat card game if you add some ai to play with or another player. good job though :)

it seems like it is fun, i did not get very far, i had to stop to try to see what spells i needed to use, and i got stuck with having to put fire out, nothing i did seemed to work :( the wizard moves very fast, i feel you need a little buffer/tutorial at the start so the play could get used to the spell, and maybe look at the drawing mechanic(which is really cool i loved drawing lines all over xD) to see if you can make it that the lines dont have to be perfect? I thought intel was the orbs on the ground but i guess it's not. Good luck if you continue the game!

what a very cute character ><!! I loved the game, one thing i turned down the volume on the title screen to below half, yet when the game started my ears got blasted xO good luck if you continue the game!

i saw a cat, i play the game xD it's fun! i kinda wish the direction of the attack would be where your mouse was on the screen as well. I liked how the light effects the player too! good job!

what a cute fun game xD love all the characters!

i had fun even though i was a little confused on what to do xD  i was unsure what order to do things on teh bench, but i had fun going from room to room  :D

cute fun game! love the music! there were times where the text would bug and they would appear as small dots on the screen so i couldn't read anything? was a little hard to remember what combos for the slimes made, also i had a enemy somehow appear on the outside of the room in the black part and the slimes couldn't get it :(

i loved the game! When the text comes on screen to explain how combat works, i feel i had to re-read it a few times because it would go up a line as it added more words. Not sure if you want to try different way of showing text, maybe a line at a time or the whole thing? It also wasn't clear to me to hit z to continue the text. The moving background behind the enemies, you may want to slow down or make a certain solid pattern, it does hurt the eyes and might cause issues to some players. It's also unclear when you should dodge and what direction? i was just spamming a/d not knowing if i was actually going to dodge an attack. also i had to afk but couldn't pause with enter after i got the key, and i lost xD but i had fun! cant wait to see wait you have planned!

this game is so fun! had a little trouble lighting the lanterns, wasn't sure how if i had to click left mouse button, i did that and spammed what buttons i though would (like space) so i failed the ritual until i got it somehow xD i love the torch as HP, and the color changing! You could make the "ammo" from the torch maybe be a bit brighter or something as it was hard to see against the ground so i didn't know it was firing in a specific direction. Good luck if you continue the game!

i love these  birds xD the art was very pretty! was a little confused on what i was to collect but i got to the end :D

cute game! it was a little hard for me to understand the narrating a little but i managed xD i found if you go left at the start it crashes? or ends the game as if i completed it? a little tricky with the portals as i had to hit E a few times.  and i think letting the player know that they found the final pile before ending the game so abruptly, i thought i had crashed again xD i loved all the little forms too :D maybe they could have their own unique sounds instead of the cat default one. cant wait to see if you continue it!

what an adorable short game! I loved that each area had its own music! (i found the thing xD) i think you did very well for your first game in godot! 

i do not last long in there for sure xD i also didn't see the guy to talk to that tells you what to do. (i know it says in the description but i like to play these games as if their not there). i'd think if you  would add an indicator or a "quest" to go talk to him at first, even if its just to remind the player what their to do. I love the area xD monsters are cool!

very fun! was a little confused with how the mechanics worked but i got it :) i didn't realize you could jump and shoot the light at the same time. music was great xD  also had a laugh at the long title!

i love the concept! the art is cool and the music good! (though i think it should fade in, it scared me when it started the game ><) i didn't get past the start area though, i tried clicking on everything, picked up mushrooms but couldn't really do anything else.

Love the concept! The character felt a little slow running, and i had trouble trying to make a triangle, wasn't sure if there is a certain size it needed to be, as i made a few and nothing happened, but i got one to activate. good job though!