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A member registered Oct 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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Oh, that's because there's always some "leftovers" from the previous season, so in spring you find winter crystals laying around, in summer you find spring flowers, and so on. They're different from the main season ingredient because you can safely take those as opposed to the main ingredient where you risk angering the forest if you take too much and dry it out.

I like the gameplay idea, but I got stuck on the Mushroom fight as the fight lagged for some reason, and the cooldown of the water(?) attack was too slow for mana regen, as the enemy recovered HP too fast.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! The crystals were in a cave on the top right area past the river (You can only cross there on winter as the water freezes) 

The potion-making task admittedly is like that because of my lack of skill, It takes a random potion each time and increases the amount, but I will work toward learning how to do that better and work on UI so the player gets better information!

Simple fun game, although I believe that having to manually shoot things instead of them auto-attacking makes the game a Twin Stick shooter rather than a Survivors-like. 

I like that the enemies had different weakness, not so much limited ammo as that just made you stay nearby and not move from the area too much.

Thank you for the feedback! In the last days we made sure to balance the game so it felt like a stalemate if you were not using the units to counter the enemy, hope it didn't drawn out too much though!

Yep, all the sprites, UI buttons and sounds were done by her! They look really good.

Funny enough I DID had the thought of adding a tooltip to the unit buttons to show the cost, hp and image of the unit you were spawning, That wasn't even a "we didn't have time" that was a complete oversight on my part as the spawning buttons were one of the first things we worked on and then just....didn't return to lol. Glad you liked the game!


Thank you! Yeah I made sure the story had a skip to get back again, In hindsight I should have added a play again button on the win/lose screen

Thank you! We spend the last days trying to fine tune the units so each in fact had a unit or tactic they work against, nice to know it worked.

Scrap production was one of the ideas we had while working on it, as well as more units, but you know the old saying: "Not enough gamejam time" lol

Thanks! The idea definitely came from old flash games like Age of War and those "Defend the castle" games. Wish there were more of them so we made one. 

(2 edits)

Thank you! Back in the first days we realized very quickly the leaper was really fun, so we focused a little more time on it to make it sure was satisfying to see it jumping on friendly units to get a flyer, or horrifying to see the enemy one just leap over all your units directly to your base.

Thanks! Yeah it was more work than we thought but we managed to pull through most if not all the goals we set for the jam!

Nice game, although for the most part you can just sprint past the guards right in their vision and have enough time to get away, so I didn't need to hide nor attack them.

Was 20 or so meters far from 2500m when I touched a mine.
I was wondering what the purpose of the flashlight was until it got pitch dark.  Not sure if maneuvering became more difficult the farther I was in as pressure was stronger or it was just my imagination. I liked the game.

Got to the end of the game.
I like that you need to control the characters by giving them gold to follow, specially when there's multiple characters and you need to micromanage them else they just do as they please. 

That's why I'm not too convinced on having to press space to make them jump manually, I'm sure there's a better solution.

Fun game and implementation of the theme. Although fairly easy to kill the guards undamaged;
I got to generation 7th and could usually buy the 3 upgrades aside the Infamy upgrades every time.

I can see the village getting better guards/defenses as the game progresses and the legend grows should the game keeps developing further on.

Played and finished it on the hardest difficulties. I like the idea of a chase game, and having the wolf right behind you made it tense to get all the jumps right; but some of the collisions were a little janky. 

The level was also too short. The art also felt a little uneven with the wolf particularly just being scaled up and going from pixel art to a drawing at the end screen. But the designs of the characters were cute.

Nice idea. It does need either a sound or visual cue that the timer started as it would sometimes feel like its frozen while it loads and cost you a second which for this type of game is really important.

I liked the mechanic. The jumps on the second level with the fan/platform-things were a little too exact for comfort, and sometimes its gets confusing to differentiate background from platforms. Otherwise it was fun.

The art-style is nice and simple; But after playing for a bit I don't see what's the goal, if any.

I like that you can use the blocks themselves to either attack enemies or act as moving platforms to get yourself to higher places. I think the default attack takes away the focus from that mechanic, and the levels themselves could utilize it more.

The grappling hook mechanic seems a little unfinished though; grappling the asteroids just damages your ship, and grappling the "empty space" doesn't make sense. It could have been a dash instead.
Can't go wrong with Asteroids though.

It was fine. The sound effect was a little too loud.

Having to stun the enemies before killing them is a nice idea; although them spawning in a conga line makes it easy most of the time.