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A member registered Mar 26, 2018 · View creator page →

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Woop! Made it into the leader boards! :D

Very cool, nice take on the spooky theme with the companion wildcard for sure. Definitely have to agree on the lack of feedback of damage given/received. But yeah liked this :)

Lots of fun! I got to wave 11 before making a silly mistake and losing it all. I think I'd rather have had a smart bomb or something rather than dodge as a secondary ability that was available on a recharge timer or something. Also enemies coming from other directions would have added to the challenge (that may happen after wave 11 I guess!) Otherwise it was really great, powerups were fun and who wouldn't want a gun that fires burgers :D

This was great, very enjoyable. Always a fan of music based mechanics so this was right up my street. Nice work there! :D

I'm not sure why I was doing what I was doing, but you generally can't go wrong with a bread eating Dino. Looks great, really wish there was more to it!

Liked the idea of this but reluctantly have to agree it was just a tad too tough for me to make any decent progress. Had a few attempts but for me the biggest puzzler was I wasn't sure where I was supposed to go. Not bad at all though!

Interesting thoughts on the controls there! Something to think about for sure as I'd like to put out an update after the jam. I think changing the left/right would confuse the heck out of me but it could always be an optional feature right?

Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it!

Hey thanks! Ah you can back up but very slowly in comparison. I'd originally planned gears to the bike too, but perhaps that would have made things even worse!

Appreciate the feedback :)

Thanks for the constructive feedback, I appreciate and agree with it all. I'm thinking of adding a further version later with some of these features incorporated. :)

Thanks for the feedback! Glad to hear you got to the end :D

Enjoyed the game but I wasn't very good at all! Constantly making mistakes, platformer action games are not my forte. But I could see the work you put into it. Good stuff :)

That was cool, I liked the overall feel of the game for sure. I had some weird slow down when somehow I ended up with a whole army of eggs right next to me while fighting a boss. It looked like the minions were watching me beat up their leader! Definitely one of the more unique moments of the jam for me :)

Where was my glory! I was supposed to be...covered in it (actually, never mind) - great entry, enjoyed it. Like any good game like this it's about learning the system to get good. Agree with most of the other positive feedback here my addition would be that the edge of the area wasn't immediately obvious to me. Very nice :)

Once I realised I should be praying to bread it all made more sense! Good fun there, like others I was impressed you went for an RTS game! Bread is obviously superior to potatoes...

Got up to the 170s, not quite enough to appear on the leader board though! I'm horrified as to how much time I spent trying to get even there!

Great fun, enjoyed it lots.

Enjoyed it - realised you can use space instead of mouse which made things better (it probably said somewhere too). I agree it could be improved with some funny phrases in commentary either in big comical letters or sound effects, but it stands well as it is now :D

Would be nice to see where you were planning to go with it - good effort! :)

Nice game! Agree with comment about delivering mutliple things at once and I didn't like getting stuck on the corners before the houses. Otherwise I enjoyed it!

What a lot of bread people need eh?

Definitely found this interesting as a concept - the donut mini game went wrong on me at one point and started going crazy no matter what I did (O and X appearing at the same time and all sorts of things!) The jam/glazed roll mini game was fine until I had to roll it and I could never seem to get the mouse in the right place!

The coffee game and pretzel games worked fine all the time though.

Like the concept, good Jam game!

Not bad this, I do like jumper games so this was definitely fun for me. Graphics were great but I think it would have benefited from more variety in obstacles. I think I got just over 6000 on my best run. Nice jam entry!

Great fun - however I seemed to run out of inventory space and I'd left bread on the machine. Not sure if I saw a warning to say not to do that but it seemed to prevent me from continuing (eg couldn't put anything more in the machine and I couldn't take the bread)

Otherwise very cool!

I liked the presentation of this - very nicely done. When I started picking up ingredients I immediately thought I was going to find clues as to what would be required for the day's bread to make. But even though that didn't happen I still liked it. The atmosphere was very well achieved.

Nice entry!

This was really great in my opinion, your use of theme was spot on. The different types of toast to overcome different kinds of obstacles is kind of what games are all about I reckon. One of my favourite games this Jam!

Oh the radar only indicates houses (or rather the mailboxes) to be delivered to, not the enemies!

But having both on there colour coded differently might have made that more obvious perhaps? And I like the idea of changing their size, I'll give it some thought.

Thanks again! :)

Very cool, got a bit lost sometimes, but otherwise great :)

Hey thanks, did you mean a mini map additional to the radar or more data on the radar?

Thanks for the comments! Much appreciated :)

Yeah originally I'd hoped I could fit the controls under the mundane wildcard (because the picture was also a bike!) but they definitely fit more under "troublesome" hehe

It was also on my list to improve the autozoom, but never got around to it. Tempted to look after the jam.

Appreciate the comments! :)

Good stuff, I like rhythm games and it didn't disappoint. I agree with the other comment that I'd have preferred the controls to be next to each other. My brain didn't like them being apart! :D

Nicely done - love the idea of using bread to match the theme. I had a couple of games where the ball started going almost horizontal for long periods of time. Both times I restarted to get it going properly again.

I enjoyed it lots though, sound effects were satisfying. Nice game :)

Great fun, I didn't do as well as others only getting 40 points, but I still enjoyed it a lot. This would make a fantastic mobile game in my opinion.

Nice work!

Enjoyed this a lot! I'm definitely a fan of mystery games and thought the format was good. Nice fit for the themes. I found the thief first time which I was pleased with :)

Nice entry.

Great stuff, loved the sound effects. Nice idea and well executed. Enjoyed my go with it. I think the only thing I couldn't figure out was why I only got some of the power ups -- did they just not fall close enough to me?

Nice entry!

Ah interesting ok! Thanks for that, I'll play around with those settings and see if I can improve it. Appreciate the pointers :)

I thought that was fantastic - well thought out, uses the theme well and was fun to play. Nice work!

Lots of fun! I love the original idea. Blasting parts off a food processor is fun :)

Very cool, well rounded game for the Jam! Good use of the CRT shader, makes it look very good.

Hey, thanks for the comment! Yeah originally I was thinking the controls being a bit unusual would help with the "mundane" wildcard...but I think I must have misremembered them as "awkward"! :D

Hey, yes the labels are supposed to be out of shot to start with. Not sure how you viewed it in another resolution? Did you download it and run it outside of Still new to Godot so wasn't sure how to enforce a resolution aside from using the iframe they provide here.

Thanks for the comment, appreciate it! :)