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A member registered Jul 07, 2020

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(1 edit)

First off, all of the art and animation are great, I loved the dino buddy and its expressions. The concept and gameplay also really fit the theme and the juice of panic mode worked really well (Just need to add sound to make it better).

One thing I think could be improved; just barely touching a building with the tail felt a little too punishing when trying to turn, I think taking the time to try and turn slowly already works as a consequence without the tail also tumbiling down buildings.

Overall you guys did a really good job! (Also I did actually manage to beat it, although it was a bit cheesy by finding the straight path with the least amount of buildings and just purposefully ramming into them.)

One of the more unique games from the jam. Despite the tutorial, it still took a bit to figure out what was going on which could be improved on. Also, some elements, such as which wave is chosen and the health bar, need a bit more clarity on their design. You still did a good job!

Pretty fun game, it definitely spiraled out of control and it had a nice bit of humor with the random assortment of food and non-food items you ate and the fact your job was eating things. I got pretty far but ended up being ended by bananas which my dude just did not want to eat. Good job making it feel polished!

Great game, I had a lot of fun with it and it was one of the better games with some sort of infection mechanic! One thing is the upgrades could use a bit of balancing as there were some I found to be straight up better than the alternative. Otherwise you did great and I enjoyed the artstyle!

Good job with the game, not overly complex and had some strategy! Great job with the assests too, the style reminded me a lot of Shaun the Sheep/Wallace & Gromit. 

The biggest problem was with the gameplay; there was overwhemingly dominant strategy that I found really early on. I could very easily just wall off one of the sheep and then just wait. I barely used the other tools and ended up just ignoring them in favor of hoping a sheep would randomly wander into a favorable position so I could spend more on walls.

Just to get them out of the way since they're running out of time issues: if you do end up adding a tutorial, I recommend making an interactive one rather than a text one, that will give the player a chance to get used to the movement and personally try out they powerups. Along with that, make sure to add a main menu. Moving on from those, I liked the art style of the game but it could definitely use some "juice" to make the game feel a bit more alive. The gameplay was pretty fun as well but It did still get a bit stale after a while, the powerups made a bit of a difference but I otherwise just kept doing the same thing. Overall you did a good job!

Extremely polished and very challenging platformer. The execution was well put together and everything worked really well together. Biggest gripe is basically just what everybody else also mentioned: once you get to the higher madness, the controls get a bit too fiddly. It is supposed to be out of control, but I think there is still a way you could fine tune it to still feel good while still being out of control. Great job overall!

The art was very good but you were a bit lacking in gameplay, besides wander around a mostly empty map and spam left click there wasn't a lot else to do. There is a lot of potential for the enemies to do more than they did as I never really felt threatned by them. Good job with it still though! I could see the direction you guys were going for and it has promise!

One of the more interesting out of control character timer mechanics and the movement fit pretty well. Could definitely use a bit more clarity on the fountains opening the portal and your hitboxes were a bit off. Also if you wanted to use signs, it may have been a good idea to make them interactable as well, otherwise they were a bit hard read. Good job overall though!

Was super easy to pick up and figure out and it made the gameplay fun to think through. The orange enemy was a little bit funky to me as I sometimes couldn't tell where it was going to move when I hit it. Still, overall it was a great game!

Almost reminded me of playing crazy taxi, although with less control of the car of course. It was fun and simple to figure out! One thing that I think would've been interesting is if you could aim the pizzas, then you could do cool things like drift past a house while slingshotting a pizza at it.

Neat idea! It was kinda like an RTS where your units started not obeying orders but still followed the general objective. Definitely could use some extra zombie types or other small things to spice it up a bit but you still did a good job!

Well obviously this is just a simulator of real life with all the people ignoring rules while shopping! Fun game though, it was pretty neat to get used to the controls. Still didn't beat it but I got pretty close, just had to spin to dodge all the people.

Nice job on your game! I liked the ever growing/shifting list of random rules, it reminded me of one of my favorite card games, Mao. Really made me have to remember what everything did. The separate enemy and player movement was interesting as well.

You guys had great art and the controls for the game felt good! I would say if you wanted to improve upon it, maybe the sanity mechanic could've had a little bit more besides just making you move. I know its not a horror game but if you've seen any horror games with sanity mechanics, it would've been cool if random things started appearing on screen or the screen warped with a lower sanity. Good job!

This was already said but it also reminds me of Tricky Towers, just with a little bit more choice with the cards. Was a bit punishing to immediately lose after one of my pieces on the bottom spazzed out and made the entire tower fall but it was a fun game!

Nope, it never did finish itself, never even got close ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You guys had great music! It fit the game really well and the game itself we pretty good too, a bit confusing at first and clicking on the guards was a bit weird but I enjoyed it. Good job!

Really creative, I laughed the first time the rage happened. I think everything in the game worked really well together, it looked nice, had good gameplay and a fun mechanic. You guys did a great job! Only issue was that sometimes it seemed songs wouldn't play after pressing the not combinations.

Very enjoyable! It feels like exactly what happens when I play Sea of Thieves with friends; going in circles, crashing into objects, and missing shots. Also, one minor detail you could have added was to have the pirates say "port" and "starboard" for the directions, not really important though.  Overall pretty polished too but I did manage to sail into the mountains. 

(1 edit)

Nice and straightforward, gets a bit stale since you can easily do a circle to drive around the opposing robot and it doesn't add any additional challenge.  Could use some sort of progression system to keep things dynamic. Still, I played it until 2056 points.

Fun little game. Was a bit confused at what to do at first but it made me chuckle once I realized what was going on. Definitely just need a bit of explanation on what the player needs to do.

Great game! Had good visuals and mechanically worked really well. the mechanics were also fun to mess around with, even if I wasn't always following the objective. Great job guys!

Pretty good game! The simple mechanic works really well and you have a good visual theme. 

Relatively straightforward and fits the theme well. Tried to reset it a couple of times to see if I could get it to win without any intervention.

You had a decent story and good art. The gameplay was a little bit lacking and the controls sometimes didn't work quite correctly but there wasn't anything that couldn't just be improved upon so you did a pretty nice job!

Definitely shows some potential, I feel like there are a couple bugs (I couldn't seem to lock doors and you could lose the tutorial before the text finished) but overall I think you guys did a good job! I like the style of the game as well.

Pretty good, the premise fits and it has decent enough gameplay. However, it was a bit frustrating to try to get the soldiers in front of the main character since he seemingly turned at random corners. It felt a little bit like a clunky escort mission. If you plan on adding or fixing anything, maybe show the path the character is going to take? 

Nice little fun game, simple but works well. Good job!