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Matias Mellado

A member registered Apr 14, 2018 · View creator page →

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Such a great game, really fun and simple concept.

I loved it, congrats

It was awesome, is a great game. The cocktails minigame has a very similar concept to your brewery mechanic but with a different approach. Is more about moving a mark to a specific spot than matching a color and ingredients

I get the idea of draging instead on grabbing a dropping the items, but I think it just gets tedious with time, other than that love the concept, is a really interesting idea.


Is a really cool prototype for a game, I 100% see this working as a full game, with a whole progression system working to reach further islands.

I did have a bug tho, suddenly all the crates turn invisible and only could move throughout the islands with the minimap 

Congrats on the prototype!

Is always so nice to see good puzzle games in Jams, is such a hard thing to do and make it work, the puzzles where really cool, and the last one took me a while to figure it out. I really enjoy playing it.

Congrats on a job well done!

For what I understood you use the excuse of the Jam to learn raylib, if that's the case CONGRATS!
Is really hard to finish something that works in such a little time frame, even more if you are learning how things work while you use them.

I hope you learn what you wanted, jams are for that too.

I kinda didn't get what the game is about, I just died constantly, didn't knew why, didn't knew how to prevent it or how to get score. 
It seems like there is a cool concept there, but I just couldn't figure it out how to reach it.

Better instructions or a proper tutorial would help this game a lot, but is a really cool concept!

I think taking off the islands and focusing on the brewery could result in a really cool game, It reminds me a lot of the cocktails minigame in Red String Club 


Thanks for the comment!

Feedback was indeed in my plans but, you know, time. I might add them after the voting period with some music and an improvement in the UI.

I'm glad you like it

Thanks for the feedback, I agree on the platforms, I didn't have time to test and when I realized it was too late to fix it, I will change that after the jam tho, and I'm working on an android build for the play store, hopefully, I'll manage to fix it then and make the speed increase slower than now

I made my prototipe for gameboy 'cause I used the jam as an excuse to try GB Studio, but I've found a couple of games for gameboy too, search for:

 Legend of Carrot
The Saga of Sir Thimb
Plants Eat My Zombies
Love Always Runs Away. 

Those are some of the actual gameboy games I've found that i really like and want to play on my GBC

Thanks for the feedback!

With GB studio there weren't many options for the player detections and there are a couple of workarounds I needed to make for performance, I tried to balance it with distance but changing just the minimum distance made way more difference than I expected so I left it as it is. I'm not fully happy with it either, maybe with more experience in the engine I'll eventually figure out how to achieve a better result, I tried to compensate with level design and easy patterns to predict but couldn't test it enough either.

This could easily be a full game for gameboy, I play only till the first seed 'cause I want to finish it on gameboy, but I loved what I played.

Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah, detection throughout walls is something I really struggle with. I tried to fix it with thicker walls and level design, but couldn't test it everywhere sadly 

It's always nice to see narrative games in jams, I play it a little bit 'cause I wanna try it on my gameboy, but I loved what I played

Thanks for the feeback

If the enemies touch you they'll find you anyways, it could be that maybe, I add instructions in the description to make that more clear, the game never tell you that, my bad.

I really love this game, in a couple of levels you can get stuck very easily, and sometimes the wasp can hit you by accident after using the water in the flowers, but it's really fun. I'll definitely add it to my gameboy library

Cool game, the puzzles were quite fun to solve!

It's a really fun game to play! 

It's a shame that it has no sound at all, but I'll definitely try it on my Gameboy

Nice game!

The only problem I have is that the cinematics that explains to you the powers cut the gameplay too much, maybe a text box in the corner would have been better.

But I love the art and the concept is really good.

Thanks for the feedback!

And it might not be that much, but there is a goal if you get enough items to make the light circle big enough you win. But yeah, maybe another game mode where you need to survive as long as you can is a good idea that I wish I would have implemented.

Thanks for the feedback! I know I need a better tutorial for the game, I'm planning to do it after the voting.

And I do want to add more levels, so feel free to check it out again in the future!

Sure, in the menu sometimes I couldn't close the shop, I needed to reload the game. And also sometimes the bottles had bigger hitboxes and I lose if I click on next to them.

oh, yeah I was aware of that bug and it's already solved.


I loved this game! the idea is so simple but smart and cool at the same time. One of the best I've seen so far in gameplay and art style

It's a cool idea and very fun to play. A little buggy with the hitboxs and the buttons on the menu, and the visuals could improve to be less saturated. But it is really fun to play!

Thanks for the feedback!

Is the first time I heard about a problem with the timer, I'll check it out as soon as I can

Thanks a lot! I check all of that as soon as I can.

And yeah, I do want to try all the games I can during the voting period so I'll try yours

Hi, thanks for the feedback!

I'm aware of some of the issues the game has and I'm sorry it ruined your experience, I'll try to fix some of them today or during the week in case you wanna try it again another day.

Also, I'll appreciate it if you could tell me the exact bugs you found so I can fix them faster.

If you like puzzle games I hope you like mine 

Thanks! the tutorial was something I really struggle with 'cause of the time. I try to make a better one post voting.

And the music is credited in the menu and the screenshots if you want to search the song on youtube

Thanks for the feedback!

I totally miss those tiles, I´ll try it fix it today.

And the soundtrack is credited in the menu and the screenshots if you want to search the song on youtube

If you like puzzle games I hope you like mine 

(1 edit)


In the last level, if you are talking about a weird thing that happens, that's actually a bug that I couldn't fix. So at least I made the level winnable, but it is not how I designed it, I'll try to fix it post votings and include some things I didn't have time to add to the game.

I'm glad you like it

Balancing de damage buff was harder than I expected, I will probably change it a little after the voting period, maybe setting it at ranges of missing health, or just increasing the health of enemies making the extra damage a real difference or something like that.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks, the idea is that the damage is joined together with the missing health, I was looking for a more non-physical connection between the elements or being control related. 

I'm aware that the waves of enemies could be better, maybe having more delay between the spawn of an enemy and the next one or the turrets shoot only when on screen, but it was part of the idea trying to figure out where they were and kill them from a safe distance.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks! I'm glad you like it.

All the sprites are assets that I use or edit, the full list is in the credits and on the itch.io page in case you like something specific

Thanks, I'm glad you like it

The idea of the red indicator of the closest enemy was to try to prevent that, but I do want to try other solutions, like a minimap or something, but the camera is a good idea too. Thanks for the feedback

Thanks for the feedback! I intended to have more things linked to the health but had to keep them off the jam prototype, probably add them after the voting period.

I'm attempting a no-hit run of dark souls so... yeah, that was the inspiration XD

I tried to keep the game simple cause I was working alone, but I do have the intention to add more mechanics, some of which I decided to left out of the jam submission because of the time, and more enemies with better spawns.

Thanks for the feedback!