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A member registered May 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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good aesthetic and nice variety with only 3 enemy types, here are my notes while I was playing

lvl 1 :

enemies across the balcony from the lever to open the stage don't shoot unless approached

there is a strange floating light at the door that needs the key to open both times

dogs can ghost bark after they die

lvl 2 :

 I approached nonlinearly have the green key and I am either midwitted, lost, or bugged and can't open a door

lvl 3 :

the door after the dumbwaiter pushed me aside and I could not continue

good stuff, looking forward to more

should be working now

I must have forgotten to embed pck, I will reupload

There is no real game yet, but I can show you my dialogue system and sam in godot 4.3. use a controller or  keyboard controls: wasd =movement mouse right click= drag camera

e= interact

c= attack

j = jaunt

z= cinematic 9- save, 0- load position


I ported this project to godot 4.2

Controls: wasd
shift changes walk to run (this is the same, speed  just looks cool) mouse controls camera 
z  =scary z-targetting like OOT but functionally useless
To Add: event system and event flags

Really cool game, love this gms2 3d stuff. On some balancing stuff, I found it a little too easy to engage enemies and promptly run away forever to trick enemies into spike or fire traps

nice RPG. will say though that this exposition dump at the police station is totally uncalled for. honestly the worst way to deliver a story to the player. some shot-reverse-shot starwars stuff. if some shit is interesting it should shown to people visually. Like I wanna play a prologue section about some crazed killer escaping maximum security prision, not listen to a fat cop tell me about it

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never seen gdevelop before. Interesting. As far as the graphics goes, there's a niche for the cruelty squad type aesthetics though I found projectiles particularly challenging to see with the static. A bit aping off hotline miami but interested to see where this goes.

Genuinely surprised this is a unity title (doesn't look like one). pretty solid gameplay and just needs some juice. as far as the balancing stuff goes, I think it will go a long way to have a target setting of closest to exist for "sniper" type towers to pick off stragglers

I can play this coom game with 1 hand but I can't play it yet

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hilariously I was able to use the godont spawner to spawn cats

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I think I would actually play this if it was an incremental type game like tree strike

I added it

Thanks for the feedback :) Saw your game on stream, very cute :). I just didn't take the theme literally. By 1 room, I essentially interpreted that as 1 scene or map. Everything in the game takes place within this one island location that never changes, but different stages have different nodes to travel to.

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I opted not to take the theme literally compared to most others. By 1 room, I thought to make a game that featured just 1 scene that never changes, but multiple levels. There are no scene transitions. The game loads and that's everything there is. So it's like the map is the same everytime, but the nodes where you have to guide the boat to are different for different stage changes.

thanks fren, yeah the loading zones thing also happened on stream. I have to write some unit test for making sure all my lzs are hooked together, but it's particularly annoying

I think there's some issue on some browsers where the inputs won't work  again if the html5 version loses focus, but thanks for trying :)

definitely  definitely. some parameter tuning to be done later ;)

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I think there may be some visual trickery about this like locking the game to the 1.85 : 1 aspect ratio or something diagetic like a literal arm and hand from the corner of the screen. There may be a GDC talk exactly about how to do "UI-less" games

ahh yeah, in retrospect I was trying to create a milieu but I may add a skip cutscene button after the jam or at least super skip forward, but then I feel the player lacks the framing as to why the game is why it is.... another option is to just cut the dialogue down to 2 frames instead of 7. And yeah totally! I would have loved to do at least 1 more crate type so there's like incremental mechanic learning a la cut the rope or similar games, but I just got tired lol, Thank you so much for your input :)

that's honestly it, all the other effects in the game has these nice ease in easy out or lerps, pretty fantastic job honestly. Oh another thing, I wish you had a cursor in game so I could see where I was pointed at

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ty for the kind words! my idea was that the map is the exact same every track, just the nodes where you have to go are different for the different stages. So I guess think mario kart standard 150cc tracks vs the mirror mode tracks, same map but different. There's no scene transitions or anything, just the one room/scene with this one island

Very short and simple. Great take on the theme. As far as walking simulators go I found this to be very snappy and responsive to play and I was certainly very immersed. As far as sound design is concerned, it's pretty fantastic mixing IMO. The ambient track sounds great and the footsteps aren't too invasive, but I felt the doctor/ jailer/ warden/ person /(you? lol) talking was muffled and only comes in mono in the left ear regardless of where you are in the room, but that might be by design ;). The "boss" is very spoopy whose design seems to fit something that can make a non-euclidean game happen, but I went and played the game twice because I wanted to see what happens if he catches you and nothing happens!! Infinite disappointment. Regardless, fantastic entry.

Cute simple yet charming game. Very silly dialogue :) and a "stealth" game seems like a nice take on the theme. I actually didn't mind the controls like some other poster said,  but I will agree that I don't think the  student chair set up needed precise collisions! Just make it a box. I found the sound mixing to be a bit lacking. The ost is pretty catchy on its own, but the pings and beebs on the sfx channel are too high and blown out relative to the music in my opinion and there's no way to fix it/ rebalance in game.  Also, another small problem, it is not possible to walk above the seat in the top-right corner of the seating arrangement since it's blocked by one of the teacher's desk even though it looks like you should be able to squeeze right in lol. I think the UI elements clash a bit with the rest of the game because they're in a different resolution, like the clock on the UI is so much more detail/ pixel density than the rest of the objects in the scene, I'm not sure if that's a scaling problem or you just scaling down really big sprites. In any case, nice job! It's kind of like Monoco: what's Yours is Mine, but small and cute.

Very atmospheric walking simulator. I'm a sucker for the low-poly so I appreciate it. It seems though that the texture resolution is different on different things in the scene (the walls vs the door), but this may be a stylistic choice to accentuate the door. I was very impressed with your use of pipe hissing type sounds. The sound track really does capture the spoopy-core aesthetic. Though, I think the game could have done with more with some principles of animation type things: some fade in, fade out, lerps (the ending cutscene return to the title scene felt abrupt to me, but I think that's how you want it to be). A small sticking point was that I really disliked how the player movement accelerated - decelerated, but different strokes for different folks.

mm yeah I will probably save the camera rotation on scene transition and yeah the footsteps will have to be changed.. The grass I am not too sure about. I' m either going to do something like pre-load all the rooms on launch or fade it in with an alpha or split it up into a couple buffers

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could be visual or something like a diagetic sound like ca-chunk or whoosh when you can do a particular ability again. I would say take a day and look at how twinstick shooters like binding of isaac or nuclear throne handle the hud for ability cooldowns. I envision something like risk of rain's cooldown counters. If you want something closer to home in bullet hells I would say check out the UI in xbla dodonpachi series. I thought the game felt just fine to play. Initially I felt that the dodge and the dash seemed to overlap in functionality, but I used the dash as a gap closer to hit gundams that run away.

I can't remember. I think I did. I died twice just to check if it really was a softlock. you just get stuck on the combat scene

I played this on linux and it seemed to work fine, but I didn't have sound. I'm not sure if that's because you didn't add sound yet or the linux release for godot didn't work right. In any case I liked your shmup. As far as the abilities, I think it would be good  to have a visual in the hud for the cooldowns on the dash and ghost abilities as well.

I decided to demo your game on linux and it seems to work fine.  The ost is very nice thus far.  the battle theme is very groovy as well, nice work! As far as UX stuff, I found it strange/uncomfortable use E for interacts in the overworld, maybe this should be rebound to spacebar. The ocean sprite you should redo that as a shader.  Dying in combat and hitting continue softlocks you? don't make fun of me for dying, I did get to the end of the demo. nice game, keep it up

very cute yet simple game. Appreciate the minimalist design though I feel like there should be more juice when you hit a chain or finish a round.

ah yeah personally, I haven't bothered to try it on wine yet, I can try the ubuntu build for the next demoday but I use manjaro. Though I hope firejail lets you do pci passthrough, I'm gonna assume it'll be bad on integrated cards, but I hit 1000-2000 fps in some rooms on a 1080 ti

yes idk, I use arch and my friend has trouble with the gms2 build on 16.04 ubuntu so idk. Same thing with godot

hmm yeah. maybe take a day and look at axiom verge/ metroid fusion or ZM / SotN and get feel for how jumps work there

very nice coomer game. I found the landing animation/ followthrough to be a bit restrictive, might be better to just let you animation-cancel out of that or to reduce the time.

ah, I played it in browser might just have to clear the cache and rebuild the web version after the jam

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I don't believe your timer looking strange is a stylistic choice, is it? It's GMS2 right? it looks like you're drawing one or more surfaces incorrectly

if you made these sound effects it's very impressive. I was surprised that the laser beam ships can friendly fire lol. Honestly, the most visually impressive thing in the submission is the minimap/radar that shows where enemies are, but as far as the aesthetics go I wish the background tiled better/ had more variety than what appears in-game.