Very nice ❤️ Thank you for sharing ^^
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Thank you ^^ yep, here it is
I love the art style and concept of this game. It took me some time to get the mechanics. I think the instructions on the page could be improved to be easier to read the controls, it's a bit mixed in with the text. I would love to be able to keep the current tool without having to go to inventory each time.
Great game, congrats :)
The inhabitants sure are brittle! At first I was like ?? but then it all made sense ahah I love the art and colors, and the audio is perfect. It was sad to see the balloons pop, I did my best but still couldn't save them. There were some interesting level design moments too. Like mentioned below, a droplet count would be nice. Congrats on the game :)
Thanks for playing! There are 3 lose conditions: If your hunger bar gets full, If you have more than 3 leaks, or If you didn't complete enough Daily Tasks when the day rollover. Did you see this screen? If so, the reason appears in the second line (if you didn't get it, might've been a bug). If you say you went through the restaurant, then it may be the leaks or Daily Task condition. Let me know :)
Thanks for playing and the kind words! Yes, I would have loved to have some music - something like Guitarra Portuguesa but ran out of time (and also audio is my Achilles heel, need to get some skills there ahah). Thanks again :)
The ship gameplay feels really nice, with the waves, sounds, and steering. I wasn't sure when to use the sails, I left them always on after the first time I toggled them... maybe that's why I sank in the storm? I was going to give some feedback about the UI elements being too far away and the camera moving when I move the mouse to it, but I think that is because I am on a widescreen... I was thinking maybe the Captain Log and Sail toggle could be incorporated in the ship itself so they are handier as well as more integrated. Great game!