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A member registered Jul 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks, Jon. I was able to play the web version just now. Impressive that you were able to do so much with world-building, user interface, character movement, AND storytelling in a jam weekend! If you wanted to keep pushing this, you have such a great base of elements. And a story of place, people, and change is always so compelling.

Beyond the joy of playing, this taught me to take a frame and just play with it, mining its potential. It's a simple but powerful lesson.

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Delightful. I don't have much experience with Binksi/Bitsy but I learned a lesson here about how much exploration and fun you can get out of primarily one screen. Really enjoyed it! 

So many elements I like here: the play of the visuals, narrative, and music together, the play of time (current moment and looking back via the report) in the narration. Very atomospheric. Well done!

I think you've just described my own meandering, creative days. :) So many smart things about this game: clear goal, clear sidetracks, good writing, that look back at the end to take it all in. Well done.

Nice. With just a few, thoughtful, elements, you've managed to pack a provocative moment into a tiny game.

so clever!

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This was challenging. Disorienting navigation/spatial understanding. Story fragments I was trying to stitch together. But then I settled in to being unsettled and got really into it in a William Burroughs cut up technique sort of way. Plus I enjoyed the breadth of your imagination. 

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I can very much relate to the challenge of quashing bugs in a 72-hour sprint. For what it's worth, I was playing on a 5k monitor. Cheers. 

Love the idea of the cooking, especially as a vehicle to tell a story. Was hoping for more story though. And my text was very small. If you're interested in expanding this after the jam, I think you could build richly on this cooking mechanic.

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I really enjoyed this—the sharp descriptive writing of both place and characters, the focus on the text yet with visuals (maps are so powerful to storytelling experiences and give a sense of agency). The quests. The money system. All of it. My one lingering question is what might have happened if I lied more about about how much things cost. I'm not sure how much the consequences of lying play into the story/game design but I am intrigued. (I played it pretty honest.) If it is important, then I would have like to been forced into a situation where I needed to lie/inflate to get something and then experience the knock-on effect/consequence of that lying because that moral dilemma added another layer of compelling to the story for me. Great job on this!

On my first run-through the story felt too random but on playing a second time I used the "you try to think of a better option" choice and kept running through that to explore the options until I exhausted them. That simple act shifted my mindset. I went from story listener (what is your story telling me) to more fully playing the role of a storyteller (what's my next sentence I want to tell)—almost like improv. And that made things really fun. Separately, congratulations on navigating a weekend of obstacles to get something out for us to experience!

I don't have a windows machine to play your game unfortunately, but I wish I did. From the description and screenshots its clear you put a lot of work into it. I hope others who do have windows machines post comments about their experiences.

Trippy, atmospheric—imagery and dream contents (writing). I'm not sure I figured out what caused my sanity to increase/decrease entirely which was a bit confusing but also added to the dreamlike, doesn't-behave-like-normal-life effect. Well done using images so effectively to heighten the feeling of experience overall. 

My blood pressure went up racing to the escape pod—as does the idea of managing all the elements of this story (character design, layout, music, narration) in 72 hours! I had fun exploring the space and characters. Agree that some restraint with what you are able to do with binksi/bitsy (i.e. the jumpy text) would have helped me focus more.  Well done.

Same comment. Wasn't sure if I hit a bug or the end. Started thinking it was intentional given the game description. 

Since this is my first game jam, I don't where (or if) people find time to play test stuff to sort out things like this.  But in addition to enjoying playing your game, I also appreciate learning from it.

Now that I know, I'm going to go back and try for the whole. Thanks!

What's that Maya Angelo quote...something like "people will forget what you did but will never forget how you make them feel." You've achieved that kind of impact here. And as a maker myself, I (and my friends) can relate to much of this. Well done.

Your fluid writing kept pulling me forward in the story which was very satisfying! What felt unsatisfying was dying suddenly (which I did a two times on play throughs) after getting into the the story. For example, I had the diver suit (which I figure could be used in the water) but decided to explore the forest. Big mistake. Rather than die immediately (with no undo) maybe you can reward my exploration with some new text and warn me danger is ahead and if keep going further into the forest then kill me. :)  I’m pointing out a good problem to have since I wanted to keep reading.

I can’t play Windows files on my machine which is unfortunate because your description and screenshots are intriguing. Clearly a lot of work went into it.

Fun adventure, writing, puzzles! I appreciated font styling and inventory state management too. Great job. 

I love the originality of the user interface/play. Slick, unique. I haven't yet figured out what's happening and have gotten the Game Over screen a few times pretty quickly. But I'll circle back to this and try again later.

Polished. Loved the sound track/effects. Overall, I craved being more a consequential participant in the story and welcomed those moments when I could choose actions that gave insight to the characters (i.e. choosing to smoke after being told not to, or choosing to steal another glance of Violet or not). Also, I liked the shift of point-of-view between the two characters. Nice work!

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I laughed out loud. I appreciated how much the choices carried actions and character traits and the overall juggling of many characters. Humbling how much you’ve written here for a short sprint. Well done!

Enjoyed the writing and scene development. Impressive for your first game. Keep going!

Impressed with how much you have pulled together here in short order. The breadth of the text and choices. The overall components (sound, visuals, writing). The quality of narration. I was thoroughly engaged. Well done. 

Engaging. I wanted more. Would be interested to see where you might take this with more time.