It seems you have linked the wrong video however I did manage to find the correct one through your Twitch account lol, I really appreciate the effort that went into giving the game a fair shot even when you got unlucky a good 99% of the time lmao, of course, the difficulty issue is one that's been pointed out countless times and is purely a deadline issue where it was a job for future me until the end, I am definitely interested in rebalancing it in a post-jam update, also one thing I've noticed you and friends who I've watched play it didn't quite seem to get that the red lines were meant to be blood streaks showing the place was attacked with the bodies dragged around before being eaten (which is why there was a lot near the beds indicating they attacked them in their sleep), I guess that sort of just never crossed my mind as they were always blood streaks to me lol, may revisit them also if I do an update, again thanks so much for the detailed feedback and fair play of the game, I am so glad that you enjoyed it (even with its issues) :)
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Thanks for the feedback! Strange that you never saw the monster, must've gotten very lucky (I would often find that he would find me too fast in testing lol), as for the sprint indicator I completely agree and that was a missed opportunity, sadly the fact is the current sprint indicator was put together at 2 AM in a rush to upload lol :)
A truly awesome game especially for the deadline, really worth the time to play, I could honestly see a full game come out of this, the voiceovers and witty humour are also amazing alongside the cutscenes and detailed writing for each client, really great job, well done on submitting and good luck with the jam, I truly think you deserve to rank highly! :)
Nice art style and making anything city-builder-esc in this time frame is impressive, great job, I will say understanding prices for the stuff I'm getting is very difficult and the fact I could even move wasn't something I realised until I scrolled down and read the itch page which isn't usually the greatest tutorial location lol, great job on submitting and good luck on the jam! :)
Really good job on the game, very simplistic but works very well, my one complaint would be the difficulty that using the camera had in the house, other than that very good job on submitting, and good luck in the jam! (I also believe I saw you playing a game on video from the jam and would love something similar to help with mine) =)
Really enjoyed it, quite challenging, I do feel that at times the loneliness could get tedious especially when it felt out of my control (sometimes the radiuses shown didn't seem to align with the real radius). The art style is nice, the game is very unique and polished (like the loneliness count at the end of a level and the initial splash screen upon level start were all very smooth and very fitting), I feel this would've made a great flash game, and has some interesting puzzle designs, good job on submitting and good luck in the jam! :)
Fun little 3D Platformer making good use of 2 characters, some issues I encountered however are that the poop-o-meter isn't very obvious from the start, I may have just not being paying much attention but still worth mentioning and the second issue would be INPUT, I feel like I should be able to use "W" to jump as well as Space (especially since it's already used when playing as pigeon), I also naturally felt like "E" would be a very good poop button also, (for arrow key users you could also do UP Arrow jump and "/" for pooping to give more choices), overall very good job, well done submitting and good luck in the jam! :)
Really enjoyable short experience, I feel there were a few areas that lacked but given the timeframe, it's expected (usual game jam things such as non-matching fonts), I didn't initially realise that the gun was a sprite mask sort of thing, maybe mentioning "my x-ray gun" or something could've helped (Unless you did and I missed it which is very possible), I also agree with previous feedback that the knobs on the signal receiver could've done with less sensitivity, using a mouse for that was quite the challenge, anyways good job submitting and good luck in the jam :)
Great Art, Great Gameplay, Great Sounds, Overall very fun, I will say its relation to the theme isn't quite as prominent as it could be, I also found myself going through a lot of dead space with nothing to do, I think it would be a nice improvement to make bigger ships give you larger prizes such as +20 HP or Fuel rather than the normal 12, I enjoyed myself and would play again, good job on submitting :)
Really nice looking and well-made platformer, I do have a few gripes however as no game is perfect, I feel these issues come from a place of trying to bite off more than one can chew, firstly, falling platforms don't seem to ever come back? This seems like a pretty strange choice design-wise as it forces me to redo all that I've done so far with little reason. (I mean they have propellers why can't they come back?) Secondly the health system, I don't know if I was missing something? I couldn't seem to take damage nor did I notice any indication of it, my last concern is the player's jump, it seems to not work very well with it being extremely inconsistent, sometimes it flings me miles into the air other times it barely does anything (especially when falling), also worth noting is the collisions often don't work, either way this game was enjoyable and had an impressive amount of content, good job on submitting and good work on the game :)
Great improvements from the jumping, I will say it's very frustrating on Level 1-4 with the movement being so slidey (I believe this could be fixed by resetting velocity to 0 when inputs are not being pressed. as I think you are using AddForce on RB), having the browser edition is very nice, I did not play through as many levels as before as I had already played a lot of them but overall very nice improvement, sadly rules prohibit post-jam changes being included in ratings.
A really fun little puzzle game, short, sweet and simplistic with really nice mechanics such as water based puzzles and switching places, I will say the movement feels very frustrating with you having to jump a lot of the time to be able to move, would definitely suggest updating that, outside of that it plays pretty well and was a neat little experience, good job submitting :)
I really tried to push through a lot of these levels but I just can't help but get frustrated at the jumping, it feels so natural just to move whilst in the air for this type of game especially and some levels even require a restart because it becomes impossible to move and you get soft locked by not being able to jump out of an area, I'd love to see this updated to include a WebGL build and allowing movement left and right whilst jumping because I'd really love to give it another try it just doesn't work very well with the jump issue, outside of that the graphics are simplistic and nice to look at, the audio is cool, and the idea is really good, again it's just that jump issue that makes it a difficult for me.