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A member registered Apr 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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Ben zo blij met deze game, ik had bijna het zelfde gemaakt als ik meer tijd had.

Ik zelf kon deze games goed maar nu niet meer, schiet hele tijd mis. Daardoor lijkt het ook dat er te veel vliegende enmeies zijn (die door muren kunnen, bug?). Daarom ging ik ook de enemies laten spawen en terug lopen en dan net om het hoekje 1 voor 1 dood maken.

Je kan ook door die metro poortjes schieten en een enemy raken. Beetje veel bugs hierzo. Maar de metro is wel echt gekke level transition.

Ik kom alleen niet voor bij level 2 want ik heb geen kaas meer zoals bij level 1. Ik wil een walktrough van de game zien >:(

Lijpe game. Ik vraag me alleen af of dit een true single player game is. Want soms moest je beide chracters besturen.

Daarnaast vond ik dat de jump de roll usless maakte, voor elke situatie dat je roll zou doen kon je ook jump voor gebruiken. Dit is beetje gefixed met de teleport maar dat is niet een roll. Die tevens ook niet heel soepel was, de roll knop moest ingedrukt blijven om te kunnen telporten.

Overall very goed.

Was een keer paar levels diep en ging ff naar de menu, toen kwam ik er achter dat ik alles opnieuw moest doen. Met een level based game is het wel fijn en handig op elk level arpart te kunnen bespelen in het menu.

Wat heel fijn zal zijn, omdat het een game ias daar je vaak dood in gaat, is een retry button maar op je toetsenbord. Dan hoef je je muis nooit te gebruiken.

Daarnaast vind ik dat de diffulcty curve van level 1 naar 2 heel groot is. Over leven 2, de eerst hoge spikes staan volgens mij niet op de zelfde hoogte bij elk blokje. 90% van dat ik dood ga in level 2 is omdat de bovenste blokje dood is en de onderste niet door de spikes boven.

Dan level 2 naar level 3 is weer te makkelijk met de curve.

Level 4, te veel spikes.

Is het mogelijk om je meds te pakken? Meerdere keren gespeeld maar meds is gewoon te snel. Hierdoor is er jammer genoeg geen win condition.

Okey, dit is een arparte game. Je heb 2 elfen die naar links en rechts kunnen met wasd en pijl knoppen. Dan het ship kan met E en P naar links of rechts. Het doel is onbekend. Hoe ga je dood als je niet het pilar aan raakt?

Yes, we had planed a boss. But poor time management so we needed to cut that out.

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For the past 25 min I was reading the story, some what relating to the characters. The only thing I did not get was the ending I got, the girl (maybe dead) on the couch and I clicked on some buttons for a sectence? Liked it alot, nice audio, good art and good story.

Now I want to smoke some weed, thx for the relatability of the story. 

Not only it's diving, but also swimming up again. Idk what the high score is, but my fastest was 38 seconds.

Very nice art. Missed something to listen to in the game.

Idk what to do, I was just aiming down and placing walls to fly. First thing I did was going at top of the tower.

Fun game, little confussing at first tho. Like the addtion of the levels.

Crazy story game. The police did not kill the people so idk what to do then, so jumo trough the guys trowing stuff. Good implentation of the theme.

There are some key feature missing because of poor time managment. I recommend playing in full screen if you didn't do that. There is a blood particle when touching a eye. The goal is to kill every eye.

Very confussing 5 mins at first, but then I get that you need to put the first light between the blue. After some fails I can do it flawlessly. The game is very short, maybe some other levels with faster lights, or when you done 1 light you need to do it again with a diffrent color.

Liked that you made a old arcade game. For the buttons used, keep in mind that the web build already have some buttons in use like ESC and CTRL (+ W, that closses the tab, aka the game)

First try beating the game I didn't know how to kill the enemies, so I made a run for it. Then filling in a score and saw in the theme incorporating that you can kick the frozen enemies, that was the best part of the game.

(1 edit)

Idk how the drawing is made, but it does not feel good. I liked the art en sounds. Btw, your webbuild on itch has 2 fullscreen buttons.

I like the idea. The first minuts I was shooting ice cubes at the yeti's and getting confused why they aren't taking damage. Also I would have a toggle button for what you are shooting, shooting with Q the damage bullet was awkward.

Did not expect a playtrough of the game, I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any feedback let me know :D

Hell yeah. We had a strong audio team, so thank you for loving that. I did mess up the sound implentation, there are even some sounds that I just forgot.

Help, my small brain got stuck after I walk from the pod room to the main room. I do not know what to do/what I can do.

Remindes me of some mobile apps, but I did liked it. Only feedback is maybe having the paint hero stuff a hold to paint, instead of click every pixel.

Did not expect a RPG with this jam. I just mis a music/abients when walking around. The main menu has some, why not the gameplay?

This game has potential, it just mis a reason why you would keep yourself from freezing to death, other then you lost the game. Something like goal.

For me it is realy arkward to press space and B alot, probably a mouse button should work better for the moment mechnic. Little fun platformer.

It takes some time to start, it's loading a lot in (maybe to much).

First quallity game that i played, so times when pausing/unpausing the goshts are jittering. Maybe a little easy when you have pacman cornerd.

Missed some souds and music.

Would love to see when I hold a/d that the piece would still go left or right.

This is a game that reminds me of cookie clicker.

There will be a "colorblind mode" and something else maybe

4 is a lot, maybe something to change.

I like the idea a lot. But some times when a try to place a piece it you can't.

Like this yellow piece, this was wierd in my opinion. Like the background music, but a bit loud.

Now got an idea for a update, thank you.

Very confussing in the beginning. Did not like the audio when to stop. Art was good tho.

I missed a restart button, when I messed it up I need to wait for the timer to run out. Art was very good

Very clonky gameplay, good idea, but bad execution.

Did not expect a tower defence game, good job. The balcing wasn't that good, but limit time so you get a pass for that. Like the nerration at the start.

Mechanicly it's a good game. I didn't enjoy it that much, very repetevie, there are diffrent kind of combs but that did not chage a lot.