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A member registered Apr 16, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! ^^

Great puzzle game! Design is good. I think the movement is too slow and the lasers move too fast. I think you might have been able to leave movement as is and set a max angle of rotation per frame for the laser? Or simply limit player movement in the holding state. The rate of laser movement at longer distances will be faster than short distances so needs to be pretty tight. 

I really liked that you had a tutorial to explain the different concepts and did it one by one, that's something a lot of puzzle games don't have. Reminds me of Portal 2 for some reason hahah. 

Nice! It's a cool idea I think should be used more, has a lot of potential. Nice music, cosy feel, cute character

Damn, my game threw a jscript error when I clicked the good guy ending :( didn't seem to happen for others though, interesting. 

Nice puzzles! I feel like the length was just right. Throwing in a choice at the end was a good decision too. Nice job

Awesome to hear! Thanks for playing ^^

(1 edit)

I think the idea is fun and has a lot of potential, a big space to throw different problems at the player by changing the behaviors of certain nodes, adding capture conditions, etc. 

It was a bit easy. With more time and balancing I can see this really popping off. Overall I quite enjoyed it though! Again, really nice idea. 

I like the implementation of the limitation on paper but in practice there wasn't much reason for me to charge it up as the damage and piercing didn't change, at least to my knowledge. Only mattered in niche places for timing relative to the aiming position. Also I didn't really notice any difference in enemies as they all died the same way to my spam clicking Dx

But it was fun! And the animations had a lot of character/personality, almost reminded me of undertale for some reason lol. The way you animated the boss death was cool.  Good job, very interesting idea

It's simple, but to be honest I really liked it. Main QoL feature I think could be easily fixed is that cyan/blue and green are just way too similar; sometimes I can't tell whether I'm picking up/feeding blue or green. Is there any reason not to make them more contrasting colors, like yellow or red? 

But I loved the gameplay, was surprisingly fun. Great job

Definitely had a pretty strong retro techno vibe and I felt the combat was smooth pretty well balanced/paced, the limitation was well implemented too. Also nice variety of enemies like somebody said. I agree some progression counter or any kind of tangible goal with a beginning and end (as opposed to progressing indefinitely) would have been nice. Great job!

That's actually my main inspiration for top-down shooters hahah. Thanks for playing ^^

The art and sfx were really nice. I wasn't sure what to do after I reached the computer/checkpoint, is that the end of the game? The mechanics are interesting and could definitely be developed into something more in the future. Nice job!

Thanks for the feedback ^^

True 😂, thanks for playing and sharing your experience! Will take note of that

I really liked the feel of this game! The sound effects and the particle/glow was great. I think more balancing would have made really super, or maybe it's a skill issue lol. In my runs I didn't do enough damage when the big guys came and it built up, then I got squashed pretty quickly. Unless I'm like a Korean super gamer or something. Maybe I'll waste some more time on it to find out .-.

The concept is really good, nice job. 

This would make for a pretty good mobile game. The upgrades felt good and there was some interesting tension between the ghosts which demand your attention and the need to hold for upgrades. I really think it could deliver the same experience in less time (i.e. be shorter), because I think after level 7 or 8 I felt like there wasn't much difference and the waves didn't get much harder either (clicking acts as AoE against the ghost waves so I think it would have been more challenging if they were spread out and numerous). 

But overall pretty good, the limitation was done well and the art/sfx/vibe was good too.

That was pretty fun, got me into a very focused headspace. My strategy was to just keep accelerating in small increments until I got the direction I wanted, so I had to pay a lot of attention, but it felt quite random/RNG-based because sometimes it would take too long for me to get a good direction to beat my high score. 

Nice mechanic/idea, the implementation of the theme was very strong!

I agree with the others in that I found it difficult to figure out why I was dying, how far I could push the boundaries. 

The mechanic for push/pull and how you implemented the limitation is great though, really good job.

Pretty impressive to make a stock market simulation in pygame. Personally day-trading is a nightmare so maybe not the game for me, but I can see there's a fair bit of depth and thought in the system behind it. The sound is also pretty good and polished. 

Personally I didn't have any problems with the movement. Nice vibe though, aesthetically you made some good choices to create an experience given your extra time constraints, and the music is awesome. 

Nice game! I liked the aesthetic, I really felt like I was exploring some dungeon. I agree the difficulty curve was a bit steep, but I guess it depends whether you're in the mood to digest that much puzzle-solving stuff at once hahah. 

Sorry, I meant the limitation. You're correct, the theme fits perfectly

(1 edit)

Amazing use of the limitation o: great job. The levels were fun and thoughtful.

Also I didn't understand the ending but it was pretty creepy hahah

You can actually just push up against the wall and it will charge. Bit weird but it works lol

Nice job! I'm guessing this is a project by your high-school students? If so, that's pretty good! Perhaps it's better to add some tutorial or message about the power-up on the game page? I didn't get it until I rage-quit and came back to this page lol!

I actually quite like the concept because it makes you plan your route through the maze strategically. I think it's a nice improvement on the maze genre and has a lot of potential as a concept with improved pacing etc. In fact I'll probably remember it after the jam is over!

Like the other person said, I would reload the game from the start of the maze because hearing that eerie sound and waiting again and again makes losing more frustrating, especially when I was just getting started. 

Nice idea, has potential!

Wow, I love the aesthetic of this game! The visuals and music are so good! The gameplay is simple and sweet so can't complain. I like how the map has mobs that interact with platformer mechanics. 

Very occasionally I would have a building spawn that I just couldn't land on even with a max height jump, so if I would improve something it would probably be that part of the algorithm. Nice though, I like the simplicity.

I'm not really sure how the theme fits and it looks like this is a repost from another jam, but as a game it's decent and playable, especially for a beginner! Nice job,

Don't worry lol, I think this is more like playing on the collective image of what goes on in temples (strict master etc.) rather than meditation itself. Thanks for playing! 

Heyy, not bad! You're doing great for 7 weeks! Obviously pretty decent if I replayed for a high score :P nice job

For me personally a checkpoint would have added a lot to the game. Apart from that nice platformer, the level designs were good. Not easy but avoided that teeth-clenching frustration I feel in some difficult platformers. 

That's a very cool idea, makes me think of that scene in Kung Fu Panda with Po and ShiFu but with tomatoes instead of dumplings. Thanks for the feedback!

(1 edit)

I think this was my favorite so far, everything was so well done. It made me want to do a speedrun! There was just enough variation in the timings/placement of goons to keep it interesting. It wasn't hard or frustrating, and yet it was just difficult enough to make me feel like a stealthy secret agent (and to make me think a bit). So I was very engaged. Awesome!

The only gripe I would have is the theme (failure) is a little weak. But the actual game/product is really great.

Art and audio were best I've seen so far, nice job! Game design was good too. I would put the pitchfork and the poison together though, near the center. I was a bit frustrated running from one side of the map to the other, especially since they despawn when the next level starts. Great job!

Noted. Thanks for playing!

Fair enough, thanks for the feedback!

Nice! Conceptually the game and gameplay design / theme implementation is strong, can definitely learn from you there. I think the bullet spread should be wider or character thinner to make dodging feel better. Good luck!

This game makes me want to go back and play some RPG like Maplestory. I can tell you do music, it's definitely the best I've played in any submission so far and one of the game's strongest qualities.

I think you implemented the theme very well into the story of the game, although Tomato Lord's comment is a bit brutal (considering you're only two days in, and I think the internet has some kind people on it too! Especially in the plant-growing community D: )

I know you submitted super early so it's obviously great for that amount of time. If I could give some feedback it would be to somehow make the pacing faster, for example shortening the space back to the bed or simply making a 'sleep' button and waking up in the bed; walking back and forth can be a bit tedious when nothing much is happening.

I love the happy-go-lucky style with the art and SFX. Unfortunately I can't make it past the stove, I think max acceleration/acceleration ramping needs to be higher. Also, I first thought the stove was a plate >_< 

Good game though! Good luck!

Nice! I played an earlier version before the jam cut-off, and the updates you guys made to the level design are great - it plays so much better.